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Other - Politics & Government - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Do you think i'll be forced to remove it?

2006-10-20 23:23:42 · 17 answers · asked by bootycreord 3

pls help im doing a survey on how dictators get voted into power by fraudelent means and by lieing to its ppl

2006-10-20 22:56:31 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Conspiracy theories are the sort of thing that you immediately regard to be the product of someone's imagination, something that couldn't possible be true.
But we can't believe everything our world leaders tell us, they simply can't be telling the truth all of the time, so my question is...
What do you think is really going on? What is true and What is False? Wha lies are we being told and could they affect our everyday lives?

2006-10-20 22:24:21 · 10 answers · asked by ddzaszcxascs 2

They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security

Do you know who said it?

Frogspeaceflower is sleepy. I would just like to add; It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity.

Good night everyone.

2006-10-20 21:22:44 · 7 answers · asked by frogspeaceflower 4

HUMMM...did or did he not cheat on the elections...

2006-10-20 21:04:01 · 18 answers · asked by caligirl 2

is US goverment folowing real terrorists? if yes why this kinds of terrors are not call terorists?
What is QODS day ? and why people in all countries go to street in this day and point at Israel as a terorist regim?
It seems us goverment is telling people jokes about terorists.they just say this word to be on power that is it.what do you think?

2006-10-20 20:52:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is my ggggrandfather and uncle, just interested to find out more. have been told it is in history books. cant find. happened around the civil war by raiders.

2006-10-20 19:06:59 · 3 answers · asked by sherrycorn5 1

People keep saying so. are is he just misguided.Are controled by what?Secret organizations.?

2006-10-20 18:47:31 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I figured in this politics & government that someone might actually know something; instead I get two twits who probably can't even read, let alone know where or how to get this kind of information!!! I'm looking for a Japanese/American war vet and enterment camp victim! Someone who had married into my wife's famly long ago, and I get stupid moronic halfwits typing on the keyboards! Or do you use your feet instead? Is your brains connected to anything, or just there for feeding your pet brainwargs? If you don't know what you're talking about, why don't you just keep your cyber-mouths closed??? maybe someone will come in here who does know diddly-squat for once!!!

2006-10-20 18:12:45 · 13 answers · asked by akulian53 2

I don't know about the rest of the world, but I personally think he has messed up the public relations realm way more than necessary. Why is he still in office? Please, if you have a good reason for this travesty, let me know.

2006-10-20 18:04:36 · 27 answers · asked by batgirl10478 2

2006-10-20 17:59:19 · 2 answers · asked by red_cap17 1

today with all the different colors and races?

2006-10-20 17:57:24 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-20 17:55:33 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think America gots enough economic and military power to stop this from happening. Prove me wrong!

2006-10-20 17:54:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

For starters...Iraq is the most AMAZING MILITARY VICTORY the United States has had since WW2. There is NO doubt that Operation Iraqi Freedom was the fastest "military victory" in the HISTORY of warfare!!!!!! It was the fastest land, sea, and air invasion since the history of recorded history. IRAQ HAD THE 4th LARGEST ARMY IN THE WORLD...America cut through it in 4 weeks and removed SH from power!!! PERIOD...However, Iraq is being lost "
POLITICALLY"...NOT MILITARILY!!!!!....We won the "actual war in 4 weeks".....RECONSTRUCTION IS MORE Difficult!!!!!. US and UK soldiers are dying because we are trying to AVOID CIVILIAN CASUALTIES...IF we didnt care.....we would just carpet bomb.....and would have left IRAQ a "Glass Parking Lot" 3 years ago...but Americans are BETTER THAN that...we are not EUROPEANS!!!!....We care about human life and die for it...almost 3,000 now....we die for the sake of the Iraqi people!otherwise we would just eradicate the whole country! America doesnt do that

2006-10-20 17:22:30 · 17 answers · asked by quarterback 2

Nancy Peosi:
Voted for the war in Iraq AND Afghanistan then changed her mind!!!
Wants to raise TAXES...for the RICH AND THE POOR
Wants LATE STAGE abortion legal!!!!
Wants to ban the RIGHT to keep and bare arms
Wants constitutional rights for TERRORISTS who MURDER AMERICANS
Wants GAY MARAIGE and all the TAX breaks that go with it!!!!
Supports AL-Queda and OSB
Hates America


2006-10-20 17:05:01 · 15 answers · asked by quarterback 2

OK. I have a few things to say. Unlike MOST of the people on yahoo.answers.com I will try to keep my statements Fair and balanced. I have had a lot of things running through my mind these last few days and need to vent some of these thoughts on the YA public.

For my readers, I would like to explain to you who I am. I am a 25 year old male living in the DC area and have strong Conservative views….but by now means am I closed to different points of view. In fact, I appreciate the other side of the coin, and encourage it, for that is what makes this country the greatest country on earth.

