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Many people who've watched their interviews and followed the story closely say they suspect the McCanns of hiding something.

Are there credible grounds for such suspicion?

2007-05-30 01:20:32 · 24 answers · asked by James T 3

i was going to Miami but after the threat of Al Qaida i'm not so sure. I live in Jordan and i think it's safer here.
God be with you, America. Most Muslims do not support Al Qaida.

2007-05-30 00:34:06 · 6 answers · asked by salar b 2

This has got to be the most shambolic show of so called concern I have ever seen in my life. If my kid was missing I would be tearing my friggin hair out and running around like a lunatic yelling her name. Not these two attention seeking twats. Come on, let it go. Get the police involved. Get them back over here and get them charged with friggin neglect and negligent parenting. FFS!

2007-05-30 00:27:32 · 20 answers · asked by hairybear_042000 1

I live in Australia and for some reason it receives a fair amount of news coverage. I'm guessing it is the same in the States.

2007-05-29 23:56:59 · 5 answers · asked by robbob 5

This has gone to far.

Won't the catholic church be against the creation of embryo's that won't survive during the course of IVF?

What do you think?


2007-05-29 23:55:52 · 15 answers · asked by Lovely Lady 4

telling them they are winning
when not one muslim has converted yet

2007-05-29 23:39:59 · 6 answers · asked by impeachbushnoww 1

should we be worried about this new video


is the threat level higher now that this video was released? should we be on high alert?

when will this war between us end i dont feel safe

2007-05-29 22:33:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

That hog did nothing wrong, he just was. And then they killed him, and this boy is regretful: "It feels really good," Jamison said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. "It's a good accomplishment. I probably won't ever kill anything else that big."
Why anything big has to be killed at all? They could preserve that hog, and keep him like a local curiosity. It was so big! This boy is a murderer!


2007-05-29 22:19:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

is making one iota of difference?

What you fail to appreciate is that at the same time I am posting them on here, I am posting the same questions and points on about 12 other world wide forums ... including the question about the utter hypocrisy of the McCanns proclaiming themselves to be Catholics whilst undergoing IVF - "Cafeteria Catholics" as they were so graciously called by a certain Father Keith from a Catholic organisation... oh and it is also grounds for excommunication!!!

Are you going to try and remove all of those posts as well? Good luck to you there as I feel you may need it!

.. and keep up the good work as I shall do!!

2007-05-29 22:02:17 · 23 answers · asked by triptipper 3

Probably depends on how much media exposure it gets.

I wonder how he works out the criteria in how people are worthy of his help?

2007-05-29 21:51:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My dad found a death note earlier today on his car windshield that read "I just got out of prison, you are being watch. Your days are being counted." We took it to the police station and filed a report. So, now what is the next step? What will happen to this crazy guy? And what can i do to be protected, i am real scare. Should i carry a gun? Oh , and this person is my sisters EX boyfriend. He put the note in are parkway today and signed his signature.

2007-05-29 20:51:17 · 12 answers · asked by blue000 2

BUT.... What about all the crap that Bill O’Really says every single day agaist mexicans?

I'm not supporting the booing, but, they were mexican citizens living and working IN MEXICO, just like the minute men and Bill O’Really, and Neil Cabuto in the USA.

If mexicans insult an american is the lower thing in the world, and the "americans are very moral superior than that buch of savages" but people like Bill O’Really or the minute men, insult the mexicans not only in the 60 seconds wich last the boooing to Miss USA, but by hours and hours every day in the american media.

Isn't nice when you are the victim of stupid insults right???

(And yes my english is awful, so what? i'm living in Mexico City.

2007-05-29 20:40:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


With Big Brother to strart tonight do you think the McCanns will drop of the media radar?

2007-05-29 20:01:43 · 21 answers · asked by Lovely Lady 4

Why does she think that people care that she is quiting the Democratic party? I am sorry that her son does doing the job that "HE CHOSE" to do but their are other sons and daughter who have given their lives for their country too. My husband is serving his country and has been to Iraq a few times and to Afghanistan. He doesn't expect anyone to throw him a parade. He is doing the job that he chose when he signed the paper to join just like millions of other soldiers and Airman. But I guess one of the reasons those people are over there and else where are so that Ms. Shehan can have the right to voice her opnion. I just wish she didn't feel that she had to shove it down everyones throats.

2007-05-29 19:23:39 · 9 answers · asked by KM 3

War is not good for children, flowers, and other living things.

2007-05-29 18:45:01 · 15 answers · asked by blondepiaga 1

With sky-high, record-breaking profits that oil companies are making, why do we pay these prices?

2007-05-29 18:37:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

her power bill was over due, now her family want compensation??? I am trying to get my head around this because it sounds like the family are blaming the power company. Of course there is grief and the family need someone to blame but i would like to know what people think

2007-05-29 18:29:41 · 8 answers · asked by fixrupr f 2

The fact that the US military is bogged down in Iraq and (to a far lesser extent, Afghanistan) is true, but the fact is the US Military remains the best trained, most advanced, most lethal on earth. This is not just my opinion. Every year "Janes Intelligence", a highly respected British security publication, does a review on "world armies". The latest one in January 2007, said the following:

"Despite major setbacks in Iraq and to a lesser extent Afghanistan, The American military remains the best trained, most technologically advanced, and most effective overall military machine in the world".

Iran is ranked in the same publication as:

"The third biggest military in the Middle East, and the fourth most lethal". The publication puts it behind Israel, and Egypt in size, and Israel, Egypt and Jordan in "effectiveness".

Given these facts, should America launch a first strike against Iran's nuclear facilities.

