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Politics - 1 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Why should my husband and I work hard
Move into a great community
Send our kids to awesome schools thru college

AND - have to pay for the welfare queen's kids too? You KNOW they will just grow up with no work eithic and sense of entitlement too. It's a generational thing.

2007-07-01 07:43:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Actually producing one of the alleged lies that she has told? Liberals always accuse her of lying, but I have NEVER seen an example of a lie which came from Ann's books.
Now it is NOT a lie to have a different opinion from someone else, but I will give 10pts to the person who can find a documented lie by Ann Coulter, otherwise the 10 pts just goes to who ever I think wrote the best answer.
So, what do you say Liberals? Are you really ready to back up your claims? or do you just want to continue spewing venom and hate? Go for it.

2007-07-01 07:42:30 · 19 answers · asked by plezurgui 6

A lot of people , ( 33% of the voting American public ) are as loyal to Bush as a lot of French men were to Napoleon, ( only Napoleon was a better commander, I mean " decider" .
It may be short lived but I may open a bottle of Diet Dr. Pepper for the occaision and fly a flag for the first time in 6 years.,

2007-07-01 07:41:33 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

And none of the "she's a lawyer" junk! Many morons are lawyers and all I hear coming out of her mouth is hate, lowly attacks, cheerleading for Bush & Co., and ignorant statements!

2007-07-01 07:37:35 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-01 07:33:07 · 6 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

I still have no idea why their is a war going on with Iraq? I heard from other people that it was for the oil is this true?

In my Opinion Bush should just stop this war too many troops are be sending away and apart from their family and for what? I hate it how we all americans want to win eerything. I think Bush doesen't want to end this war because then he would be losing. And these trips that hes making to Africa and all those things i think hes just doing that so he can win the election again. I mean yeah Africa needs the support but how about the Iraq's? Probably by now people are dieing out there in Iraq and bush is not doing anything!

Please tell me your opinion and answer the question please :]

2007-07-01 07:24:21 · 17 answers · asked by Klaudia 4

2007-07-01 07:22:34 · 10 answers · asked by wooper 5

so, why not today?
all civilized nations must do "comminity sentiments" around the world. do you have any project for this? I think, we need to govenmental and non-governmental support.

2007-07-01 07:16:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

President George W Bush told Palestinian ministers that God had told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq - and create a Palestinian State, a new BBC series reveals.

In Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs, a major three-part series on BBC TWO (at 9.00pm on Monday 10, Monday 17 and Monday 24 October), Abu Mazen, Palestinian Prime Minister, and Nabil Shaath, his Foreign Minister, describe their first meeting with President Bush in June 2003.

2007-07-01 07:15:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

And what would the World be like if they did?

2007-07-01 07:07:06 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

whats ann coulers problem

2007-07-01 07:05:08 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

to learn a few life skills they have forgotten....compromising... telling the truth, sharing, caring about others ect....

2007-07-01 07:01:48 · 14 answers · asked by Lindsey G 5

I love them both!



2007-07-01 07:01:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Who their leaders should be.....?

The arrogance is sickening. They have undermined the Abbas government since it's inception but as soon as Arabs start killing Arabs they take sides by releasing millions of dollars to Abbas.

Never mind starving the Palestinian people for the past 2 years.

And people say Israel wants Peace... BALONEY.

2007-07-01 06:56:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

as they and the brits,russia,the west in general say then why do we not have peace?if everybody wants it why is it so hard to achieve?is it becauseYou force your peace down the throats of those who dont believeYou?and whose peace will it be?Yours or theirs?and i thought peace came from within not from without?and how does one accept Your peace when Your tanks and warplanes are in their country?

2007-07-01 06:53:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Democrats think they’re striking out at the rich, they’re actually jeopardizing the retirement portfolios of millions of middle-income Americans. Firemen, police officers, and teachers, to name a few, are all represented by the big state and city pension funds.

The latest assault comes courtesy of House Democrat Sander Levin. Late last week, he introduced a bill that essentially would abolish the 15 percent capital-gains tax preference for risk investing, and raise it by 20 percentage points to the 35 percent corporate and personal rate. This goes beyond an earlier tax attack on a public offering by the Blackstone Group, and would slam into all private partnerships, including buyout funds, hedge funds, venture-capital firms, real estate partnerships, and oil-and-gas deals.

Incidentally, while attacking capital gains, the congressional Democrats are killing initiatives for across-the-board cuts on wasteful appropriation bills. According to the Club for Growth, House Democrats defeated separate measures that would cut spending by 4 percent, 1 percent, and 0.5 percent.

Does this mean the Democrats favor tax hikes over real spending control? It appears so.

Washington economist Kevin Hassett says this is part of the Democrats’ “war against winners,” and he’s right on the money. In particular, these willy-nilly changes of the tax rules would have a chilling effect on capital formation, and could constitute the biggest attack on capital since the 1930s.

As mentioned, the lightning rod in this tax-hike endeavor was the Blackstone Group, the private-equity giant that went public last week. Blackstone’s investment-fund profits are taxed at the 15 percent cap-gains rate, and since these profits come from high-risk investments, that’s how it should be. But Democrats in Congress view these profits as plain income, and greedily want a higher take.