Let me first say that neither the Democrats or the Republicans are innately evil nor inherently wrong. We both have our strong points and our weak points, though some more prominent than others. The purpose of this essay is to discuss a few things that clearly have the need for discussion. I will try to keep this short and sweet.


1) The hyper power
2) The media
3) World opinion

For my Non-American readers, please let me first say that this is no way intended to be a bash against your “power in the world” and is not meant to ruffle feathers and bruise ego’s but there is no doubt that the United States of America is the most powerful nation the world has ever seen. As I just said, this statement is not meant to piss people off, it is said as it is the absolute truth. There is no question about America’s dominance. It reaches the darkest corners of the earth and is as pervasive as the oxygen you and I breath everyday. But why? What makes a super power? Well, I’ll tell you. And I will keep it short as well. Here in lies the reasons for Americas dominance.


It is not just these reasons alone that make the USA the most powerful nation on earth, but the combination of these criterion that make the USA the heavyweight champion of the world. PERIOD. No nation on earth has or ever will be as strong as the USA. It is true, that there has been close rivals but nothing of this caliber. NOTHING. Only the Roman Empire can come close the American Republic, and even that is a DISTANT second. No country on earth has ever had the strength of America (at least to the extent that we do now). For example, Great Britain may be considered a “superpower” on the world scale but on the American scale would be considered nothing more than the tiny Island they are. Now please, don’t get me wrong, the UK is a VERY strong nation and one of Americas closets allies, but in comparison to the HYPERPOWER it is virtually nothing. I know that sounds harsh, but it is the truth. For my British readers, I compared you to the USA because of your military might “on the world scale”, not to be an Arrogant American. I was just using you people to illustrate my point (As you are clearly the second strongest military power) but still a far distant second to us. But more about this later. So we begin with the economic power.
Although this is one of the most pertinent criterion for a world power, I give it only lip service in that everyone knows that $$$ rules the world. The United States of America has a GDP of 12.5 Trillion Dollars per year. That’s 12,500,000,000$. China has a 4.5 Trillion USD$ GDP. One third what we have and is by no means about to pass us! It is America that makes the world economy “go around”. We invented the “free market” and its our Navy that patrols the sea lanes to keep that free trade possible. Like it or not. America and the American people have invented and engineered more constructive inventions and items than the rest of the world combined. PERIOD. To keep a long story short, without the United States of America…The Global Economy would crumble.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the Hyper power is that of its military power. There is NO QUESTION when it comes to the inquiry of American military might. I realize that there are many out there (in other countries) that will contest this response, but they are absolutely wrong and unjustified in there train of thought. Americas military is 100 times bigger than the rest of the world combined!!!! Period. I could list the accolades of the USAF but I think history will do a well enough job of defending my statement. American Revolution, War of 1812, Spanish American War, Mexican American War, WW1, WW2, COLD WAR, Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, Iraq, Afghanistan…etc etc. Bottom line…We could beat the rest of the world at war with “one hand tied behind our backs”. Our strength in the military arena is uncontested and to contest the power is to DIE!!!!Period.
As far as geography is concerned, WE ARE HUGE. Britain is powerful (respectively) but is SOOOOOO small, it could NEVER be considered a superpower, little lone a HYPERPOWER in today’s climate! This of course pertains to the rest of the tiny islands and small countries that wish or want superpower status.
Culturally…..FORGET ABOUT IT. I have on word for you! HOLLYWOOD. End of story. American culture is so pervasive it makes the rest of the world look nonexistent. Movies, TV, Music, Ideas, Perceptions, Clothes, Fashion, LIFE!!!. Our culture encompasses all facets of human life and interaction. PERIOD.
Politically….Well… you know how this story goes. Americas is DOMINANT. PERIOD. PERIOD. PERIOD.


2006-10-20 16:47:18 · 16 answers · asked by quarterback 2

Why or why not?

2006-10-20 16:47:12 · 2 answers · asked by Ludwig Wittgenstein 5

cocaine kills americans why dosent south america spray our fields to stop our poisen from reaching them .and how come marijuana is illeagle and no one has ever died from using it

2006-10-20 16:37:34 · 4 answers · asked by eldoradoman1953 2

is there some rule you have to be a gay child abuser to join republican party or is that just for republican congressman

2006-10-20 16:19:17 · 11 answers · asked by eldoradoman1953 2

OK. I have a few things to say. Unlike MOST of the people on yahoo.answers.com I will try to keep my statements Fair and balanced. I have had a lot of things running through my mind these last few days and need to vent some of these thoughts on the YA public.

