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Other - Politics & Government - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Doesn't it seem that the reppers & democrats are just "waiting for their turns"?

Look: Ford (R)-Carter(D)-Reagan (R)-Bush (R)-Clinton (D)-Bush "again" (R)-..... Isn't it a good bet if the next will be a (D) letter?

When Al Gore certainly "won" something happened... Then Bush wins - he even won the 2nd term. Isn't it odd?

2007-06-08 05:24:33 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I did something subtle here. Points if you can pick it out.

PS I know Obama isn't Muslim and I could care less.

2007-06-08 04:57:20 · 6 answers · asked by nom de paix 4

Just curious. I have already had 5 ad hominem attacks!

2007-06-08 04:55:14 · 7 answers · asked by nom de paix 4

I think he was, but not sure. I am pretty sure however that Mein Kampf and the Bible sit on the "same shelf" at Bush's house.

2007-06-08 04:53:02 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

The amnesty bill was a sham, or a "shamnisty" as some were calling it. But our border is still wide open and illegals are pouring over... what is next for "we the people" to do. We stopped the stupid senators, but it can't stop there...

2007-06-08 04:23:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

My suggestion is sack the lot of them employ the unemployed for a reasonable wage and see how the posties like to wait for the benefits they usually fail to deliver.

2007-06-08 04:21:11 · 14 answers · asked by joseph m 4

It seems to me that America's "leaders" are leaning toward fascim. On both sides.

It seems to me that the Republicans are going to use the threat of Terrorism to get people to do what they want. I'm afraid there will be all sorts bad things happening because of this fear.

It seems to me that the Democrats are going to use the fear of Global Warming to pass all kinds of crazy laws that will FORCE people to be more eco-friendly. Also, I fear that they want to help the poor so much (which is laudable, really) that they will be taking money from the rich and middle class to support the very poor. Maybe equal wages for everyone?

These thoughts are very much unfinished projects, please feel free to point out flaws in my logic so that I don't have to move to Canada in 2008. Thanks.

2007-06-08 04:14:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think so

2007-06-08 04:12:14 · 8 answers · asked by allDave 1

I found a nasty little question today that a friend put a star on...
It was about Israel, anti-semitism and racial hatred. It made me sick... Aparently Answers is anti semetic... I always thought it was 50% anti anyone who asks a question! Anyway, It ended on a diatribe about the arabs/palistinians being scum (yes, i found the hypocricy most amusing), who owned israel moraly and hinged on israel ownership of the region for 3000 years. I missed the chance to ask if God had given them a reciept, if the Romans, Turks, Brits and french were only subletting the region when they were there and I also so wanted to ask if the Egyptians (who owned the region as part of their empire for 2000 years or so before exodus) had sold it To God before he gave it to his chosen ones....

Isnt it funny how historic record always seems to be left out of these little scaps when the chance to claim divine right is availible?

2007-06-08 04:07:38 · 4 answers · asked by Zarathustra 3

A) a nation with a white population of 90% or more and homogeneous culture...many non-western countries have a large single race population and a homogeneous culture...
B) Asians, Middle Easterners, Africans, Latinos, black Americans who are against affirmative action
C) bringing justice to victims by punishing the criminals instead of "rehabilitation"
D) your own answer
(if liberals just want to get on here just to bash, i will report)

2007-06-08 04:02:32 · 10 answers · asked by turntable 6

The last question I asked some guy said "I have been a blah blah for over 15 years, how long have you blah blah..."

Why are we expected to waste our time and resources based upon the fact Abu Al Gore or some other eco terrorist says its true. That is an appeal to authority.

The fact that 99.99999 % of the scientists say its true? Well, then it must be! How often has science been wrong? Come on... the truth is, we have NO idea what's going on... These guys are just grasping at straws.

2007-06-08 03:55:21 · 9 answers · asked by nom de paix 4

Here is what I am saying....Here he has these vast homes across the country that suck up electricity to heat and cool....He takes private jets that suck up tons of fuel......The list continues yet we must do things to help the enviroment.

Okay we do this what about China and India

2007-06-08 03:49:36 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I got ketchup on my crisp white shirt?????

2007-06-08 02:59:45 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

What brand of car do you drive? Me-GMC

What brand of Cell Phone to you Have? Me-Motorola

Do you have a playstation or ninetindo? Me-No

What brand is your computer you are on now? Me-Dell

Did you shop at wal-mart during Hillary Clinton's time as a
board member, when they advertised 'buy american" when nearly everything came from china? Me-No, refuse to shop their

Do you shop at wal-mart now? Me- No

If you said yes to any of these questions, or have a imported product, do you understand you are a part of this freaking problem?

