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Politics & Government - 29 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics


2007-01-29 07:37:55 · 23 answers · asked by Really Lovely Person 1 in Politics

I often hear people say "There should be a law against that" when they see something they don't approve of happening across the street (I.E. Pot smoking, abortion, guns...). My question is; Is it right to keep making laws against our neighbors that strangle our freedoms because most people don't like what they are doing? If yes, what freedoms/human rights should remain untouched by the law?

looking for opinion, serious answers only. thanks.

2007-01-29 07:37:23 · 7 answers · asked by trevathecleva 2 in Law & Ethics

Alex Jones, Infowars.com, has single handedly fought against the North American Union, informing the world of the criminal globalist agenda: to destroy America and her soverignty.

2007-01-29 07:35:52 · 9 answers · asked by charles b 1 in Politics

Ok why every person that is not with bush, think we are idiots, don't say there were no nuclear warheads in Iraq. I hate when people said we went to iraq just for that, look at the country It is mest up and they probaly had nukes and they got them out before we came in or Bush didn't tell the people. I just want to know people opinoins. Don't make fun or argue to answer this questoin, becuase i will repot you. AND YES I DON"T USE SPELL CHECK!

2007-01-29 07:35:18 · 15 answers · asked by joy b 1 in Military

When will we finally learn not all believe or want Democracy?
Don't the Shiite and Sunni's have a right to exist and live the way they choose? We have created Radical Muslim terrorism with our foreign policies!

2007-01-29 07:35:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

iraq civilians and u.s military?

2007-01-29 07:32:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


Why is it when you pin down the conservatives about how corrupt and downright incompetent this administration is they:
a) Tell you to stop drinking the kool-aid
b) Say something about Clinton
c) Call you a hippie
d) Somehow surmise that you are uneducated
e) Some other inane BS

All that shows it that they have no defense and fall back on moronic insults.

Face it conservatives, this administration is pathetic and Bush is intellectually and emotionally unsuited for the position. Let's just hope he gets politically neutered soon.

Have a lovely day. Hugs...........

2007-01-29 07:32:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

we are always on the labour parties back with the beloved mr blair always getting it in the neck. the question i want to ask you guys is who is the alternative to labour in the uk?
would the lib dems or the conservitives be any better? do we need a new political movement to sweep across the country and give us a new and fresh brand of politics?

2007-01-29 07:31:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

We paid an atty $500 to get a DNA. My brother was murdered and the state has his dna. you can look at my question I posted before this one to read more about this. anyway, We had an appt with the atty this morning and I wanted to see proof of what he had filed. He pulled a case up, and gave me a copy. The names for the dna were wrong, My brothers name is Robby Brown, He had Robert Brown, and the case # on the paper was a divorce!!! We went immeadiatly to another lawyer and showed him, He gave us the the complaint to the bar papers, and said to get your money back.I am so upset, we have been waiting to see if this little girl is my dead brothers daughter, the only thing we have left of him. She is in a foster home, and when we hired this lawyer he knew the foster family was wanting to adopt her...Can I file a police report? I cant believe this guy did this to us knowing our circumstances...I am so hurt and dont know what to do, I just hope our time is not up

2007-01-29 07:30:56 · 9 answers · asked by SweetP 2 in Law & Ethics

Even if we agree that Iraq is a giant blunder, what ever happened to "it's the economy, stupid?" We have GDP growth which is still in the 2s, not too shabby after 17 interest rate hikes. We have 4.4% unemployment and no, that figure doesn't exclude people whose benefits have run out. Inflation remains beaten. Even oil and other commodity prices, which were up mostly because of rising Asian demand but partly because of the weak dollar, have come back down.

Bush '41 had remarkable success in Iraq but we tossed him out on his ear because of a temporary blip in the middle of what has been basically a 25-year bull run for the US economy.

I know the two are related - when Bush leaves office, $1TN of the debt will arguably be attributable to Iraq. So far the impact to the economy appears to be all of 25 bps on the long bond. Out of 300MM people you can always find someone who is suffering but the national economy is in fine shape.

Is it or isn't it "the economy, stupid?"

2007-01-29 07:29:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

'Iraq Veterans Against the War' lists these primary reasons for their opposition to the war.

The Iraq war is based on lies and deception.

The Iraq war violates international law.

Corporate profiteering is driving the war in Iraq.

Overwhelming civilian casualties are a daily occurrence in Iraq.

Soldiers have the right to refuse illegal war.

Service members are facing serious health consequences due to our Government's negligence.

The war in Iraq is tearing our families apart.

The Iraq war is robbing us of funding sorely needed here at home.

The military uses racism and discrimination as tools.

Today's youth face aggressive recruitment tactics that don't tell the whole story.


