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Politics - 22 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa -- fresh from his efforts to build on our southern border the sort of electric fence used for livestock -- was planning to introduce an amendment to prevent Nancy Pelosi from 'consorting with the enemy'.

The amendment -- attached to appropriations legislation -- would have prohibited Pelosi from using State Department funds to visit Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan or Syria.

Well, King's measure was voted on early this morning in the House of Representatives. And it went down to a crushing defeat. The final tally: 337 noes; 84 ayes.

Needless to say, all the Democrats voted against it.

However, only 84 of 201 Republicans voted for the measure, suggesting that many Republicans, too, think it's okay for Pelosi to 'consort with the enemy'. Go figure.


2007-06-22 05:13:11 · 20 answers · asked by citizenjanecitizenjane2 4

In Gore's book, The Assault on Reason, he highlights the use of brain scanning performed by psycholgists on subjects being subjected to political and or news information. Broadcast media or talk radio fed to subjects resulted in use by that part of the brain most primal in origin or the oldest part of the human brain. When considering subjects reading books or newspapers/magazines, the parts of the brain which had the most activity were the intellectual, or, the human section of the brain, using our intellect interactively. I thought this very very interesting.

2007-06-22 05:11:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm just guessing that they would pass it on to the consumers, but this is one of the Democrats grand plans to punish "Big Oil".
It amazes me how Democrats find a way to make higher taxes seem like a good thing to their constituents, (like raising taxes on wealthier citizens, even though they already pay the most taxes by far).

2007-06-22 05:02:08 · 21 answers · asked by heavysarcasm 4

and don't tell me that the rest of the world is just jealous. There has to be a reason behind this.

P.S. I don't hate Americans. I respect each and every culture in the world. However I do hate the American administration.

2007-06-22 04:59:10 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I read the article I'm leaving a link to and was surprised to find that Bloomberg and the Clintons are very friendly. It occurred to me that rather than gearing up for a White House run, as many think because he left the Republican Party, Bloomberg may instead be gearing up to be Sen. Clinton's running mate for the Democratic ticket. Please check out the article and tell me what you think about this possibility. Thanks!


2007-06-22 04:50:40 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-22 04:47:02 · 10 answers · asked by Frank Dileo 3

Aret you getting sick of people in yahoo Q and A with pictures of Bush crossed with a goat? Or people who ask ridiculous questions about Bush's half brain? Or people who seem answer any question (no matter what it is) with hatred or negative comments about Bush? How is anybody supposed to take these nutballs seriously when absolutely EVERYTHING they do revolves around George W. Bush? For hating the guy so much, they sure have gone out of their way to talk about him ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME! In fact, this question alone will probably spark a few negative Bush comments! Just watch!

2007-06-22 04:43:46 · 19 answers · asked by ? 3

I mean wasn't is Al Qaeda that attacked us on September 11th, Isn't Al Qaeda the group led by Osama Bin Laden?

How can they be anything but terrorists?

2007-06-22 04:41:29 · 21 answers · asked by Nickoo 5

there were only 2 democrat presidents in last 40+ years.

I think Carter was the worst but Clinton came in close second.

2007-06-22 04:41:15 · 21 answers · asked by Samm 6

I just got off the phone with a new client . A husband and wife originally from Bosnia . They came here in 1999 to flee the strife over there . They left because they saw no opportunity for them there because she's a Catholic and he's a Muslim . The wife explained that it was impossible for them to live anywhere over there because every area was biased one way or another . Catholic areas and her husband couldn't get a job because he's Muslim . Muslim areas and she couldn't get a job because she's Catholic .
So I asked her. . " What does your husband think about Radical Islam " ? And she told me that he thinks they're totally crazy and refuses to talk about it much . . .Due To Embarrassment and Shame .

Hmmmmm , Embarrassment and Shame . . . . Could That Be One Of The Reasons We Don't See More Muslims Speaking-Out ?
Note : I said 'more Muslims' . I realize some do speak-out , but I'm addressing the concern of many Americans who wonder why MORE don't .

Thank you .

2007-06-22 04:35:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

That's why psychologists say, is that the best liars usually believe their own lies. That's they look seem so sincere. Sad.

