I am 53 yrs old. Hght 5.4" wght 81.5 kg.now. Joined gym , 2.5 months ago. I follow strict gym regime given by trainer,which includes cardio mill walk 30 mnts, cycle 15 to 20 mnts,weights, upper & lower body, abs,arms etc, 6 days a week. I have not changed my eating habits. However I am not great eater. but it is sqare meal comprises of roti vegs,dal,salads etc. I am not in non-veg, & sweets much. If I eat rice I do not go for roti and if roti no rice.
Before joing gym I used to weigh 84 kg. But inspite of 2 .5 months gym body fat does not budge.
Earlier I had a Job and as Fin extv, my work involved lot of running around and comp work. But then too my weight was steady and the same .
Post gym I do feel fit but that stubborn fat does not melt to the mark. After my menapause, I have borderline high BP and Cholestrol which is normal now.
Pls help me where do I go wrong ? Going to gym twice a day will help my weighty problem ?
thanx 4 your precious time.
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