2007-01-29 07:29:02 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

All are welcome to answer this question

2007-01-29 07:28:36 · 7 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

If a cop #1 pulls over a off duty cop#2? Will cop#2 be exempt?

If a cops pulls over an FBI agent? will he let he go?

How about a Judge, Senators... Who are exempt from being ticket by police?????????

2007-01-29 07:28:07 · 8 answers · asked by Yankee White clearance 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

And every republican who supports the war has to go fight it?

2007-01-29 07:27:32 · 15 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

It is against the law in most (or every) state for a counselor to engage in an intimate relationship with his/her client. Why? Is it because there is an inbalance of power, and the client is dependent upon the one with more power? Which makes you wonder, is the consent 'true consent' as in an affair between 2 neighbors? Should separation of church and state apply to a counselor who is also a pastor/priest? Next time you hear about a pastor who was fired for having an "affair" with a woman congregant he vowed to God to protect, should we wonder if it was really an exploitation of her trust in his powerful position?

2007-01-29 07:26:26 · 5 answers · asked by Thinking Outside the Flocks 5 in Law & Ethics

As a voter, or if you are someone who doesn't NOW vote, would you prefer a system of voting that would allow YOU to vote on individual topics?

For example, if you could go to a web portal and be informed by your rep in congress what bills are in committee, your reps vote and the rationale for it and then you can vote on that individually. It would give you the option to vote:

1. How your congressman would vote;
2. Always vote how Republicans vote on this topic;
3. Always vote how Democrats vote on this topic'
4. Vote my way (choices of "For" or "Against")

You can also weigh topics of level of importance.

This system would also report to users how many votes have been cast, what percentages are voting what and the scheduled time to vote will take on the floor.

And then your rep would have to vote how the plaurality of the district voted.

Would that be something you would like?

Why or why not?

Any other suggestions?

Thank you for your time,

2007-01-29 07:19:52 · 5 answers · asked by Billy! 4 in Elections

ever apologize publicly for her actions in Vietnam?

2007-01-29 07:19:21 · 18 answers · asked by trichbopper 4 in Military

debt, poverty, health costs, Bush, war, is anyone else tired of seeing our country run in the ground?

2007-01-29 07:18:21 · 25 answers · asked by ¡El lobo del norte del fuego! 1 in Politics

Quoteing from the Toronto Star (Jan 29) page A 13

"But in this case the slain were niether "civilians" as the news reports proclaimed nor soldiers. They were highly trained mercenaries deployed to Iraq by a secretive private military company based in North Carolina - Blackwater USA
Already these private contractors constitute the second largest force in Iraq.
At last count there were 100,000 contractors there of which 48,000 work as private soldiers acording to the Government acountability office report
These soldiers op[erate with no oversight or effective legal constraints

Such power in the hands of one company run by a bankroller of the president embodies the "military industrial comples president Dwight Eiesenhower warned against in 1961.
Further privatising the American war machine or inventing new back doors for military expansion with fancy names like Civilian reserve corps would represent a blow to the future of American democracy.

2007-01-29 07:17:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I look at some officers and think, "How in the world could they possibly chase an offender if they take off?" I want to be a cop, have since I was a fourth grader. Got busy with life and I'm unhappy where I am working. I have had a couple of officers encourage me. Some friends tell me I am not big or strong enough. What can I do? Do you know of any officers that are "short"? Is it working out for them? Do they train a tiny girl how to handle a 6 foot 250 pound man strung out on meth or crack?

2007-01-29 07:17:22 · 20 answers · asked by Tanya ~GypsyDust~ 3 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-01-29 07:16:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

While it's been there as a possibility since the beginning (we've been together nearly 8 months now) it's getting closer to becoming reality and I just don't know how to handle this. I guess I naively thought it really wouldn't happen as he's already been over there plenty (he's been in the army almost 19 years). I guess what I'm looking for is advice from someone who's 'been there done that'.


2007-01-29 07:15:16 · 20 answers · asked by Sunidaze 7 in Military

if not then why the stupid call (iraq war) a mistake?

2007-01-29 07:14:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I live in Illinois and I am trying to collect child support from my daughter's father , he is a truck driver and licencsed in the state of Illinois, is this a license that they can take if he refuses to pay? Also, he is married and has another child and I am sure she will plan on filing taxes. Can they take his portion if they file together? Second, my son's father is living wih another older woman who is currently supporting him. How can you smoke a coon out of his hole and make him work? I live two hours away and in need of her address to report to chsup how can I get it without driving all the way up there to chicago. I know her first and last name, but no address.

2007-01-29 07:14:27 · 4 answers · asked by nene 3 in Law & Ethics

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