2007-06-22 04:30:54 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


Why cant countries invade others w/o being bombarded w/ "war crimes". For the past 1000s of years, countries have been invading others and forming Empries and so on; why can this not happen anymore?

Whats stopping the US from taking over every country nearby? The same for China and Russia?

2007-06-22 04:26:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Video games are promoted by the military. They serve as pretraining for special forces! They are building 14 permanent bases in Iraq. Our boys won't be back soon! Military documentaries dominate cable TV.

What is happening to America? From "The Rights of Man" to Pentagon rules?

2007-06-22 04:23:05 · 8 answers · asked by Catch 22 5

How does the V.P. have the power to take control? Has a V.P. ever had this much power in the past?

2007-06-22 04:20:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I hate it when the term gunmen is used to describe the Iraqi Insurgency and or terrorists. CNN used this quote in the news today.

U.S. attack helicopters armed with missiles killed 17 "al Qaeda gunmen" Friday in and around a village southwest of Khalis, a volatile town in the province, the U.S. military said.

Why can't they call al Qaeda terrorists?

2007-06-22 04:17:46 · 26 answers · asked by Nickoo 5

2007-06-22 04:17:13 · 35 answers · asked by abluebobcat 4

Yes, this goes for all of you.

2007-06-22 04:16:29 · 7 answers · asked by rockstarnomad 2

Lets be totally honest. Now is the time for the democrats to seize control of the executive branch, but instead of running your average presidential candidate, they are either running and african american or a woman. I think this is going to blow their chances. What do you think? People hate Bush and many have turned on the republican party for good, but these people arent going to vote for a black man or a woman. This is seriously not a racist question. If Barrack Obama runs I will definitely vote for him. I even had a chance to meet him when he came and talked at my school. He is a great guy, and one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. I dislike Hillary as a person, it has nothing to do with her being a woman.

2007-06-22 04:13:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see some strinking similarities. The "liberal" is underminingg your country with a "liberal" conspiracy intending to ruin your children by providing moral decay, ruining the financial system, and attacking education with their "liberal" ways! Replace liberal with Jew and imagine this broadcasted from Munich in 1936. Very, very, scary.

2007-06-22 04:08:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-22 03:56:03 · 18 answers · asked by John Galt 2

They love to scream about the Patriot Act and violation of our civil liberties and constitutional rights but in todays news we see this with barely a wimper:

"Clinton, D-N.Y., and Boxer, D-Calif., saying they want legislation to control conservative radio talk shows."

Why is it that its OK for Democrats to blatantly violate freedom of speach rights if they don't like what someone is saying???

2007-06-22 03:40:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If it wasn't for his selfishness, Al Gore would be elected in 2000 and we would not face none of the problems such the nonsense Iraq war or sky-high budget deficit or big corporations destroying middle class?!

2007-06-22 03:37:06 · 13 answers · asked by Ronnie 2

They labeled the elected Fata government as a terrorist organization and cut off all founding and access to their bank accounts. The Palestinians started to starve. As a result Hama’s took over power. Backed by Iranian money that they get from us because we are addicted to their foreign oil. Now Condi says Fata is Ok and we can free the funds and allow investments to the Fata government witch has lost power because we starved them of funds. I guess since Jerry Farwell has passed they have lost their Middle East advisor.

2007-06-22 03:33:52 · 16 answers · asked by BC 2

Sorry, just playing their game. They ask petty questions, I felt the need to compete.

L= Lots of new taxes
I= Immigration of illegals
B= Banning God
E= Elitist, unrealistic problem solving
R= Republican bashing
A= Al Gore's inconvienient truth
L= Lies

2007-06-22 03:30:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

So They cant compete on the open market so now they want they Government to step in and Force there views on people.. How pathetic is that?

2007-06-22 03:25:07 · 22 answers · asked by Antiliber 6

much like economic analysts are required to disclose holdings in certain companies . . . I think it would be appropriate. What do you think?

2007-06-22 03:14:43 · 5 answers · asked by CHARITY G 7

Yes sir, I will agree, they will back anyone who wants to become President, they not fussy when it comes to your qualifications, or are embarrassed by your lack of them. Right?

2007-06-22 03:10:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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