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Current Events - November 2007

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We've had hijackings before and we've had planes crashed after being hijacked. Could it be that our reaction to 911 was an overreaction? Would we have gone to war if the buildings had withstood the crashes? Going to war because a few planes get highjacked and get crashed into (I assume) poorly constructed buildings seems insane. A much saner reaction would have been special ops against the terrorists not invasion and occupation of a country which had nothing to do with the hijackings.

2007-11-16 06:14:05 · 17 answers · asked by jon c 1

What is the "truth"? Is it possible that the tanker in question, was under ORDERS to ram that Western U.S. bridge? If so, why? Why, also, was the Coast Guard so late, to proceed to clean up the mess? I have to wonder if this "accident" was not, in fact, PLANNED, in order to allow American petrolium companies to hike gas pump prices even higher than ever. Would this not also fuel George W. Bushes paranoia, about terrorism, by claiming that the crash was a "terrorist plot"? Could this be anotherreason for him to wage war on HIS enemies? No, not Al-Qaida, the Taliban, or the Iraqi People. I am talking about HIS REAL enemy. Tens of millions of Americans who are fed up with gasoline price gouging, and HIS sending THEIR children to war, while HIS daughters stay, safe, at home. Why crash the tanker? To charge Americans $5.00 per gallon, at the pump. Possible? What do YOU think?

2007-11-16 05:56:29 · 2 answers · asked by kittycat 1

I'm an idiot, and this sounds like a dumb question, but I don't know.

2007-11-16 05:44:28 · 3 answers · asked by dinkylinker 1

...then how can this Administration talk about how terrific things are going if there has been absolutely NO progress made by the Iraqis? Why should Americans continue to die in a country that has no interest in peace itself?

2007-11-16 05:35:05 · 5 answers · asked by The ~Muffin~ Man 6

All this talk about Islamo-facism, why don't the Americans fight it where it actually exists?

2007-11-16 05:33:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

80% of America is now against the war and the signing statements that have stripped away our Constitutional rights.

Ron Paul and his supporters want to restore those rights and civil liberties and then people like Glenn Beck go after them by calling them domestic terrorists.

That is insane!

How can supporting freedom and our Constitutional rights align real American's with terrorists.

I thought America was fighting the war on terror and trying to spread freedom around the World.

Then why is it when you try to spread freedom in America and protect and uphold the Constitution which gives us our American freedom - you are labeled a terrorist?

I thought that was called patriotism - am I mistaken - is it now a crime and an act of terror to uphold and observe the rights given to Americans in the Constitution?

Can someone explain this craziness to me?

2007-11-16 05:26:01 · 7 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4

Hillary Clinton has been in the Yahoo front page headline non-stop since the debate ended. Every other news article has cycled in and out of circulation, but she remains there perpetually. I think that pretty-much answers the question of Yahoo's political aims.

Your thoughts?

2007-11-16 05:25:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Santa has been saying Ho Ho Ho for ever. It has nothing to do with women

2007-11-16 05:23:34 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

First came establishment of Israel. through terrorism, and displacement of Palestinians, than cam Palestinian " terrorist"
First came American support for Israel, American support for dispicable Arab dictators, American political interference in Muslim lands, American military bases on Muslim lands. Than came Al Qaida and the desire to attack America.
Pre 2002, Muslim terrorist attacking the UK, was never an issue or threat. Despite calls to attack America since the 90s, OBL never mentioned the UK, than came the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, than came OBL's call to attack the UK, than came 7/7 and all the foiled plots or failed attempts.

How can people believe the political and media spin, that muslim terrorism would happen regardless of what the west does. And also Guantanamo Bay, is filled with innocent civilians or people fighting to protect their home lands from invaders. if your country was invaded and ur army defeated, would u accept occupation?

