we had some freedom in the 50s and until the late 60s now we have become a police state, do you think these laws are for our protection or maybe another reason for them? can you tell me one crime we didn't have a law to cover it in the 50s I have studied law for 20 years and I don't know of one thing that was not covered before, so why do we need all of these laws? is it to keep the prisons full for our prison Industries? or maybe a big business for a select few people who have a lot to gain by locking up so many?? a lot of people do make a lot of profit from the prison system , the judges, prosecutors, certain guards , F,B,I, agents etc, how ever UNICORE is a private corp, and they get free rent electricity etc , but none of their profits go back into the prison system , it goes into the pockeets of the select few who own stock in UNICORE and it is a closed corp, so only a select few can buy the stock, is this just another rip off by our so called comrad leaders???
2 answers
asked by
james w
Law & Ethics