I mean, I believe this organization is systematically, under mining the U.S. constitution. Its founder (Rodger Nash Baldwin) was a socialist. the A.C.L.U.is waging a war against Christianity. You people who think they are protecting you from religious extremisim, are just gullible fools.The purpose of their war, is to rid society from religious influence. Socialism hates religion, because the Socialist state is God. Look at any socialist society. Russia, China, Cuba. All atheist governments. They oppress religion.Why? because if you are devoted to a God, your loyalty does not lie with their government. Vladimar Lennin called religion, opimum for the masses. He of course was insinuating that they were ignorant simple fools, But being a revolutionary leader, It served his purpose of revolution, and the socialst state, NO GOD .You can try to argue that the A.C.L.U. is just a benign good organization, fighting for everyones rights, I am in favor of every person having the right to choose.
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