But plain ol’ income this is not. The recent crack up of two Bear Stearns sub-prime-mortgage hedge funds shows just how risky these ventures can be.

Yes, there’s big money to be made when these private partnerships click. But the economy at large also is a beneficiary. Private buyout funds often save highly troubled companies from bankruptcy. They insert skilled managers who streamline operations and make businesses more efficient, a process that can ultimately lead to greater profits and business expansion. You know a lot of these companies: Chrysler, Staples, Sears, Domino’s, Dunkin’ Donuts, Toys“R”Us, Clear Channel Communications, Hospital Corporation of America. All of these firms were brought back from the dead thanks to private partnerships.

Nobody knows for sure whether Congress will green-light the Democrats’ anti-growth agenda. The hope is that President Bush will veto any tax hike that lands on his desk. But the mere threat that Congress would embark on such a program of wealth destruction and economic impoverishment — all in the name of taxing “rich people” — has investors reeling.

Ironically, a lot of today’s anti-cap-gains momentum is the handiwork of former Clinton Treasury secretary Robert Rubin. He actually believes a low cap-gains tax has no economic growth impact at all. However, back when Clinton and Rubin were running things, the personal income-tax rate was lifted from 31 to 40 percent, while the cap-gains tax was reduced from 28 to 20 percent, making for a 20 percentage point tax advantage for cap-gains over regular income. Flashing forward, the current Bush administration lowered the income-tax rate to 35 percent and the cap-gains rate to 15 percent, preserving that 20 percent differential.

Hmm . . . Is Rubin saying the cap-gains tax advantage was good for the Clinton boom, but not the Bush boom?

Truth is, that differential provides a strong incentive for entrepreneurial risk taking and higher-risk, cutting-edge investment — both of which lend real torque to the economy.

Another unfortunate irony is that while Democrats think they’re striking out at the rich, they’re actually jeopardizing the retirement portfolios of millions of middle-income Americans. Firemen, police officers, and teachers, to name a few, are all represented by the big state and city pension funds. And these funds are heavily invested in the hedge and private-equity funds that the Democratic tax machine is targeting. Is this fact lost on the Democrats? And don’t they realize that two out of every three voters in recent elections owned stocks — either directly or indirectly? Are they attempting to commit political suicide?

If the Democrats get their way, job creation will be adversely affected, too. Clearly, you can’t create new jobs in the private sector unless there’s a new or expanding business to create those jobs. And since new and expanding businesses require capital for investment funding, if you tax that capital more, you get less investment and fewer jobs.

In short, you can’t have capitalism without capital. The process works for “rich people” and the middle class.

Whenever Democrats wage war against the rich, the middle class becomes the collateral damage. This may be the law of unintended consequences, but it is something this Congress fails to understand.

2007-07-01 06:49:41 · 5 answers · asked by GREAT_AMERICAN 1

instead of goods made in the USA?

2007-07-01 06:38:51 · 14 answers · asked by Darth Vader 6

Them I hear it all the time .
When the poor are mentioned its always the fault of who . You know those people who .
When racism is mentioned it always the fault of those people you know the ones we tried to help .
When people want a better health system it is always those people who cause problems .
Everything would be fine if those people where not here illegally and those people would get educated and go to work .
Those people I here are to blame for everything wrong .
Those people do not go to church you know .
Those people are not like us after all .
Those people will not adapt to our way of life will they .

After all its those people the liberals who are causing all the trouble right .

Those people are not like us are they .
Their skin is different or they do not have the faith we do or love this country enough to support our leader who ever he is .
Those people just need to leave .
Then we can build our own houses cars boats and cut our own lawns and paint our homes

2007-07-01 06:34:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think democrats (tax everyone up to their eyeballs), libertarians (eliminate most taxes) and republicans (somewhere in the middle) can find consensus? Should we stop spewing hatred at each other and try to have a rational discussion about taxes, government size and its role, and a plethora of other issues from a standpoint that a resolution of a particular issue should benefit everyone? Do you think it's possible? Should we have a national ongoing campaign to move the country in that direction? United we stand works better in my opinion.

2007-07-01 06:28:52 · 3 answers · asked by Jay S 3

Rupert Murdoch (Fox News owner) probably has Citizenship in:


Wow!!! No wonder the US is so ***** up

2007-07-01 06:25:16 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

was it the arabs? some other ppl from an unarab country? americans? i know some think it was set up by Bush but someone still had to take over the planes

2007-07-01 06:24:05 · 23 answers · asked by Southern Princess 3

much that is wrong in our country....when republicans have had complete control of government for the past six years? How did you do it? Is Cris Angel a liberal pulling off a mass illusion?

2007-07-01 06:23:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

He once called Jesus his favorite political philosopher.Does that work through in his policy descisions?Please cite bible verses if possible

2007-07-01 06:10:00 · 20 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

Issue of Religion and Government .
All I'm asking is that you look it up for yourself . No twist no spin .

And then post a rational explanation for it , because when you find it , it will be quite clear what Jefferson was talking about. . . HINT : It had absolutely NOTHING to do with separation of church and state .

But I know the Liberals won't believe me and that's why I want them to look it up for themselves .

2007-07-01 06:09:21 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-01 06:07:21 · 12 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7

2007-07-01 06:03:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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