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Government - August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government Government

we indian often take pride of our 5000 years of glorious past but become equally emotional to celebrate 15 aug as our indepence day each year since 1947. what we are trying to highlight ? that we were never independent prior to 15 aug 1947? we were slaves with a glorious past. that's funny. No self respecting nation shoul behave in this way. skip the celebration this year. at l;east 60 % of the money will not go to the wrong hands besides reminding queen of victoria of her glorious past at our cost.

2007-08-01 06:27:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I personally really like Obama and hope he wins the election, but ofcourse because hes "black" and "too young", he wont win.

Its a big shame how some people automatically decide to go against someone because hes too young and not "experienced enough"

You have to remember Obama is against the War in Iraq (500$ bil that could've been used elsewhere) to start with and now just said if elected he'll take the fight into pakistan (bin laden & co will never get caught/killed until we do so)

I personally think hes the best fit for our next president. But i've gotten alot of negativity from other users on here. I would like to know why?

thanks all

2007-08-01 06:08:46 · 12 answers · asked by Chopin 1

the most police brutality, judicial corruption, confiscation of private property. N.Y.C is ticket crazy (long before Bloomberg) You cant even have a beer in the park without a cop sniffing over your shoulder and you cant drive far without running into a toll.

2007-08-01 06:02:21 · 6 answers · asked by wisemancumth 5

It seems there is a group of people who blame Bill Clinton for everything (even though he has been gone for many many years). So rather than take any personal responsibility in my life I have decided to do the same. I'm sure it was him who stole my lunch, dented my car, kicked my dog and beat me out for that promotion. How have you blamed Bill today?

2007-08-01 05:23:29 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do countries (other than the US) keep track of their citizens? Is it like a social security number?

2007-08-01 04:58:48 · 4 answers · asked by Samantha 2

I know most of you dont know about the problems our town is having with its Childrens services but if you are a UK resident can you take 1 minute to sign this for me, please, please, please.


2007-08-01 04:20:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, this is a dead serious question. I want some INTELLIGENT questions, if not some of you to think for five minutes.
Why is it that people have more questions on here and in the real world on TV, about how Bush is an idiot or he is the worst president as opposed to more questions about say how we should want to defeat the enemy? Maybe, how can we WIN (underlined) in Iraq? How WE as a nation can continue to prosper?
Why is this? Why do we have so many citizens that hate our president more than those who want us all DEAD?
Osama bin Laden helped fly a plane into a building, yet Bush is the villan. Saddam Hussein gassed and killed thousands of his own people, yet Bush is a dictator. Sunni(or Shi'ite, I get them confused) extremists are out there blowing themselves up, yet Bush is the murderer?!
Can someone explain to me how there is no hypocracy here? I want to understand why it is that you can condemn a president as "Nero" yet turn a blind eye to those trying to kill us.

2007-08-01 03:40:23 · 11 answers · asked by m 4

It seems like they don't want us to find out what our government is up to - the real reasons for the war in Iraq, the minutes of Cheney's secret energy meetings, the perjury of Scooter Libby, the lies of Alberto Gonzales, the refusal of so many other adminstration officials to testify before Congress, even when they're facing contempt citations - what do you think is behind it? We used to have an "open government."

2007-08-01 02:59:51 · 14 answers · asked by Who Else? 7

Puerto Ricans have repeatedly rejected independence from the United States, and neither does it seem like PR will be admitted into statehood any time soon.

Can the US unilaterally decide that it is severing its ties to Puerto Rico and making it an independent state?

2007-08-01 00:31:49 · 6 answers · asked by PoliSciFi 4