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Mental Health - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

I have been suffering from serious depression for a little over a year now. I used to suffer from mild bouts of it when I was in my teens but I usually came out of it after a week or so. But in this case it has been over a year because of some incidents that have happened to me within the year. I am 24 years old and I feel like my life has been thrown off track. I should have been done with college by now but I am only taking a few classes at a time. It takes alot of my energy to complete a few questions from homework assignments. I missed out on job interviews because I didn't have the energy. I pretty much plan my days/schedules by how long I will be able to sleep in before actually starting the day because of the constant fatigue. The scariest part is when you know what the problem is but it is just so difficult to come through and be healthy again. I'd rather have a physical ailment than a mental health problem.

2007-10-21 13:07:06 · 8 answers · asked by GilmoreGirls1 3


Were you on an ssri and switched?
How long were you on the first one?
You switched to which one?

2007-10-21 13:06:30 · 3 answers · asked by Philip Augustus 3


Should i have to die alone?

2007-10-21 13:03:17 · 8 answers · asked by saltcook14 3

plz help me. i am rly sad. i don't care for school or life anymore. my head hurts. i hurt. i cant do anything anymore. make the sad go away. pleese make the sad go away. i need help. i had help. wat will i do. i hate you. everyone hates me. hate. i hate hate

2007-10-21 13:01:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm 17 years old. i'm still in high school. I was thinking about joining the army but I kind of just want to pack up and leave in the night to a different country. somewhere the UK. what should I do.. ? =/

2007-10-21 12:51:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-10-21 12:38:16 · 5 answers · asked by jamoncita 5

I don't know where to begin getting help for myself. A few years ago I began having panic attacks, but I didnt know what they were. once I found out I began to self medicate with alcohol and sedatives, until finally I stopped it and started to deal with it. The attack subsided, and I traded them in for generalized anxiety and obsessions, mainly about my health. I was better for a while, and by better I mean that I slipped in and out of clinical depression, which was a relief after all that anxiety. Now the anxiety is back full force and it has manifested itself in the form of horrible obsessions about AIDS and cancer. I link everything to that and its really crazy. I make everything from a strange number on my caller ID to a text message on my boyfreinds cell from an ex girlfriend somehow relate to AIDS, like I think they are trying to tell me they have it. It is ruining my happiness and distracting me from the things that should be making me happy. To top it all off, I have ADHD!Yay

2007-10-21 12:23:02 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I suffer from depression, have a stress and anxiety problem, possibly ocd. I have a lot of issues, obviously. So how do I cope when everything around me seems to go wrong? It's been an on going problem for about 3 years. I know everyone has problems, but when you have to live life with ALL those things I mentioned above it only makes matters worse. So I'm just looking for some advice or suggestions on how I could possibly make things easier for me and those around me (since they also suffer when those things hit me hard). It's really getting to me.

2007-10-21 12:21:45 · 6 answers · asked by Mekana 5

2007-10-21 12:14:03 · 5 answers · asked by Evil Tuffy 3

A close family member the same age as I...(23 yrs. old) was diagnosed w/ Bi polar and panic disorder. She filed a claim with social security...after months they decided they needed to have one of their doctor's do a mental exam. Everything with that went really well...and the doctor agreed that she was Bi polar and had a panic disorder. Now what...what are the chances you are approved once you get to that point. Also...how far back do they back pay you??? I know because she rarely ever worked they said she would only get the minimum, just under $500 mnthly. Is that so...even if she had been diagnosed with 2 disorders??? I need some one who knows from experience what happens now. Thank you very much..your help is appreciated greatly. ;)

2007-10-21 11:24:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is anxiety?

2007-10-21 09:34:36 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I made friends with this guy a yr ago in school.
Kept in touch.
Invited me on a trip with him but i couldnt
We moved to different cities...far apart
Kept in touch again & chatted
He visited me..was like a bit more than friends
He contacted me & invited me to visit him if ever
i wanted..told him I would but he's not often there
due to work commitments
Nxt time we spoke he invited me to visit him...told him i would
love to when i get time off.
Is this a bit unstable?

2007-10-21 09:31:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-21 08:23:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't Borderline Personality Disorder just a fancy, politically correct, wishy-washy way of saying someone is pathologically selfish?

And aren't we caving into these narcissistic, sadistic, arrogant losers by coddling them and telling them it's not their fault...they have a DISEASE?

Please forgive my tone, but I was raised by one of these monsters and now I have a step-daughter who terrifies me and who is exhibiting the same behaviour.

I was terribly physically and sexually abused as a child, and was abandoned by my mother several times, but I can show empathy and love and know how to work and be a contributing member of society and I realize that I am not the center of the universe. What's their excuse?

Oh, I forgot...they have DISEASE. Pfff.

2007-10-21 08:12:57 · 8 answers · asked by Bitsy 2

What is the main cause of immaturity? For example: Someone is 21 and acts like he's 18. How can someone who sort of doesn't act his age mature fast enough?

