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Politics & Government - 23 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

I am a Briton teaching English at a university in China. I have been working on correcting students' errors and recently found websites on Bushisms or Bush-speak, which have collected all Bush's manglings of the English language.
I am amazed that the President of the United States, who is the privileged scion of a rich old American "dynasty" and the product of one of the best schools and universities should have such an appalling command of the English language and display such a poverty of thought.
It has been said that Americans like, and elect, Presidents just like themselves. Does this then mean that Americans, in general, are as linguistically challenged as Bush, or even worse, since he represents what might be laughingly called the elite?

2006-11-23 11:33:34 · 32 answers · asked by GARY 1 in Government

I am a Briton teaching English at a university in China. I have been working on correcting students' errors and recently found a website on Bushisms or Bush-speak, which have collected all Bush's manglings of the English language.
I am amazed that the President of the United States, who is the privileged scion of a rich old American "dynasty" and the product of one of the best schools and universities should have such an appalling command of the English language and display such a poverty of thought.
It has been said that Americans like, and elect, Presidents just like themselves. Does this then mean that Americans, in general, are as linguistically challenged as Bush, or even worse, since he represents what might be laughingly called the elite?

2006-11-23 11:32:09 · 22 answers · asked by GARY 1 in Government

i just found out my husbands insurance coverage has been terminated for about a month now, i think he may have been fired from his job and is trying to hide it from me. how do i find out if he has been fired and will a company tell me for what he got fired for?

2006-11-23 11:30:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-11-23 11:26:48 · 4 answers · asked by mrkitties420 4 in Military

5.25(or whatever it is) is def not enough for me.

2006-11-23 11:22:20 · 25 answers · asked by Raï 3 in Politics

my question is really: does bilingualism really work? does a country that is bilingual become weakened or confused?

2006-11-23 11:22:16 · 11 answers · asked by jacks888 1 in Immigration

or maybe N Korea. or some just some idiot.or muslim terrorist or China to get an buisness advantage or some other country who doesnt like us.?

2006-11-23 11:20:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

If your husband is in the military and he hits you what can you do? First of all it's not me. I know you can call the police but should you call the Military Police, or his superior officer? Anybody ever delt with this before? The guy is in the Navy. Oh, and he's bi-sexual, can we get him in trouble for that too?

2006-11-23 11:12:13 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

less as in enough to stop trying to completely kill every living being in America

and kinda a off the wall question:
why dont the jews just move and try to build their temple somewere else?

2006-11-23 11:07:55 · 32 answers · asked by amplifyd1 1 in Politics

Recent CNN POLL - 58 percent believe the war in Iraq has turned into a situation like the United States faced in Vietnam. Worse for Bush: 63% oppose the war. As Bush avoids reality, more Americans are killed every day. I never did support this war or this president.

2006-11-23 11:01:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If the Indians knew then what they know now, they'd have tried mightily to keep out the Pilgrims and all who followed. Over time, waves of immigrants overwhelmed the Indians, their societies and their culture. Early arrivals brought their own culture, religion, laws, language, system of political economy and technology with them. Later arrivals assimilated to this melting pot. It was the Indians who had to adapt.

I kind of like our culture, our customs and our language the way they are, and I'd like to preserve all that. I'm not opposed to immigration - legal immigration, that is - as long as it serves our interests. By controlling our borders and setting immigration limits and qualifications we can avoid the fate of the Indians and keep from being swamped by future waves of immigrants. Is this selfish? You bet. Just as every other nation in the world that behaves rationally is selfish.

Once upon a time, America thirsted for immigrants. That's when we were rapidly expanding our frontiers, heading west, homesteading, prospecting for gold and building railroads from sea to shining sea. We needed many skills including an army of hearty laborers. That was then; this is now. We still need refined skills and manual labor, some of which can be supplied by immigrants and guest workers. But we don't need this in infinite quantities.

Another thing that's changed since the days of rugged individualism and Manifest Destiny is the creation of the welfare state. Now you don't have to necessarily carry your own weight. The government has woven an intricate safety net to support you. We don't need more net tax receivers.

A recent letter to the editor attempted to make some tortured point that those who oppose open borders are un-Christian, arguing that the Bible instructs us to "take in and help the stranger, the alien and the downtrodden," and that Jesus would not have said, "Go thou and build a wall" to keep out illegal immigrants. Advocates of liberation theology use similar arguments to paint Jesus as a socialist, which might have amused Lenin and Stalin. The distinction is that there's a vital difference between one's behavior toward an individual encountered on the street and a nation's public policy.

The Bible might envision the day when we could beat our swords into plowshares, but in the meantime there's nothing un-Christian about a nation defending itself from Islamofascist suicidal murderers. Similarly, sovereign states (like the Vatican, for example, which has boundaries and a protective wall) are entitled to secure their borders and establish their own immigration policies. If Christians, or anyone else, as individuals, want to assist the downtrodden, adopt a child from an impoverished nation or go on a mission abroad to help others, God bless them. But that doesn't mean they can't also subscribe to reasonable and practical immigration and border security policies for their secular government at home.

The United States now has a population of 300 million. It's doubled in the last 50 years, increasingly from immigration. The world population is 6 billion today and projected to grow to 8 billion in 20 years. I don't doubt that half of them would love to come here if they could. That would be good for them but not so good for us. And that latter consideration should be the first criterion for our immigration policy. Remember what happened to the Indians.

