We live in a small rural town on a very large lot that we share with two other houses, and so we have created a small pack of three dogs. My dog I believe in all areas is a very well trained and socialized dog, however when she is outside with the other dogs and another dog passeswith it's owner, all of the dogs charge up to the road barking and giving aggressive body language. I would be nervous if I was a dog walker. I truly believe this is a dogs natural instinct of protecting it's territory, and have found that if a "smart" dog owner stops allows the dogs to do "their" thing (sniff and "meet" each other) the next time that dogs walks by it is barely taken notice of. I guess I need to know how to teach my dog that it is not okay to go charging at these people and their dogs, she will not do this if I am outside, so the immediate correction is unavaible. Thanks for your help.
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