2007-10-21 08:02:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this is a book, but please read. I have been feeling so anxious. This has been going on for so long now, but I have to ask because I just don't know what else to do. My heart races for no reason. My hands feel clammy. I think about a thousand things that I have to do. I feel like I can't do things fast enough. I am nervous. I also can't sit still. Like I am always doing something even if it is just fidgeting while on the computer. I hate this feeling. The only meds that I am on are Lexapro and Buspar for anxiety and depression, but I was like this even before I started taking them. I haven't been falling asleep at night too well either. I just so badly want to relax and slow my mind down. I have a hard time focusing and concentrating too. I intend on speaking with my psyciatrist about this, but for now any idea what this is?

2007-10-21 07:20:24 · 19 answers · asked by Missy 5

My problem is that I have difficulty putting my thoughts into words. When I listen to people talk, in most cases it feels as though they can just SPEAK, you know, without having to think about HOW they're going to say it, I can only say the simplest of things without having to think about it. Because of this it's impossible for me to have a conversation that sounds completely natural, since I'm always taking a second or two to think before every new idea I'm putting into words. It's really annoying.

2007-10-21 07:11:38 · 6 answers · asked by Mike3st 2


Is it normal when you have depression to imagine bad things happening to people you love. Not that you wish bad things to happen but you visualize it happening. Like thats just say your following some one you know some where and you visualize their car flipping or them getting into an accident. Would that be caused by depression or would it be something else?

2007-10-21 07:05:18 · 6 answers · asked by me 3

2007-10-21 07:02:30 · 5 answers · asked by kamelåså 7

smoke weed?

There are several people in my family suffering from mental illnesses; Schizophrenia and Depression/anxiety and I was wondering if I could get one of these illnesses if I took drugs? And if so why?


2007-10-21 06:56:59 · 12 answers · asked by Heidihi 1


Sometimes i have times were I'm full out almost emo. Its kinda creepy and freaking out my freinds at some points. Its no that imlike trying to scare them but I've been having a lot of depressing thought and it just gets to me. noone understands and I dont know how to deal with it and get over it. How do I get over the sad thoughts??

2007-10-21 06:33:00 · 3 answers · asked by heyy!! 1

As i find its hindering my progress with life in general im 24. I have trouble on social gatherings talking to guys please help and give me some advice on how to change. I havent got many friends and dont seem to be making any either

2007-10-21 06:02:32 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know someone whom I wonder about. He is a nice, laid-back person, never wanting to hurt anyone or anything, and acts his age (late teen) in nearly every way. But the part that I am wondering about is that he has this "thing" for carrying odd objects around with him. Mostly things like stick-shaped objects-a handle of a broom, a bat, a hockey stick, etc. He never hits with them or threatens with the object. It's like it's his security blanket.

I am just wondering if this is something to be aware of...


2007-10-21 05:35:24 · 3 answers · asked by glitterybunnies 2

Anxiety is wrecking my life,ive been diagnosed as sufferring it by my doctor at the ripe age of 21. I cant control it everyday im convinced i have colon cancer, i worry constantly about my health and how i would cope if anything happened to my loved ones. I feel like im going mad but ive got to wait for my appointment with the Cognitve behavioural therapist and that could be a few months, does anyone know anything that could halp me control it till then

2007-10-21 05:31:59 · 6 answers · asked by Mike737 2

i feel like my world is falling away. im 14 next year and im scared i wont make it to my 15th birthday. i cant think of any major reason i feel like this, i just know that everything is getting too much for me. I need a way out. I cant think what to do; i cant tell my family, no matter what anyone says (i think they dont like me much so i wouldnt dare tell them) and i cant tell my friends as they wouldnt understand. I dont trust anybody else enough to tell them how i feel. What scares me most is that at night, i lay in bed and just dream of ways of ending it all, and it feels good. No one knows anything is wrong 'cause i cover it up and smile everyday, but inside, i feel so bad all the time, and the feeling doesnt go away. I dont trust myself enough to be alone, yet i prefer to be alone than with family. I dont know if it's possible to be depressed at 13. Does anyone have any suggestions of what i can do to cope? Thanks

2007-10-21 05:11:54 · 31 answers · asked by ? 2

Has anyone ever heard of using this drug in a 6 yr old with Down Syndrome who is NOT Bipolar or Schizophrenic? The doctor who put him on it was supposed to be treating him for ADHD but EVERY health provider has been shocked and some have even gone so far as to tell his mom that she doesn't know what she's talking about until she shows his prescription label. I can find no reference to using this drug in treating children with Down's. Anyone else ever heard of this?

2007-10-21 05:05:16 · 2 answers · asked by inkmama 2

I am 32 and I have two kids. I went through a really nasty divorce last year. I'm a professional woman with a degree in Computer Science and I have a great job with a communications company.
However, I feel this last year has been a total mess. I've made some really poor, reckless choices. I've taken medications before to treat anxiety, ocd and bi-polar. I have also been in therapy to help me gain control.
I want to know if a very short stint (3-10) days in an inpatient treatment center would benefit me in any way? Has anybody done this?
I really feel that my bad choices such as sex on first date, dating guys that are scum, gambling, shopping to much, drinking to much, etc.....are going to only get worse if I don't get control over my life.

Any suggestions?


2007-10-21 04:46:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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