For my readers, I would like to explain to you who I am. I am a 25 year old male living in the DC area and have strong Conservative views….but by now means am I closed to different points of view. In fact, I appreciate the other side of the coin, and encourage it, for that is what makes this country the greatest country on earth.

Let me first say that neither the Democrats or the Republicans are innately evil nor inherently wrong. We both have our strong points and our weak points, though some more prominent than others. The purpose of this essay is to discuss a few things that clearly have the need for discussion. I will try to keep this short and sweet.


1) The hyper power
2) The media
3) World opinion

For my Non-American readers, please let me first say that this is no way intended to be a bash against your “power in the world” and is not meant to ruffle feathers and bruise ego’s but there is no doubt that the United States of America is the most powerful nation the world has ever seen. As I just said, this statement is not meant to piss people off, it is said as it is the absolute truth. There is no question about America’s dominance. It reaches the darkest corners of the earth and is as pervasive as the oxygen you and I breath everyday. But why? What makes a super power? Well, I’ll tell you. And I will keep it short as well. Here in lies the reasons for Americas dominance.


It is not just these reasons alone that make the USA the most powerful nation on earth, but the combination of these criterion that make the USA the heavyweight champion of the world. PERIOD. No nation on earth has or ever will be as strong as the USA. It is true, that there has been close rivals but nothing of this caliber. NOTHING. Only the Roman Empire can come close the American Republic, and even that is a DISTANT second. No country on earth has ever had the strength of America (at least to the extent that we do now). For example, Great Britain may be considered a “superpower” on the world scale but on the American scale would be considered nothing more than the tiny Island they are. Now please, don’t get me wrong, the UK is a VERY strong nation and one of Americas closets allies, but in comparison to the HYPERPOWER it is virtually nothing. I know that sounds harsh, but it is the truth. For my British readers, I compared you to the USA because of your military might “on the world scale”, not to be an Arrogant American. I was just using you people to illustrate my point (As you are clearly the second strongest military power) but still a far distant second to us. But more about this later. So we begin with the economic power.
Although this is one of the most pertinent criterion for a world power, I give it only lip service in that everyone knows that $$$ rules the world. The United States of America has a GDP of 12.5 Trillion Dollars per year. That’s 12,500,000,000$. China has a 4.5 Trillion USD$ GDP. One third what we have and is by no means about to pass us! It is America that makes the world economy “go around”. We invented the “free market” and its our Navy that patrols the sea lanes to keep that free trade possible. Like it or not. America and the American people have invented and engineered more constructive inventions and items than the rest of the world combined. PERIOD. To keep a long story short, without the United States of America…The Global Economy would crumble.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the Hyper power is that of its military power. There is NO QUESTION when it comes to the inquiry of American military might. I realize that there are many out there (in other countries) that will contest this response, but they are absolutely wrong and unjustified in there train of thought. Americas military is 100 times bigger than the rest of the world combined!!!! Period. I could list the accolades of the USAF but I think history will do a well enough job of defending my statement. American Revolution, War of 1812, Spanish American War, Mexican American War, WW1, WW2, COLD WAR, Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, Iraq, Afghanistan…etc etc. Bottom line…We could beat the rest of the world at war with “one hand tied behind our backs”. Our strength in the military arena is uncontested and to contest the power is to DIE!!!!Period.
As far as geography is concerned, WE ARE HUGE. Britain is powerful (respectively) but is SOOOOOO small, it could NEVER be considered a superpower, little lone a HYPERPOWER in today’s climate! This of course pertains to the rest of the tiny islands and small countries that wish or want superpower status.
Culturally…..FORGET ABOUT IT. I have on word for you! HOLLYWOOD. End of story. American culture is so pervasive it makes the rest of the world look nonexistent. Movies, TV, Music, Ideas, Perceptions, Clothes, Fashion, LIFE!!!. Our culture encompasses all facets of human life and interaction. PERIOD.
Politically….Well… you know how this story goes. Americas is DOMINANT. PERIOD. PERIOD. PERIOD.


2006-10-20 16:13:51 · 9 answers · asked by quarterback 2

This is a declassified U.S gov't document that shows the gov't planned to carry out terrorist attacks on it's own ppl and blame it on Cuba in 1962. If you deny this you only make yourself look like an idiot. This is proven and irrifutable.

2006-10-20 15:55:25 · 8 answers · asked by Luke F 3

These red state repubs cant stop smoking, and feeding their fat faces. They are a drain on the blue states, is it time we cut them lose and let them take W with them?

2006-10-20 15:54:31 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The assassinations of President John F Kennedy,Senator Robert Kennedy, Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Roswell and various U.F.O. Sightings, undisclosed information about 9/11 and who knows what else is still being kept under lock and key,even though we are told that none of these things add up to conspiracies.If they don't,Then why is it important to hide the information from the public?

2006-10-20 15:50:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-20 15:40:47 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

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