2007-05-29 18:25:14 · 15 answers · asked by Devin L 1

Woman dies after power company cuts her off

Photo : NZPA
Police have spoken to the family of a woman who died soon after a power company shut off power to her home oxygen machine.

Mangere woman Folole Muliaga, 44, was an early childhood teacher and mother of four children aged from five to 18.

A relative who married into Mrs Muliaga's family, Brenden Sheehan, told NZPA she had been off work since February with an illness.

Mrs Muliaga's husband Lopa, a chef's assistant, had been forced to reduce his work hours in order to care for her.

The family had been in New Zealand for six years, and were confident English speakers, Mr Sheehan said.

When a Mercury Energy representative arrived to cut the power supply, the family had explained the circumstances, and had brought the person inside the house to show the representative the oxygen machine, he said.

"They didn't (have a medical certificate) at that moment in time. They clearly could have got one had they been given an opportunity to do so."

Mr Sheehan said police had talked this morning to the family, who expected to be interviewed again later today.

Auckland law lecturer Bill Hodge said today if what the family said was true the contractor could face a manslaughter charge.

Today Inspector Bruce Bird, area commander for Counties Manukau west, said today police would investigate the death.

"We will have a look at the whole circumstances...and make a decision on what the facts tell us and review that.

It was too early early to speculate on what, if any charges, may be laid.

Mercury Energy general manager James Moulder said the company was devastated by the woman's death but would not say how much money was owed on the power bill.

"I don't talk about customer arrangements with anyone but customers."

He said the company had expressed its deep condolences to the family.

"We are incredibly remorseful.

"We are now working through just to understand exactly what did occur."

He said he had heard the suggestion the power was cut off in spite of the protestations of the family.

"We haven't verified that internally ourselves yet.

"I can't really comment on something I am not 100 percent sure on."

He said the company was still talking to contractors and getting details.

Mr Moulder said if there was an "issue", the contractor or disconnect agent should call Mercury before the power was cut off.

"We do have procedures in place to deal with medical emergencies or issues of hardship."

He said Mercury's procedures were clear.

"If the event there is a medical reason the person needs power, then the disconnect processes are quite different," Mr Moulder said.

Mr Moulder said he had offered Mr Sheehan and the family his personal condolences.

"They were received as you would expect but obviously it is an extremely trying time.

"This is an absolute tragedy. We are as devastated as anyone about what has occurred."

Although Mr Moulder would not talk about how much money was owed, it may have been only a month or two of power.

He said generally after a bill was sent, it should be paid within 21 days.

Ten to 14 days after that 21-day period a reminder notice was sent and seven to 10 days after that the next month's bill would include a "message saying that the previous month was overdue, please pay otherwise disconnection will occur.

"Seven days after that we send a final disconnect (notice) saying if you don't pay within 48 hours you power is going to be disconnected."

Mr Moulder said that meant disconnection was likely more than a month or six weeks after the initial 21-day period given to pay the bill.

"We always arrange to disconnect while people are on the premises as well. We disconnect in the morning so we can reconnect soon afterwards in the afternoon if payment has been made," he said.

Power was restored to the house about 8am today.

A spokeswoman for State Owned Enterprises Minister Trevor Mallard said he was concerned by the death.

"The minister is taking this incident extremely seriously and will be demanding accountability," she said.

"He has asked for an urgent report from the SOE."

Green Party MP Sue Bradford called for a public inquiry into the death describing the decision to cut the power as ``mercenary''.

``Is there no social responsibility requirement? No code of conduct? Listening to the company spokesperson this morning it would seem the company sees it as entirely the responsibility of the consumer to make contact, provide documentation and argue their right to be allowed to live,'' she said.

``Surely there is some flexibility to use compassion and common sense in this type of very rare situation.

2007-05-29 17:57:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

A Meridean Energy (NZ) contractor cut off the power to the home of a woman on a life saving machine, and she died. Should both contractor and Meridean be charged with murder?

2007-05-29 17:00:16 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

but its ok to send everybody and they momma ?? naw i think he should go to....

2007-05-29 15:15:06 · 16 answers · asked by cuzialwayzno 1

I am writing a speech for my school to end povery in Africa. One of the opposing points I got from my peers, was that we dont have enoigh money to support Africa, and I need to come up with a answer on what we can do fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE HELP!!

2007-05-29 14:59:52 · 9 answers · asked by Amanda 1

I find this rather disturbing.
First off, I'm happy that the six terrorists were exposed before they could carry out their carnage at Ft. Dix but, now that the tipster's name is all over the news, doesn't this put his life in danger?
Wouldn't other fanatics that we know are out there now want to take out their revenge on this guy for exposing their "compadres"?
Disturbing....very disturbing (I worry so much for his safety,
I don't even want to reveal his name in this Question ).

2007-05-29 14:26:30 · 3 answers · asked by GeneL 7

2007-05-29 14:13:45 · 20 answers · asked by The Wondeful World of ME! 1

having ate burger and chips (With a diet coke) on the Costa Brava while their abandoned child was abducted, be afforded a private jet to fly to the Vatican for a one-to-one with the Pope?

2007-05-29 12:27:55 · 11 answers · asked by Harriet 5

were there other nights they left their kids alone at the hotel?

2007-05-29 12:00:05 · 18 answers · asked by Daniel_Walton 3

trying to enforce new sanctions in Darfur. He claims they are in a crises and we will help. I have no problem trying to help, but what about our own crises right here in the US like the folks still trying to recover after hurricane Katrina or all the homless people we have here. Lets not forget all the people who have lost all the crops they grow because of weather. In the same news report it was noted about the oil they have. When will people wake up and realise the only thing Bush wants, because he has $ in it, is oil? If that area just had sprouts he could care less.

2007-05-29 11:59:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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