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Politics - 25 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Politics

Joe Lieberman is up for reelection this year, and a lot of democrats aren't happy with his support for the war in Iraq and other Bush policies. Ned Lamont is a more reliable democrat and he will be challenging Lieberman in the Connecticut Democratic primary for the Senate race.

{I asked this same question a few months ago and didn't get much response. I want to see if public opinion has changed since then.}

2006-07-25 15:28:21 · 6 answers · asked by Duffman 4


2006-07-25 15:27:08 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think we are spending to much time and money on the worlds problems to our detriment?

2006-07-25 15:26:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

HILLARY CLINTON says her new phrase "ita the american dream stupid" i'm lost on the meaning of this stupid quote. what the hell is she referring to or mean. please explain, if possible. dont worry i know she freaking crazy!

2006-07-25 15:24:11 · 5 answers · asked by KingStretch 1

All I ever read is Democrat vs Republican,Republican vs Democrat.Will the greedy U.S. ever vote GREEN.When will our medium matter.Clean air and water for our grand children.What the phuck are people thinking...tom science

2006-07-25 15:22:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Israeli Ambassador to UN now says the UN through Kofi Annan should apologise to Israel for commenting on his dead peacekeepers. I am getting truly sick of these people's arrogance.

2006-07-25 15:07:39 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now before you jump on me for being a heartless miser, consider this: I was raised on foodstamps myself as a child, and I work in an industry that deals with it daily.
Now believe it or not, most of us want the same thing -- we want hungry people fed, and wish for everyone to have a place to live and chance to improve. The difference is the way we go about this. I disagree with the welfare system for these reasons...
I distrust our government to efficently spend money. Look at the stand-up job they do funding everything else.
I see a lot of people who need it that can't get it, and a lot of people who have it waste it.
I think the rules are too lax about what you can buy. Soda, doritos, doughnuts, designer birthday cakes -- these should not be bought with tax dollars.
and other reasons.
the point is, I think welfare/foodstamp system should be reformed.
if you like it the way it is, tell me why. if you wish to see it change, help me offer alternatives.

2006-07-25 15:06:37 · 23 answers · asked by cirque de lune 6

Why are people so quick to tell someone off? Why do people think they know all about me because I made a crack about WalMart? Seems like the lowest common denominator, on both sides, frequent Yahoo....
Does anyone want to actually talk politics, maybe get a little deeper than "the neocons vs the cowards"?

2006-07-25 14:54:11 · 13 answers · asked by cirque de lune 6

Seems to me that many Palestinians want to back to the Crusades and further to justify their actions and attitudes in the present day. Well, using that same logic what about the past owners of Israel. Who were they?

2006-07-25 14:53:37 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-25 14:53:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bush has made mistakes I will grant him that. But he is also the President of the United States of America during the some of the most turbulent times the USA has seen since Vietnam ended. He has had to handle issues that deal with national security, immigration issues, Moral issues. The values of our country have changed significantly over the last 8-10 years. The last president that had to deal with such issues was Ronald Regan, and we much more unified then. We gave more support to Bush Sr. Who went to war b/c Hussein took over another country. Bush Jr. Goes to war because some people decide to high jack planes and crash them into the WTC and the Pentagon.
So I want to know why YOU hate bush. Think really hard before you answer, because in addition to that, I want to know what you would have done differently. Please give references to back up your claims. And Please give references to support what you would have done differently.

2006-07-25 14:50:32 · 21 answers · asked by RockStarinTx 3

If so, can you help me with a description of what "revisionist history" means?

Would staritng up some good old book burnings be appropriate now or are we still in the "fact finding" stage of the Reich development?

2006-07-25 14:48:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I was in high school, all the cheerleaders were always talking behind the others' backs and saying so and so doesn't have enough spirit. I wasn't sure what that meant but do you think George had the right amount of spirit then? Do you think it may have been cocaine-induced?


2006-07-25 14:45:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


A google earth image. Now what we have here is obvious. does anyone care to comment. (for those who don't recognize it; its DC). I was looking for the closest metro stop to my favorite restaurant and I saw this. Now I am starting to wonder if those conspiracy nuts aren't on to something.

2006-07-25 14:41:58 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-25 14:41:33 · 17 answers · asked by Curious George 1

If you are truly patriotic...
-you do not shop at WalMart.
-you take an interest in learning about our constitution.
-you are actively involved in charity work, etc to help your fellow man.
-you work hard and spend your money wisely and don't like ungrateful people.
-you root for the underdog, you truly wish for everyone to succeed.
-you do not change your beliefs because of what is popular.
-you have serious, tangible reasons for your voting record.

It's not about having a flag on your porch...and it's not about hoping to catch your president in a lie. In all honesty, it has little to do with politics.

2006-07-25 14:36:23 · 16 answers · asked by cirque de lune 6

Go to to www.ifilms.com and watch......Fallujah:The Hidden

2006-07-25 14:33:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Don't say Bush. They'd kill us for sure.

2006-07-25 14:29:44 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i would have to say the top three are george washington, ronald reagan and george w. bush. i hate how so many people hate gwb!!!! he is such a great leader & because of him i can sleep at night... i guess since we're both evangelical christians i can admire his policies.. & i like his twinkling eyes too

2006-07-25 14:25:27 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think that the problem with having to vote for one of two options really limits you to picking your "sticking point" and voting with it.

My Opinions?

Afghanistan War - Fully Support
Iraq War - Never should have been there
Marijuana - Should be treated like Alchohol
Abortion - Morally Disagree with it, but not the Government's Choice
Gun Control - Zero Legislation limiting the 2nd Amendment
Gay Marriage - Banning Gay Marriage is an infracture of the 14th Amendment
Immigration - Illegally (sp?) entering this country should be a felony

So you see, I personally don't identify strongly with either political party. What's a Voter to do!!!

2006-07-25 14:23:16 · 12 answers · asked by collegedebt 3

Anyone who takes a movie camera to war to film himself is not interested in fighting. He is just interested in self promotion.

2006-07-25 14:22:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-25 14:19:53 · 25 answers · asked by Casper 3

2006-07-25 14:16:59 · 13 answers · asked by Fed up in Texas 1

Personal gain is what they are all about to the absolute detriment of the majority of us Loyal Patriotic Americans

2006-07-25 14:14:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-25 14:09:14 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

No really, I mean it's 9:00 DC time and the poor guy really looks as if he is about as mentally taxed as one VP-supported prez can actually be.

I say leave Lynne and Dick to stay up late tonight waging war for justice and the neo american way. Let George get some rest.

Your thoughts? Explain...

2006-07-25 14:08:13 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that time and time again on this website I see republicans post a question with a link and have clearly not even read through the link they posted?

ex. The old worn out WMD's they found in Iraq a while back. They'd post the link and the question would be "We found the WMD's, are the Lib's going to apologize to Bush now?"

Can they even read??

2006-07-25 14:07:51 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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