2007-11-16 05:23:13 · 6 answers · asked by MoeJoe 2

Iraq and even Iran are now just back burner issues in my mind. Musharruf is losing control. He is trying to shut down his best competition who is also a pro west anti terrorist leader leaving the door open to the other options - a variety of radical groups. Al queda and the Talaban are both headquarted in pPakistans outer territories and controll alot of that tribal area. If they or a sypathetic movement takes over in the impending power vaccuum, what do we do??? Remember, they have the nukes on missles ready to launch - and plenty of them, too.

2007-11-16 04:36:27 · 3 answers · asked by Magic Mouse 6

I mean last night I thought I was watcjing a debate but they kept serving waffles first I thought I was at Denny' but later realized I was at Waffle House.

I mean do these people hace an opinion on anything? Waffle House for President.

2007-11-16 03:29:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tanner says she saw a man walking away from the holiday complex carrying a child at around 9:15 p.m. that evening, the BBC said.

At the time she thought nothing of it, but was now convinced it was Madeleine.

Yeah ok, so either it was your friends’ child or it wasn’t and of course anyone in their right minds would just ignore it?!

Maybe attentions to other headlines are causing alarm and they need another diversion?

And so the plot thickens, what will they come up with next?


2007-11-16 03:23:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

▲Vicki Connolly told the Chicago Tribune that Peterson threatened to kill her and make it look like an accident, a comment similar to what the family of Peterson's third wife, Kathleen Savio, claims she said.

NBC5's Kim Vatis reported Friday that Connolly claims that Peterson cheated on her and sometimes hit her.

Connelly said that she told Bolingbrook police officers about the threats, but that "it was mind games. It was head games."

The paper quoted the second wife as saying, "He had the experience, the knowledge, the means and the mind" to make Connolly's murder look accidental ▲


I am beginning to think he is the world's biggest liar. I truly believed his story when he was on the TODAY show this week. Now I have serious doubts.

He is getting $6000 a month of the taxpayers money since he resigned from his job as a police officer. If he is convicted, he will lose that.

2007-11-16 02:12:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

He's not at all well: if he were in Britain he'd be under the care of the mental healthcare authorities and getting some treatment, but in the US they just force the poor man to keep working. It's hardly surprising he's behaving so strangely, is it?

2007-11-16 01:11:12 · 46 answers · asked by SLF 6

Is this going to cause severe weather in Salt Lake City? Why do Mormons do things that are anti-Christ?

2007-11-16 01:09:20 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Shellay Ward was 7 years old, and weighed only 9 kilograms when she died recently. Her parents were "known to the Department for Community Services". There is now a warrant out for their arrest and they are missing. This is the second case in recent weeks of at risk children being brought to the Department's attention, but nothing been done to remove them or keep them safe. The first child was 2 years old and found stuffed into a suitcase and thrown into a lake.

How can a 7 year old child starve to death and not go to school and no one notices? What can we, as a society, do to prevent more tragedies like this?

RIP Dean Shillingworth (aged 2) and Shellay Ward (aged 7).


2007-11-16 00:54:08 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

The PLO was born with a commitment to the destruction of Israel and in the early days of the organization, they would consider nothing other than that immediate objective. The October 1973 Yom Kippur War convinced the Arabs that they would not be able to destroy Israel through military action within its post-1967 boundaries. Thus they embarked upon a new three-stage strategy for Israel's destruction, embodied in the Palestine Liberation Organization's 1974 Political Program, commonly known as the "Phased Plan", adopted at the 12th Session of the Palestinian National Council, held in Cairo, June 9, 1974.

The plan has three main articles:

* Through the "armed struggle" (i.e., terrorism), to establish an "independent combatant national authority" over any territory that is "liberated" from Israeli rule. (Article 2)

2007-11-16 00:01:21 · 6 answers · asked by Ivri_Anokhi 6

It will likely be forgotten that Blair's misjudgements, ego and refusal to push Bush over a postwar plan has cost hundreds of thousands of lives more than necessary (including British lives lost in war and on 7/7).

If democracy arises people will forget the years of chaos intervening.

