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Current Events - April 2007

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liberals want God removed from everythong and promote immorality. the media gives them all this attention and the rest of the world thinks the 10 percent of idiots in america represent the rest of us... doesn't majority rule anymore?.... why is the small demographic of gays, athiests and perverts being accomodated? f-them

2007-04-27 13:29:47 · 10 answers · asked by Mr. Ree 5

did you here that this time they where going to hit Saudi Arabia oil drills that will hurt are ecomemy diffently good thing the saudies stopped it. oh they where going to use the same tactics they use on us in the WTC.

2007-04-27 13:14:13 · 6 answers · asked by Jeremy P 2

2007-04-27 12:48:55 · 3 answers · asked by FishNChimps 2

And what about the falsely accused Duke University students? It seems that in present day America, more is to be feared from words than from sticks and stones.

2007-04-27 12:10:05 · 11 answers · asked by In Honor of Moja 4

2007-04-27 12:02:27 · 17 answers · asked by Nichosha J 1

His daughters are not there...nobody he knows is in IRAQ in harms way, so it is VERY easy to keep sending more troops, and bankrupt the country(you DID know we are borrowing from the Chinese to fund this?)

I think if he had to strap on a rug-sack with an M-16, he might reconsider that the sectarian violence has pretty much reduced our level of importance to the big picture. Let them kill each other, and put a fence around the place. Next time we would be less motivated to go there if we didn't all drive gas swilling SUV's and Trucks.

2007-04-27 11:58:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

the middle east only just iraq.

2007-04-27 11:50:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

We are in Desperate need of a Democrat President--but which one do you think could actually WIN THE WHITE HOUSE in '08??


2007-04-27 11:46:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-27 11:31:35 · 4 answers · asked by richard b 1

I see dumb cops with the motive in front of their faces are still spending tax payers money on looking for a motive that most smart people already know what the motive is thanks to the killers message and mass media. It's straight to the point unless your are cop?

Is thier a revenge motive from the department of justice to find someone else to punish for this sad event, sence they cannot punish the dead?

Can someone help make sense of this wasted energy of fighting crime?

2007-04-27 11:11:16 · 9 answers · asked by ruggedwarrior_love 2

I mean there is literaly hours and hours of video all over the web clearly showing the Dems talking about WMDs in Iraq for years before Bush was in even in office. I mean if you are going to blame someone for lieing shouldn't it be th guy who made it up and not the guy who believed it?

2007-04-27 10:55:47 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-04-27 10:38:55 · 15 answers · asked by JAM2DMB 2

Can anyone please describe the War on Iraq from a non-biased standpoint?

My son in 4th grade asked me this question and I've asked around to get others responses - I'm having a hard time getting straight, factal, and unbiased answers. Thank you!

2007-04-27 10:03:27 · 8 answers · asked by Evey 1

Everyday a soldier dies for the American public while serving in Iraq and Afganistan. Why shouldn't we honor them as we did for the students at Virginia Tech?

2007-04-27 09:55:59 · 10 answers · asked by Six2eyesblue 1

2007-04-27 08:30:45 · 5 answers · asked by moneymkr8 1

A piece of paper will soon be placed on George Bush's desk in the Oval Office.

By picking up a pen and signing his name to it, he could end the war in Iraq.

The House and Senate united and passed a bill that would provide for our troops now and begin a redeployment from Iraq to bring them home.

We're just one signature away from ending the tragic mistake that has cut short thousands of American lives, cost tens of billions of dollars, and destroyed America's global moral leadership. But only if the president signs the bill.

2007-04-27 08:27:11 · 20 answers · asked by courage 6

Because if they did Exxon wouldn't be able to make their record profits. This is not an issue of being screwed by Republicans or Democrats as they are both equally guilty and are both lining their pockets at the American public expense. People love to pin the blame on Bush and his oil buddies, but do you meant to tell me that Democrats, such a Pelosi or Kennedy aren't making money off of this. We're being robbed !!!! The oil companies are creating false shortages just so they can jack up the price.


2007-04-27 07:54:09 · 13 answers · asked by DOC 3

Have you ever heard of such a thing. Or do you know what it is? I've never heard of a phone number having a "+" in it, or being that long. Or to get called on the 8th minute, 3 times in two days. It probably would have called again at 9:08 am this morning if my phone hadn't been off.

2007-04-27 06:17:32 · 8 answers · asked by Jennifer G 2

Ok, since gas prices are rediculously high, this is just a weird thought but in theory it seems like it would work. What if our country planned a couple days where we just not get gas at all, for like a few days then if we get too low, dont go to work or dont go anywhere, enjoy a week at home, the economy would shut down because there would be NO customers or employers, they would have to lower gas prices or else it would be the end of the United States of America! I think this could work... you?

2007-04-27 06:17:20 · 11 answers · asked by chuckleburry 2

Not only will it be America`s message, it will be the terrorst`s guide to the future...What do you think ???

2007-04-27 06:15:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm just bored, I feel like mush... just comment on what ever floats you boat people- go for it- I don't care- I have no brain left today, worked reeeally late last night so I could fall asleep right about now- entertain me, please.

2007-04-27 06:01:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 38 ...., seen 3 (yes 3) channels on tv turn into 150 + channels, telephones with rotary dials and long curly, forever kinked up cords, turn into flip phones with digital cameras and internet access..... pong... (anyone?)turn into grand theft auto...
seen victims of crimes victimized by our judicial system because of "human rights" and "political correctness", people being murdered and the killers exonerated because of loopholes and lawyers.... finger pointing and blame shifting....
my kids are fat and its mcdonalds fault.... im not smart enough to know that if i spill hot coffee on myself (that i would have bitched about not being hot enough) it will hurt.... omygod i think i have whatever disease or disorder a pill will fix with certain side effects that i will need another pill for.
.... cho is NOT a victim... he was defective. not because he was korean, or bullied.... its not "everyone elses fault". think that bin laden would respond to therapy? evil is real

2007-04-27 05:29:58 · 8 answers · asked by 7bridgesroad 2

Iam sure your tired of getting asked this question but iam having a debate in class for it and would like some more ifo?
And for the people that like to run their mouth about this question i was over their twice USMC THanks

2007-04-27 05:11:23 · 14 answers · asked by trey64op 2

2007-04-27 05:08:43 · 4 answers · asked by JASMINE Q 1

Do you believe that there is an elderly GRANDMOTHER out there who has graduated at the tender age of 95 years old? She is an inspiration to me as i will be following her footsteps. Do you believe that there is a limit to education?

2007-04-27 03:51:52 · 11 answers · asked by everythingsnice 2


Why hasn't the DEMO's congress lowered the gas prices yet? That is one of the big reason people voted for them.

2007-04-27 03:42:30 · 4 answers · asked by Boomrat 6

I keep seeing news of people being impeached and being brought before the Senate etc. but I always skip political news cos it's, well, boring.

What's happening over there?

2007-04-27 02:43:23 · 8 answers · asked by David B 4

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