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Politics - 5 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

4 years after declaring 'Mission Accomplished' we await a report in October to tell us whether we have achieved our 'unstated goals' or not.

Anybody else awake in America today?

2007-08-05 07:37:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Democrats raise our taxes for hobos, druggies, special needs people, and slum bums in cities that I could care less about to make it look like they care about them. I should not have to pay for these losers of society just because I am rich. It's these people's fault they are not rich, and I am paying for it.

2007-08-05 07:31:16 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yesterday, this common argument was put forward to me from the wife of a Serviceman. It's a valid question, particularly as few Americans have much knowledge of any of these countries. This argument is usually made against the US invasion of Iraq, as it was yesterday.

In my last article, "Terrorists and the Countries of Origin", (again I gain nothing from my blog), I examine the case for and against military action in those countries as well as the basis for the invasion of Iraq. I point out some of the reasons it was the wrong place but also the reasons it was important.

In the article preceding it,, "From the Mouths of Protestors", I expose those here that spew hatred for our troops as well as their mission.

War on Terror Blog©2007, http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-DfkctJU7dK5B7LcNROoyVQ--?cq=1
No politics. Just the groundtruth from a combat veteran of both fronts in this war based on experience, independent research, and historical study.

2007-08-05 07:30:56 · 9 answers · asked by John T 6

Guess who wants them even higher you got it the democrats.

So all those who think the democrats care about you and what you pay at the pump. Think again

2007-08-05 07:21:17 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it because my right to privacy no longer exists? (aka illegal search and seizure that is now legal)

2007-08-05 07:14:05 · 9 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5

Is this Iran contra all over again?

2007-08-05 07:13:09 · 8 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

or did we really go into Iraq for an unspecified reason... not as yet detailed by the Bush administration.?

2007-08-05 07:12:04 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

After all, I hate Israel, as any clear thinking pessimist ought to do!

2007-08-05 07:06:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Consider, whilst the US through Bush causes chaos in erecting a barrier of Military steel surrounding China (check your maps).. Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan..... China has been cleverly stocking up the US dollar, signing oil resources with Sudan, Iran, etc......

Simple, you beat Capitalism WITH Capitalism.

Fellow Americans, How good is your Mandarin?

After all, I don't live in the US, but I spew anti-US hatred...because I am a clear thinker!

2007-08-05 07:06:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

So why give Mr Penn a hard time?

Sean Penn spews The Truth ALWAYS... At least as clear thinkers like me choose to see it.

There is ample evidence in todays world to make any clear thinker highly pessimistic, like me.

LONG LIVE PESSIMISM.... the only true "religion," since, after all, my religion is better than yours, and clear thinkers like me must dominate.

I say long live Hugo Chavez! That is the way clear thinking pessimists are driven by Amy Goodman!!!

2007-08-05 07:06:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

At least he cares for the image of his country and the well being of his people..........He shuts down news organizations just to prove it!

Coup supporters excluded... they were traitors. Long Live Chavez. Socialism is the pessimism I love!!!

2007-08-05 07:06:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Irony..... indeed.

How can they delete my posts? My posts are the truth ALWAYS, ... At least as clear thinkers like me choose to see it.

There is ample evidence in todays world to make any clear thinker highly pessimistic, like me.

LONG LIVE PESSIMISM.... the only true "religion," since, after all, my religion is better than yours, and clear thinkers like me must dominate.

I say long live Hugo Chavez! That is the way clear thinking pessimists are driven by Amy Goodman!!!

2007-08-05 07:06:08 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-05 06:54:03 · 18 answers · asked by Conor 3

The United States has asked Israel to check the possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil refineries in Haifa. The request came in a telegram last week from a senior Pentagon official to a top Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem.
Will this make the US even more popular in the Muslim world and once and for all debunk the rumour America is in it with Israel?Is this another great diplomatic move by the Bush white house?

2007-08-05 06:53:26 · 18 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

2007-08-05 06:51:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it the Patriot Act, Wire Taps, Camps in Cubs, Fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here? What ever it is, it is working!

The Terrorists have hit Spain, London, Glascow, Bali and others but cannot strike the USA on her own soil since 9/11.

Thanks for keeping us safe President Bush.

Also, thanks for bringing Honor & Dignity back to the White House and for this SMOKING hot economy with a very very low 4.5% unemployment rate!

2007-08-05 06:51:19 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Two US Marines are listening to the radio in Iraq.

"American soldiers," coos a soft female voice, "Your so-called nationalLeaders have lied to you. You are needlessly risking your lives to wage Auseless, unjust, illegal, and unwinnable war. Now is the time to return home to your loved ones, while you are still alive. If you foolishly insist on remaining where you are not wanted, the brave resistance fighters will have no choice but to kill you and add your name to the long ever-increasing casualty list of this insane war. So why risk never seeing your loved ones again for a so-called president who has repeatedly lied and deceived you at every opportunity? Why should you be sacrificed so that US corporations can enjoy fatter profits? The only wise thing to do is return home now, while you are still drawing breath, before you return zippered into a body bag."

"What's this?" sneers one Marine. "An Islamo-terrorist version of Tokyo Rose?"

"No," answers the other. "It's just CNN!"

2007-08-05 06:45:43 · 11 answers · asked by a bush family member 7

Sounds like an odd thing to say for anyone who really hopes to be president

2007-08-05 06:43:51 · 16 answers · asked by junglejoe 2

heres my example

Were the Democrats we will give you stuff

to which the Republicans would retort with

Were the Republicans us too

points given for humor and for creating humors slogans for both I personally dont believe in either party

2007-08-05 06:35:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2001, including some meetings led by Karl Rove, President Bush's chief political adviser, and others that were focused on election trends prior to the 2006 midterm contest, according to documents released yesterday.While Internal guidelines forbid partisan meetings at the Justice Department and sharply restrict the ability of employees to participate directly in election campaigns or other political activities?
What does this mean?

2007-08-05 06:30:14 · 3 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

I posted this in the Religion section earlier, but I think it applies here too. Critics accuse Muslims of converting by the sword, but I've yet to recieve even a soft attempt to convert me. I have been solicited by Mormons, Jehova Witnesses, and Baptists however. I've known many Muslims, but never have they ever expressed even a passing interest at bringing me into their religion

2007-08-05 06:27:53 · 23 answers · asked by brickity hussein brack 5

Her reason is she does not think she can afford to raise the child.

Be sure to give the reasoning for your opinion.....then....Also, assuming you say that she should be banned from aborting, lets move forward 8 years. She has had the child, a little girl, and is still dirt poor, has a very low paying job for minimum wage and has no healthcare.

Do you think that child should have access preventative routine non-emergency health and dental care? Or do you think the amount of care the child gets should be a function of the wealth of her family? So that for example, this poor little girl with the poor mother can get access to health care only in cases of emergency at some county hospital, and only after she is already seriously ill?

2007-08-05 06:22:08 · 17 answers · asked by ez f 1

Why do many US citizens, who support the Republican Party, label anyone who has a different opinion from them as Communist?

2007-08-05 06:08:53 · 29 answers · asked by Comp-Elect 7

I would

I would love to the the GOP control 100% in Congress and the Whitey House so hanging people at church would be legal again.

2007-08-05 06:08:21 · 11 answers · asked by Whitest_American 3

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