my rabbit has really bad teeth. it's because of 2things.
1) he is a fussy eater and will only eat russell rabbit dried food and then he picks at it.
2) he's my first rabbit and i didn't know they need regular dentals.
i know it's my own fault and i feel so bad. my vet says he can only have 2 anastetics, he has had 1 already so after his 2nd they say he will have to be put to sleep as it will be cruel to let him live.
because his teeth will continualy over grow he will eventualy not be able to eat and will starve to death.
there must be an alternative??
his teeth will overgrow in as little as 6 weeks. i cant get him to chew blocks or even eat fresh food, he won't eat carrots, lettuce, anything, i've tried all kinds of dried foods. he wont touch them.
what should i do?
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