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Politics - 8 July 2006

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Who pulls the strings?

2006-07-08 06:28:16 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

How bout liberal, conservative or moderate and in what combo are you? What are some of the main reason for you choosing this label?

I consider myself an Independent Liberal. I tell my reasons later, I dont want to influence any answers.

2006-07-08 06:18:48 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

other side is George Bush Jr, both are smiling at you.Just what happened??

2006-07-08 06:09:18 · 9 answers · asked by mutt 6

Or, I can ask it this way, Are Republican Conservatives really Liberal Democrats that became rich and converted.I hear a lot of liberal remarks from Republicans and a lot of conservative remarks from Democrats and I also see people that claim to be Democrat be conservative with money and Republicans be really liberal in spending money. Can you enlighten me ? This also includes their so called ideas.

2006-07-08 06:08:01 · 12 answers · asked by ₦âħí»€G 6

This crap about "make love, not war". Why do liberals demand peace? It's like them demanding jobs and success? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. We are fighting an enemy that doesn't want peace. The only thing they want is for the USA to die.

2006-07-08 06:07:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The USA is by far the world's leader in medical research funding, productivity and knowledge. Yet by ALL measures we are not doing enough. We NEED to "crack some heads together" and bring the best minds into a "room" and force them to come to some solutions (typical and atypical solutions).

Almost half the people alive today will have cancer in their lifetimes.

That's a damn epidemic. And what are we doing about it? If you went back and added up all the budgets for the National Cancer Institute over the past THREE DECADES, we spent as much money on cancer as we spend in Iraq in NINE MONTHS.

It's time for a bold initiative to combat this disease which kills 560,000 Americans every year.

2006-07-08 05:45:57 · 4 answers · asked by lostcaliforniakid 1

If so, why are liberals wanting to destroy the family unit and civilization?

2006-07-08 05:45:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-08 05:40:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-08 05:27:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

and care about nothing but money .. I mean look at their policies they benefit nobody but the richest 1% .They care nothing about peoples rights and then they want to send the middle class and poor of this nation to fight a phony made up war. I guess I am asking why arent more people able to see through their bull s h i t?

2006-07-08 05:15:12 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2

Maybe because my questions pose a threat to their perverted mentality and exposes the truth to these vermin and their philosophies? Liberals are truly digressives. Kill your baby! Hug a criminal! Get on your knees for the enemy! Burn a US flag! Wave a white flag! Freedom is a handout! Give communism another chance even if it did murder millions of people! Socialism is the answer that's why France has an unemployment rate in the mid-teens and still has substantial amounts of poverty!

Liberals are such nutjobs that evidently live in their asscavity.

2006-07-08 05:10:51 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do liberals hate children or what? As if "abortion-on-demand" wasn't bad enough... Why do liberals hate the "traditional" family unit? Will liberals also be open-minded as to leave their children to be raised by animals? Will they accept the "Jungle Book" and "Tarzan" as proof that this mentality would work and be best for the child?

2006-07-08 05:04:40 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can't happen, but how would it affect the economy, health, jobs, etc.? Anyone dare to dream?

2006-07-08 05:02:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please also state your political affiliation so I can understand what each side means when they say the term "country".

This is a very innocuous simple non partisan question. So I would expect that everyone answers in a decent manner with no name calling.

2006-07-08 05:00:43 · 16 answers · asked by The_Dark_Knight 4

It seems to me that liberals feel sorry for criminals and get mad at the innocent children and careless about their wellbeing. Look for my next question....

2006-07-08 05:00:14 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is in response to an apposite posting by a Bush supporter. Let's see what you got guys...

2006-07-08 04:52:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

At first I discounted her as just another Liberal nut. But now I am really concerned for her because I think she need real, proffesional psycological help. She has gone well beyond "lost-it". They should send out the looney waggon and put her in a crazy jacket.

What is going to happen when nobody puts her on TV anymore? The Dem's already kicked her to the curb after she didn't work for them, what happens when the media discards her? She is going to snap big-time.

2006-07-08 04:50:11 · 21 answers · asked by Christopher 4

I never heard a liberal agree with ANYTHING Bush does, so I am wondering if it is just your lifestyle to wine and moan about everything a Republican does, or is there an actual ounce of thought behind this strategy.

So, I just want one liberal to come up with ONE thing they agree with Bush on. Lets see if you guys can do it.

Although I know most of you will say "Nothing, he is stupid" or something like that, I know Liberals. So prove me wrong!

2006-07-08 04:38:59 · 34 answers · asked by Christopher 4

Do they think that their country is just mere dirt? And, please don't refer to Bush saying the constitution is a piece of paper. There is no recording whatsoever of such, except liberal news outlets that make up propaganda.

2006-07-08 04:25:14 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-08 04:25:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-08 04:23:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know most will deny it, or call my judgement broad, but come on, all the democrats want to do is get out of Iraq and say, "Bush lied" while they were saying the same the Bush said of WMD from 1998-2002. I guess Bush manipulated intelligence even during the Clinton administration.

2006-07-08 04:18:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

im no communist i just want your opinion.

2006-07-08 04:14:45 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-08 04:13:28 · 7 answers · asked by solismember 1

The members I am thinking of are Scalia, Alito, Thomas, Roberts and Kennedy.

2006-07-08 04:00:09 · 11 answers · asked by Alexander Khan 2

2006-07-08 03:59:36 · 13 answers · asked by spcmiller22 1

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