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Politics & Government - 23 March 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I know it really early.

2007-03-23 09:42:42 · 13 answers · asked by NFrancis 4 in Elections

2007-03-23 09:42:25 · 24 answers · asked by freecanabis 1 in Law & Ethics

...Cons, wish you had voted in `06 ? Libs, are you enjoying being in power and being powerless ? Please share your thoughts.

2007-03-23 09:41:47 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I think they need another Bioch Slapping? He was a staunch registered Democrat.

2007-03-23 09:40:46 · 7 answers · asked by Old (G) 3 in Politics

Read it yourself!

9/11 should have trumped everything or anything else they could possibly want him for!!!

2007-03-23 09:40:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Keep these points in mind:

1) We all know that it doesn't require much experience to become president (i.e. Bush)

2) We understand that he is one of the brightest political figure of our generation:
a) Graduated from Columbia and Harvard Law
b) He was president of the Harvard Law Review

3) He definitely has charisma

4) He is definitely well-spoken

5) He has proven to have good judgment

6) He is basically the only political figure out there who doesn't hold up a wall between red states and blue states.


Will this be the man that saves the United States, bring us back to prominence, and be loved by every nation in the world?

That depends on the voters?

2007-03-23 09:40:36 · 17 answers · asked by Michael 2 in Politics

One of the first acts by Adolf Hitler when he gained power in Germany was to create the governmental Ministry of Education and give it control of all schools and school-related issues. In 1937, Hitler said: "This Reich stands, and it is building itself up for the future, upon its youth. And this Reich will give its youth to no one, but will itself take youth and give to youth its (the state's) own education and its own upbringing."

This sounds a lot like our public school "system".

2007-03-23 09:39:37 · 19 answers · asked by credo quia est absurdum 7 in Government

I was at a girls apartment when my wife came there and fought with me. The police were called. When they arrived they seperarted my wife and me. The police then found a prescription drug packaged in bags in the apartment. The drugs did not belong to me and I was not under arrest or present in the house any longer when the drugs were discovered. The police told the girl she would be charged because it was her apartment unless she told who the drugs belonged too. The girl said they belonged to me even though the drugs did not belong to me and i was no longer present in the home. I was then charged with possession of a controled substance with intent to sell. It is only the girls word the police are going on along with the threat of her own arrest.

2007-03-23 09:38:58 · 7 answers · asked by elmer h 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

The people that represent it or their policy.

2007-03-23 09:38:49 · 15 answers · asked by pip 7 in Politics

Being contrary to his oath to faithfully execute the office of VP, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect & defend the Constitution.
1) Obstructing the nations intelligence-gathering capacity.
2)Take care of the laws of this nation be upheld, has personally deceived the American people.
3)Embracing & sheltering a known criminal. (Iraqi exile Ahmed Chalabi)
4)Improper & unethical relationship with former employers of Halliburton & has promoted its agenda & interests over those of the American people.
5)Granted improper & unlawful influence over national policy to an anonymous cabal of corporate lobbyists.
6)Prevented, obstructed, & impeded the administration of justice.
2 conditions~1)majority of House of Reps must agree to these charges. 2) 2/3 of Senate must agree to convict.
What do you think?

Source: GQ magazine, March '07

2007-03-23 09:38:15 · 12 answers · asked by intimadatein 3 in Law & Ethics

Coca-Cola has a policy in the country of Colombia in which they intentionally sell coke cheaper than water so that if a family has to choose between water and coke for their children, they buy coke. Coke is not healthy for children to drink on a regular basis.

Do American corporations have an obligation to conduct business ethically in other nations?

Do American citizens have an obligation to insure decent conduct by their corporations doing business overseas?

If they don't, what do we say in 30 years when a bunch of angry Colombians hijack airplanes and crash them into prominent buildings in our country?

2007-03-23 09:37:54 · 10 answers · asked by BOOM 7 in Law & Ethics

i searched google and yahoo and i didn't find out. if u have the pic plz send it to me. thanx

2007-03-23 09:37:46 · 1 answers · asked by pirooz 1 in Military

Or would they have lost anyway?

2007-03-23 09:37:42 · 7 answers · asked by Chi Guy 5 in Politics

Y does everybody knock illegal immigration!?!? I understand were not suppose to be here,i say we,cause i was once here illegal....i remember crossing the border at the age of 5 with my parents! Now i'm a legal resident(green card) We come to work and find a better future...were not here to rape,pilige,murder your women! Half of my family came over here illegal....theirs probably more then 50 of us now!! They worked in the fields,hospitals,security guards,etc! And we never got on welfare,now half of our family all have bussinesses! And no....we never sold drugs,killed anybody or stole to get where were at now!! And i understand that their is people that come from mexico and get welfare and what ever and commit crimes...but theirs more of us that want to progress in life and become sucessful! Were here to work and help each other out,we work and we help this economy out..we do most jobs that americans dont want or like!! Well thats about it.....please understand!