2007-11-15 23:43:54 · 7 answers · asked by James T 3

Canada. Say it ain't so.. 461 Taser killings in America by Jack booted Fascist cops this Year alone .. In Italy a football fan, murdered by a cop, Iraq, Blackwater's hired gunslingers, and Now Canada, and I thought Canadian Cops were not as stupid and vicious as American Cops, I was wrong.

50,000 volts for What? This man clearly does not speak English, has no weapon, and is posing no threat dangerous threat.. Yes he is clearly upset about something..but his hands are up! And its 3am and not too many people around so no chance he is going to start a Riot or Hurt anyone. there is a lady seen trying to speak and there is no angerwith him and others as far as the eye can see, there are at least 4 cops in this picture. so why the Taser? This is Murder plain and simple. The last moments of a innocent mans life. And no!! he was not on drugs, a criminal or Illegal, he was visiting Canada, His mum saved 8 years for his visit from Poland to Canada.


2007-11-15 23:06:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

But this Anthony Bennett man is apparently EX National Front & hates Muslims allegedly.

Oh dear. So much for his credibility.,,1404650,00.html+anthony+bennett+prophet+mohammed&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=uk

2007-11-15 22:17:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should the Serbian Gov be put on trial for crimes against humanity,My heart is broken,Peace and love to the children and adults treated in such horror.

2007-11-15 19:52:57 · 13 answers · asked by Francis7 4

Followed by the capture and replacement of Kim Jong Il by a Manchurian-type duplicate, who will introduce human rights and capitalism to the Korean people. The public will never know why Kim's policies have changed so drastically.

2007-11-15 19:15:24 · 3 answers · asked by The First Dragon 7

We have read considerably criticism of the Portuguese Police in the UK Press again. Importantly that they did not secre the McCanns holiday appartment, a potential crime scene on the night that she disappeared.

But it seems a lot of the criticism is with hindsight, as on the night of 3rd May practically the whole area were looking for a child they believed may have just wandered off as the parents had left Madeleine alone and not locked the doors. The Portuguese Police did not treat the abduction possibility serious at first (probably becuase Tanner came out with all sorts of stories) until laer that night.

The McCanns themselves did not help the situation, why did they invite so many non officials to look inside the apartment ? what for ? Classic 'fake abduction' action is that the scene be trashed so no DNA evidence of an abductor or rather non abductor can be found. In addition the Holiday resort staff washed everything, huh ? what were they thinking of ?

Now just a Blame Game ?

2007-11-15 19:07:29 · 16 answers · asked by 17pdr 4

2007-11-15 19:07:05 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

What if we look away when we realise we've been caught?

2007-11-15 19:05:08 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

citizens using Yahoo's records. By the way these Chinese disadents were murdered by the Chinese government. GREAT JOB YAHOO.

2007-11-15 18:01:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Italy a football fan, murdered by cops, Iraq Blackwater's hired cowboys, and Now Canada, and I thought Canadian Cops were not as stupid and vicious as American Cops, I was wrong.

50,000 volts for What? This man clearly does not speak english, has no weapon, and is posing no threat as far as the eye can see, there are at least 4 cops in this picture. so why the Taser? This is Murder plain and simple. The last moments of a innocent mans life. And no!! he was not on drugs, a criminal or Illegal, he was visiting Canada, His mum saved 8 years for his visit from Poland to Canada.


2007-11-15 17:17:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just say one happend in the near future.How would you cope.

2007-11-15 17:01:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not only did Blitzer slant everything to make Hillary look good the public questions must have been submitted by the Clinton campaign. The entire debate was an insult on those who can understand a fix when they see it. I guarantee I will not watch anything more on The Clinton News Network. My guess is Ted turner has a thing for Hillary. He has already shown how much he hates the US and loves those that attack it.

2007-11-15 16:15:23 · 3 answers · asked by mr conservative 5

During summer its the excuse that people are going on vacation more and driving around and using more fuel. Yet, during the summer the price actually drops! Now they are going back up again. What do you think the deal is on this one?

2007-11-15 15:54:50 · 11 answers · asked by Pen 5

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