2007-06-08 02:48:59 · 7 answers · asked by $1,539,684,631,121 Clinton Debt 6

I was moked for having an oppinion, and called sick but you forget I didnt blow up the trade centre but somone did with great power and secretsy. organized crime from the big boys .. and please dont take your anger out on me.. freinds of bush

2007-06-08 02:08:05 · 15 answers · asked by tuff*titty 4

I personally beleive that 9/11 was Gourge Bushes plan to gain world power, for greed of oil and money. he called it the mass distraction, do you not agree

2007-06-08 01:32:50 · 29 answers · asked by tuff*titty 4

It seems like voting one way or the other doesnt fix deep seated problems - for example the influence of corporations over goverment through lobbyists, the influence of ownership concentrated media. Its easy to speak out against this sort of thing - but what realistic things can citizens do to actually bring about change?

2007-06-08 00:59:04 · 10 answers · asked by pete the pirate 5

The tax-free status for churches dates back to the days when communities were settled and churches built by congregations of which everyone was member, The church collected money (taxes?) pew fees etc. from all and ran the community being essentially the local government, police and tax-collecting entity.

All that changed dramatically long ago. Now governments govern all people of all faiths and persuasions. They collect taxes and provide services..

So why hasn't the tax code changed?

The "separation of church and state" is certainly not the answer because this tax exemption is rather a separate and special distinctive treatment of religions by the government..

2007-06-07 23:17:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was a total accident, but you managed to rally a crowd of like-minded revolutionaries and a coup has put you in charge. What kind of governence would you lay upon the land?

2007-06-07 19:36:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do people like Bono, McCartney, Elton John, Cliff Richard etc pretend to be so supportive of poverty in Africa, when between them they have more cash in the bank than any African nation and could end starvation, build 1000s of school etc..

Because they only want to fame of it all, rather than just do it?

Should they be more like Bill Gates and give it all away?

2007-06-07 18:48:43 · 17 answers · asked by dsclimb1 5

What is your opinon on this? Would you want one of these? The Real ID Act means you can't get a job without one, you can travel on public transportation, can't use a bank, won't be able to enter government buildings. It will cause you to loose all of your posessions. It will turn this country into what Germany was before WW II. Where are your papers. If you don't get one of these when (but hopefully never passes) it goes into effect, you will be stripped of your rights as an American. Into concentration camps you go!

2007-06-07 18:02:51 · 11 answers · asked by X X 2

In many cases anarchy is a major attack on the government, and it finally defeats it completely. As citizens of our country, we should, and also need to protect our government officials/people set above us, from hostile invasions and attacks. I can think of at least four hostile invasions towards the government of America: one, WWII with Hitler, Nazis, and the killing of the Jews; two, the Islam nation such as the War in Iraq, and 9-11; three, the Cuban Missile Crises with Cuba, America, and Russian; and four, the Zimmerman Telegram with the intercepted telegram from Germany to Mexico. <

2007-06-07 17:51:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-07 17:11:01 · 7 answers · asked by B0ogi 0 1

Higher gas prices will not make more gas will it? All it will do is make the oil companies more money right? People are still gonig to use the same amount of gas no matter because we have to drive right?

2007-06-07 16:30:38 · 17 answers · asked by Will 1

If this one makes the board I'll be suprised....Was reading that "Troll" Blog.... I was getting a little suspicious....But, it went to the "Politburo"...If you don't know, that is the "executive committee of the Communist Party who "dictates policy or the terms of said policy" The scary part is that most of those people were applauding......Don't say anything about republicans...or conservatives or anything else that might TICK
them or they're cronies off.....or it's off to SIBERIA.....Guy's isn't
this taking it a bit far? and GALS....Boy I was fixing to mess-up
I hate it.......

2007-06-07 16:11:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

In 08? Can we make a deal , if Repubs win you will all go create your own country with filthy ideals and forced opinions in your schools and ridiculous idealogies you try to force upon conservatives who know what is right? Can you all be a pal and get the thorn out of our moral side and start your own country, you are not welcome and our children can not be exposed to such filth anymore!!!!!!! You can take the offer or live in shame! Your choice! Traditional America is bringing values back and what ya gonna do!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-06-07 15:58:47 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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