2007-03-23 09:37:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I was a republican many years ago but during the 90's their turn to the fanatical right and their allegiance with christian fundamentalists pushed me right away. Bush has put the icing on the cake with his methods of governning the nation. How many republicans out there think their party should be financially conservative but seek a reasonable middle ground on social issues such as abortion and gay marriage?

2007-03-23 09:36:55 · 13 answers · asked by snoopy22564 4 in Politics

Makes me sick to see how he and other Democrats actually think that the American people are that dumb. We really do know what pork is, right?

2007-03-23 09:36:39 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

There is one in my community called "Solutions", it is court ordered, if you get into a domestic dispute. It reaches things like children dont need a father, transexuality is not a choice but losing your temper is, your not allowed to call your wife your wife, you have to refer to her with various approved forms of identification, they teach a viewpoint that you are not allowed to disagree with, and if you do, it's off to jail for you. Isthis in all cities?It is best described under the definition of Orwellian.

2007-03-23 09:36:39 · 13 answers · asked by Erin 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

What can happen if he gets a judgement against me?

2007-03-23 09:36:12 · 14 answers · asked by kimberly t 2 in Law & Ethics

The Delaware plan was proposed at the 2000 GOP National Convention, received 60% approval at a vote taken at that time, then killed by Bush supporters because they thought it might harm their chances in 2004.


In this plan, small states would hold their primaries in March, medium-sided states in April and May, and large states in June. This is to give smaller states a say in the process, as they would provide the early boosts, but the big states would be able to overrrule them at the end if they could. It would also mean that the candidates would not be chosen until the very end.

Would you prefer this over the current system?

2007-03-23 09:36:07 · 1 answers · asked by Chredon 5 in Elections

I'm a 24 year old veteran of OIF. Since transitioning back to civilian life I find my closest friends I've got besides my buddys from growing up have been other veterans my age. I've gone to a few VFW's and American Legions but really didn't feel at home and welcome with the Vietnam, Korea, and WWII Veterans. Any other veterans out there been to a legion or VFW latley and experience something positive or know of any new organizations started by our generation?

2007-03-23 09:35:17 · 6 answers · asked by ChicagoScottTea 2 in Military

In your answer, please consider everyone killed in every imperialistic American war justified by American supremacism, from the days of Manifest Destiny, to the imperial conquests in Latin America and the Pacific 100 years ago, to the millions killed by sanctions and war in Iraq today.

2007-03-23 09:35:16 · 16 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

I am new immigrant to be America for 1 year. I have the social security number, the green card and also the driver license in California. Am I eligible to be a citizen in the USA?

2007-03-23 09:34:32 · 7 answers · asked by RUYIN Z 1 in Immigration

My opinion is, that the dangerous dogs act will only work if the police and the general public work together and the police should have a specific section of officers who, when a member of the public contacts them with proof of a dog behaving dangerously, will go out and remove the dog from that persons care, permanently.

Those people that own more than 1 dog that behaves dangerously should be banned from having dogs for life and if they disobey that, then they should recieve an extremely long prison sentence that isnt suspended.

What do you think?

2007-03-23 09:33:42 · 4 answers · asked by Unhinged.... 5 in Law & Ethics

"[insert party name here] is a bunch of intolerant buttheads! I hate them!"

2007-03-23 09:33:40 · 6 answers · asked by Bush Invented the Google 6 in Politics


2007-03-23 09:32:08 · 16 answers · asked by LindaAnn 4 in Elections

And my buddy replied, " Red Light? Hell, I didn't even see the house."

2007-03-23 09:31:51 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police


2007-03-23 09:31:38 · 30 answers · asked by LindaAnn 4 in Other - Politics & Government

If you could put any two people on a ticket in 08' who would you pick? From the serious to the ludicrous......

2007-03-23 09:31:06 · 14 answers · asked by supertamsf 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Big business is calling for Congress to make it easier for foreign workers to take American jobs. The President of the
National Foreign Trade Council, who represents large companies
like Microsoft and Boeing, says the United States will risk its
global competitive edge unless it lifts its visa restrictions
for foreign workers.

Will this demand by big business could put America’s middle class and our
national security at risk or boost our competive edge ?

Do you approne or disaprove of big business making our governments policys ?

2007-03-23 09:30:47 · 10 answers · asked by Yakuza 7 in Immigration

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