I am sure that by now, you have all heard about the Israeli massacre in Lebanon and of the hizbullah killing israeli civilians. This posting is NOT to say who'se better than who or who is at fault. It is to ask the world how come the US is SO biased towards one side of the conflict. HOw come the western world sees the arab world as terrorists while the Israelis are seen as great people? I know that arabs did terrorist acts, im not defending them, but israel is NO better, they have done unimaginable crimes, an idea is: http://www.nowarlb.com/
If arab kids were doing this, the whole would have said how evil they are, then how come Israeli kids doing so on the bombs is ok?
My point again is not to be biased towards arabs, but to ask you: how can the world be unfair to them? To ignore their plea for their lives to be spared by the Israeli warmachines? Do you really thin arabs deserve less treatment than israelis? that they are less of humans than israelis? were ALL equal, dont forget it
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