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Politics & Government - 15 January 2007

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

or navy, marines, etc.

2007-01-15 17:51:42 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics


2007-01-15 17:47:30 · 8 answers · asked by Stevie G 2 in Military

I'm in the process of setting up an internet radio station in the US and it's been brought to my attention that there may be legalities in doing so that I'm not currently aware of. Does anyone here no of any such legalities? Has anyone done this before? Any pointers for the new guy?

This is designed to be a not-for-profit thing, but I will be running commercials to pay for bandwidth, hardware, etc.

I have no intention of playing any mainstream music and will instead by licensing all music from local and underground bands.

This is planned to be a 24-hour station running several shows and some of those may choose to play mainstream music, but they're in charge of getting the appropriate licenses and it is discouraged.

2007-01-15 17:46:29 · 1 answers · asked by Jack Schitt 3 in Law & Ethics

if we were to fly over a country / armys that we were about to engage in battle and drop magnum size condoms everywhere, and mark them in their language, as extra small, would it psychologicaly demoralize their troops and excite their women ?

2007-01-15 17:46:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Democrat was in office :

WW1 = Woodrow Wilson

WW2= Franklin Roosevelt

Korean War = Truman

Viet Nam = John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson

2007-01-15 17:44:33 · 4 answers · asked by caciansf 4 in Government

Two years ago, I lived with my mom in Texas. I moved to Europe to live with my dad. While I was in Europe, my mom moved to Indiana. I am now 18, still an American citizen and not a European citizen. What is my legal state of residency now?

2007-01-15 17:43:46 · 4 answers · asked by beachbum 1 in Law & Ethics

I am an American citizen married to a Filipino and she is pregnant. If we have the baby outside the US (say in the Philippines) will the baby be a US citizen? If not, can we do some type of paperwork to eventually make this happen?

2007-01-15 17:43:44 · 14 answers · asked by Saint G 2 in Immigration

My fellow Liberals and Democrats, what should my next move be?

I want to know that the people want. You can only vote on the listed items:

1. Make abortion mandatory.

2. Outlaw all guns, except those of the secret service members protecting me.

3. Get more botox.

4. Sit down with terrorists and find out how we can change so as not to upset them into bombing us again.

5. Outlaw all religions but those that terrorists like.

I'm Nancy Pelosi, and I approve this message!

2007-01-15 17:40:18 · 9 answers · asked by The Cult of Personality 5 in Politics

If a Council in persuit of unpaid parking fines, knowinly misinforms Bailiffs acting on their behalf, about who the Regisitered Keeper of a Vehicle is.
Has the Council Acted Illegally, and is it a criminal offence.

2007-01-15 17:35:51 · 6 answers · asked by itspinkynperky 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

This question is related to traffic school

2007-01-15 17:33:50 · 8 answers · asked by Noreen G 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

elective courses in public educational systems? What do you think?

2007-01-15 17:31:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

okay,so what if the police have been trying to catch a criminal for the longest time and then i kill him will i go to trial or will i go straight to jail?

2007-01-15 17:29:23 · 3 answers · asked by Luis 4 in Law & Ethics

I recently got a speeding ticket. It cost me 250 bucks and a few demerits. I would like to know any*** way to get the officer to give out a warning instead of a ticket.

***I know that some of you will want to say that NOT speeding is a way to not get a ticket. I already know that so dont waste your time telling me. Anyways driving is boring as hell if you allways follow the speed limit.

2007-01-15 17:28:07 · 18 answers · asked by icantfindaname51 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

i mean to say that if our ministers also will be corrupted , so what will happen to future of India ? as we know that even to do a small work we need money to give . so why this is happening ?

2007-01-15 17:24:03 · 14 answers · asked by Amy 2 in Civic Participation

2007-01-15 17:19:48 · 18 answers · asked by Bob Mmari 1 in Government

What kind of a fool would ignore advice like that from a foreign policy expert with a lot more experience? Do you think Bush ever wishes he never broke Iraq in the first place, or is he too stubborn and stupid to ever reflect on his mistakes?

2007-01-15 17:12:30 · 11 answers · asked by Longhaired Freaky Person 4 in Politics

for example, if someday you have kids you become more conservative or perhaps one day you have an illness that might be able to be cured if they did more stem cell research so you become more liberal? Can you see yourself potentially switching to a different political party?

