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Other - Health - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Other - Health

Lately I've been giving more thought to how my posture at my PC affects my body in terms of building tension, proper alignment, etc. I'm wondering if there are any ways that you can examine your posture (e.g., through photos or video) and make adjustments that would be beneficial. Anyone know of anything like this?

2007-03-05 04:45:40 · 2 answers · asked by jpbischke 1

I have a friend that has to go for a drug test and will like to know if those quick flush liqids work, and if they do i will like some names she may try.

2007-03-05 04:44:20 · 3 answers · asked by maritzared 2

i need to write a report for a local newspaper about vaccinations for diptheria and how a vaccination works.

2007-03-05 04:33:19 · 2 answers · asked by italian*fairy 1

First off, I am a 29 y/o male virgin ,which i'm sure is probally less than 1% of the whole population. My problem is, I've always been sexually charged and everything works normal just like it should. I've had plenty of chances in my life to lose my virginity and many times I have been so turned on and ready to just jump in head first ,but I continue to fight so hard to hold those feelings back and never go through with it fully. I've never used the excuse I want to wait till I'm married ,because I only want to fill in my heart that I'm with the right person. Well now, I'm truly feeling that for first time in my life. I'm with the most incredible girl and I want to fully give myself to her on every level. I am 100% in love ,no question about it for the first time in my life and I want to do what is natural and make love to her ,but everytime we get in the moment I get really scared and pull away. (I'm out of space. please don't begin to answer untill I add more details coming.)

2007-03-05 04:17:10 · 7 answers · asked by ski26er 2

a Old friend of mine suggested we do a line of coke together sometime just for a kick nothing serious. But any advice of what to expect?

2007-03-05 04:15:41 · 16 answers · asked by GrimHack 1

I have to take a drug test on Thursday, its an instant one that only tests for mdma, cocaine, amphetemines, thc, and opiates. I did a very small amount of meth today, will this show up as amphetemines, cause I know some tests check specifically for meth. If so, will I be clean by then?

2007-03-05 04:08:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-05 04:04:27 · 6 answers · asked by Bud's Girl 6

its in my genes to be skinny but I want to be at least 125 not 95 at age 15 and 5'8.... think of that..... im 5'8 and 95 pounds!!! I eat... thats all I do and dont gain even a pound. or at least I dont think... it doesnt look like it!!!!!!

2007-03-05 03:58:09 · 4 answers · asked by drn2010 1

i have been constipated for a week now. I've eaten every food i could think of that would help me go. I drank soda, iced tea, and everything that would make me go. However i am still not going. I even tried those glycerine supposotories and they didn't accomplish anything either! Does anyone know any other things that could make me unconstipated. Its a pretty painful thing i'm going through here so any help is deeply appreciated!

2007-03-05 03:55:52 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi I didnt really know where to put this or if this was really the right place for this but I couldn't think of where else to go. I'm a 16 yr old girl currently studying for AS levels. I seem to constantly feel depressed - i'm not suffering from depression or anything that serious i just can't be happy.I just feel really unwanted, like no one really wants me around or that I can contribute to people. I get exam results on thursday and my parents say if they are not A's then I have to give up my jobs - one of the only times I actually feel happy is at one work and I'd hate to have to give it up. My mum always has a go at me for not being happy and the longer this goes on the more I can feel my slef confidence falling. If anyone has any ideas what I can do I'd really appreciate it. Mandy xxx

2007-03-05 03:46:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

(clue: they are putting it in capsules now).

2007-03-05 03:39:19 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

My left ear is very clogged, and has been for about 3-4 days now. I'm not sure if it's from a bad head cold that I have or if a little water got into it. I've tried draining out the water (if thats what it is) with alcohol, but it doesnt seem to help. It doesn't really hurt, just more or less a pain in the neck. Any suggestions???

2007-03-05 03:38:44 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-05 03:33:49 · 4 answers · asked by weeone 2

my right side has been hurtin and i dont know what it could be if yall even have a clue or think you know please answer this am really worried....

2007-03-05 03:32:05 · 1 answers · asked by ·.·•ς๏ς๏•·.· 1

Family Doctors

2007-03-05 03:28:22 · 1 answers · asked by asti52 1

I used Crest White strips and I left them on alil longer than it said to. A day after i started to get really sick? But that day I havd Smoked a blunt with my friend so I thought it might just be the weed. But I was sick 4 like a week then I went t6o the Hospi8tal and they tested me and I had BLeach Poisoning. Is it possible to get it from Those whitening strips or did something else cause my poisoning???????

2007-03-05 03:28:21 · 6 answers · asked by Sexy Blonde 1

I got didlocation and they gave me surgery.
They put some metal inside my hand. They said they will take the metal off withough sleeping or under drugs. Is it gonna hurt?

2007-03-05 03:17:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think that I have developed an intestinal ulcer, or something else nasty from taking Mefenamic Acid as prescribed by my doctor. I have stopped taking it and made an appointment, but I am wondering what they would do to treat it anyway? Would it clear up on its own? Should I be doing/eating anything to help the healing?

2007-03-05 03:11:44 · 4 answers · asked by SmartBlonde 3

2007-03-05 03:01:00 · 1 answers · asked by pat w 1

Does a doctor have to order this for me, or can I just go to a lab somewhere or in a hospital and ask to have one done? Thanks.

2007-03-05 02:50:18 · 3 answers · asked by los123 2

I've got a really bad cold at the moment and I'm coughing loads. I feel that my throat is really dry and sore but I don't want to cough because I know I am hurting my throat and potentially my vocal chords (which I need because I'm a singer). Do you have nay advice on how I can protect my vocal chords?

2007-03-05 02:42:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do physical therapist massage patients? like somesort of what massage therapist do?

also, do you have any idea on what physical therapist do in a nursing home?

2007-03-05 02:29:58 · 3 answers · asked by nujabez 2

weight loss- emotional eating- possible eating disorder

2007-03-05 02:13:44 · 6 answers · asked by chelsea-girl 1

For the first time in life (I'm 19) I threw up three times in a row. Fortunately, it was into a sink.

I've already taken pepto bismol.

Anything else recommended?

2007-03-05 02:05:38 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

effects,i will do lot of exercise also.is there any solution for this problem????????????

2007-03-05 01:57:34 · 20 answers · asked by sow 2

I have a painful ucler i use bonjela cool when will the ucler go. I keep getting uclers before i hed 7 uclers very painful

2007-03-05 01:53:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I haven't included enough fat in my diet (not even close) for at least 5 years. I would say I maybe get 5-10 g a day? Is this a reason why I have trouble thinking???? And my complexion looks like $hit. It's really dull. What exactly would I see from not eating enough fat? Oh and my hair looks bad too.

2007-03-05 01:40:00 · 6 answers · asked by katalina 2

I got sick several months ago, regular cold but with a bad cough. I didn't go to the doctor cause I'm stubborn and eventually it went away. But I think I screwed something up, ever since then when I lay down it feels like there's something at the back of my throat..and no matter how much I clear it it never goes away, but it's usually just when I lay down. Not like a tickle, but like something solid back there. Do you think this is a tonsil issue or something different? Anybody experienced this?

2007-03-05 01:33:49 · 3 answers · asked by Holly B 2

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