2006-11-23 10:59:33 · 6 answers · asked by Zoe 4 in Immigration

Can someone help me with this?
I have a congenital deformation of my brain,in 2005, I found out i had tis and the docs told me i had it since birth. well anyway, july 25, i had surgery where i was decompressed, by removal of hindbone of my brain and from my cervical spine i have been trying to get my social security disability for 18 mos. for i am no longer able to have gainful employment, nor drive. i was denied my 1 attempt in march 2006, they said i was diabled but not enough, so i called them in oct. to see why they were late answering my claim and the status. they gave me ss determination center, i talked with my claims examiner, and she told me my case was getting ready to be set up, i don't understand what that means can anyone help me to understand what getting ready to set up is?

2006-11-23 10:50:45 · 7 answers · asked by shiningstarr32 3 in Other - Politics & Government

why is is that anti-immgrants can not respect the desire of some cities to be pro-amnesty ???

why do they have to send hate mail to those cities which are accepting to immigrants and do not care whether or not they are undocumented as far as they are not criminals ???

why do anti-immigrants want to punish those cities ???

if those citties were really being affected then they would be the first to know so , don't u think so ???

2006-11-23 10:50:06 · 10 answers · asked by game over loves evanescence 6 in Immigration

I'd Like to know

2006-11-23 10:49:01 · 5 answers · asked by vegas_b0y 1 in Law & Ethics

Why do we let US policy dictate our policy? We might be trade partners but we don’t have to be like them. The US trades with Holland. Holland has some of the most liberal laws in the world when it comes to prostitution and narcotics. Their penalties are stiff but their laws are not. Canadians are more like Europeans than US citizens. Take for example the CBC: They will show full frontal nudity (in the context of a film and not just for gratuitous display). The CBC is a national network. Have you ever seen full frontal nudity on NBC, CBS, ABC or FOX (all national networks)? The FCC fined CBS $500,000.00 for the Janet Jackson Super Bowl incident. In Canada we’d laugh at something like that. OOOOH NUDITY! It wasn’t even nudity but a single breast with the equivalent of a pasty over the nipple. You can see more at the news stand when you look at FHM, MAXIUM or the SI swimsuit issue.

2006-11-23 10:46:29 · 6 answers · asked by iamhermansen 3 in Other - Politics & Government

I have a congenital deformation of my brain,in 2005, I found out i had tis and the docs told me i had it since birth. well anyway, july 25, i had surgery where i was decompressed, by removal of hindbone of my brain and from my cervical spine i have been trying to get my social security disability for 18 mos. for i am no longer able to have gainful employment, nor drive. i was denied my 1 attempt in march 2006, they said i was diabled but not enough, so i called them in oct. to see why they were late answering my claim and the status. they gave me ss determination center, i talked with my claims examiner, and she told me my case was getting ready to be set up, i don't understand what that means can anyone help me to understand what getting ready to set up is?

2006-11-23 10:44:52 · 2 answers · asked by shiningstarr32 3 in Government

and the police report gave the name of the caller and a number,, the number was 5 digits, a space, then MO- and 3 more digits,, like this [ John Doe 12345 MO-123] -- what do the numbers after the name mean?

2006-11-23 10:42:54 · 3 answers · asked by UrNo1Fan 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

Provocation has been removed as a positive defence to murder, but "Battered Wife Syndrome" has been left in as a positive defence. Aren't they one and the same thing?
A husband is hounded, nagged, badgered, belittled and emotionally and mentally castrated by his wife for 20 years. He finally snaps and murders her. Sorry, provocation is no longer a defense.
A wife is belted, bruised, belittled and made to feel inadequate and worthless for 20 years. She finally snaps and murders him. Yes, you may plead justification using battered wife syndrome.
Personally they both sound horrible for the people involved, but why is one legally justified and the other not?

2006-11-23 10:41:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Should "Policy & Politics" be held accountable for the effect that these harmful gases have on our enviorment?

2006-11-23 10:34:30 · 12 answers · asked by Keno 1 in Government

My friends ex gf has a state of mind where she does not seem to redognise that what she does may affect other people. My friend split up with his gf at which point she told him that she was pregnant with his baby which he never really believed and didnt get back with her. she then stated that she had had a miscarriage but dfoudn out that she hadnt had one... and now shes decided that she is going to have an abortion. My friend wanted to know if he had any rights to know if she had actually had an abortion seeing as it could be his child? I was unable to answer him but hoped you could? I have told him that she is obviously manipulative if the inute that he splits with her she is miraculously pregnant then has a miscarriage which wasnt one and is now having an abortion... but i think he wants to know for sure whether she truely was lying!!

2006-11-23 10:28:08 · 34 answers · asked by lovelydarling1232002 2 in Law & Ethics

Political goals not always be known . Some people have attacked me because I expressed some of the facts they did not want to talk about it publicly . Can they explain the reason for the refusal of some Jews to the existence of the State of Israel and say it is a land of Palestine ? ... Do not try to deny this fact because it is known publicly .

2006-11-23 10:27:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What authority or capacity should cities, counties, and states have to deal directly with illegal immigration, or should the issue be handled by federal government only?

2006-11-23 10:26:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-11-23 10:25:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I mean, the biggest worst blow they ever suffered came at the hand of a GOP president, namely Abe Lincoln... and I keep reading that the South is traditionally a Republican bastion... While I can understand this from Gung ho Texas, this surprises me much more on the part of mellower places like Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, let alone Louisiana, though the Florida record is painfully clear in asserting this to be right.

Can somebody explain me how this comes to be?

2006-11-23 10:23:55 · 18 answers · asked by Svartalf 6 in Politics

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