2007-01-15 17:11:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

it is legal in New Mexico and Louisiana. If Wild Thing answers this he should probably know that 90% of the people who fight chickens in th U.S. are not illegal immigrants.

also Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, and George Washington were cockfighters. Abraham Lincoln recieved the name "honest abe" from being the referee at cockfights. watch this video it is a short film about cockfighters it is eleven mins long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2rOjz5sO5w

for those who say it should be illegal how many of you know something about it other than what the Humane society tells you.

2007-01-15 17:11:22 · 11 answers · asked by asmith1022_2006 5 in Politics


think that Obama will sweap all the runners

2007-01-15 17:11:13 · 7 answers · asked by theblueyoshi 2 in Elections

Both want more illegal aliens in the U.S.. One in 48 illegal aliens is sex offender. And the U.S. government reports thousands of them sex offenders are enter the U.S. across the Mexican border.

240,000 sex offender illegal aliens in U.S.. 100 new ones cross the border daily.

"Based on a one-year in-depth study, a researcher estimates there are about 240,000 illegal immigrant sex offenders in the United States who have had an average of four victims each. "


2007-01-15 17:09:35 · 17 answers · asked by a bush family member 7 in Immigration

ok my husband is in afghanistan and they all did greetings on tv to send home no one contacted us til after the holidays were over and they said it would be posted online were at ft lewis but the greeting was supposed to go to california b/c i was there for the holidays any one know what im talking about ?

2007-01-15 17:09:24 · 4 answers · asked by mom 2 a queen 2 in Military

2007-01-15 17:06:26 · 2 answers · asked by bamboo 1 in Politics

However, Bush is not a thinking President. His thoughts, if any at all, and words orginate from his cabinet officers and advisers who in turn represent vested interests. He is just the mouthpiece but then is de facto the Commander in Chief, opposition be damned!
If America expects to win by sending in another 20 plus thousand troops, the country better be prepared first for more body bags and another round of conscription as replacements for war deaths and wounded.
Although defeat is a very scary word and not in the lexicon of Bush (and his cohorts), neither is outright victory. America cannot win, not when it is fighting as an occupying force against enemies whose cause is to defeat the invaders and to force them out of their land.
Everyone can see that the cause of the Iraqi insurgents is by far a greater force of will than America's professional and conscripted soldiers who really have no wish to be on Iraqi soil in the first place if they had a choice.
This is likely a long war of attrition which will see America admitting defeat just like Vietnam when body count of US deaths mounts and the Democrat-controlled congress refuses additional fundings,
The Amemrican people must ask loudly why their country should spend so much money to remain in Iraq, besides paying with American lives.
All this is in fact done to serve the interests of big businesses, especially those in arms manufacture and even more so in the oil business.
One can recall that the first action of the American 'governor' following the 'successful' invasion of Iraq was to carve up the oil interest in Iraq and distribute these to American companies. The same fate befell other major economic sector businesses.
Question is how long does one think the Iraqis would condone this economic rape and looting of their land.
The Iraqis are waking up to realaise that they have been 'liberated' from a brutal tyrant only to become economic slaves in their own land to the do-gooders.
However, the even bigger question is whether the Shiites would really cooperate with the Sunnis or for that matter America to see an end to sectarian strifes for a more stabilised Iraq. Perhaps Al-Maliki would prefer the current statu quo which better serves the Shiite interest and will therefore certainly do whatever is necessary to keep America mired in Iraq so that he and his sect can stay in power, again to further their own end.
Bush wants to be remembered in history as a can-do President. He desperately wishes to withdraw and he would if he could. For quite a long while to come, this can only remain on his 'dearest wish' list. Reality is that America through the incompetent leadership of a poor Presidient, must be ready for the long grind before the country can extricate its troops home.
Changing the war 'managers' and sending more troops is really the best joke of them all but for the fact that one cannot laugh over the dead bodies of Americans and Iraqis.

2007-01-15 17:04:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2007-01-15 17:03:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I'm a business owner and a customer fell in front of my business 2-3 years ago and is now suing us for damages. This woman is suing not only me but my landlord and insurance company. What do I need to do? Isn't my insurance supposed to cover these freak accidents? Do I need to hire an attorney? Should I counter-sue?

2007-01-15 17:03:34 · 2 answers · asked by jin22 1 in Law & Ethics

able to get rid of the bureaucracy. Would a sunset provision in legistlation- terminating the agency after a certain period of time unless the legislation is renewed-be a good idea? What are the pros and cons of such an approach?

2007-01-15 17:01:50 · 2 answers · asked by babyface 1 in Law & Ethics

What good thing has President Bush done? Did you vote for him and why would you continue to stand behind him if you did?

2007-01-15 16:59:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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