The founding fathers never intended for religion to be a part of our goverment, the proof of that is everywhere!!!! From the first amendment, to the quotes of our founding fathers: James Madison said " The goverment of the United states is in no way founded on the christian religion, Thomas jefferson said "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that the act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ' make no laws respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' Thus building a wall of separation between church and state." , and their are many other examples but im running out of room.... And for those of you that still think that you can mix religion and goverment, Just what religion do you suggest we make our goverment?? Believe it or not not every american is Christian, What about the other religions, they have the right to whorship as they see fit and to make our Government one religion says others arent welcome.
19 answers
asked by
The Prez.