I live in Australia with three kids- 8 year old and under. In any given day or night, summer or winter, I will come across WHITE TAIL SPIDERS that seem to be seeking us out. They creep onto my kids beds, and my own. I know this as when I pull the doona over I will see a meaty bastard of a thing jump and stand its ground as if to say "well here I am". I once woke in the morning with a sqaushed white tail in my hair.... I bought several cans of STRONG INSECT SPRAY after that one!!!!
But, it becomes ridiculous when the bloody things come in, play dead if you walk past, then once you sit still actually come towards you at a frighteningly awkward speed. - I know to move, but will my three year old know what to do in the middle of the night when it is climbing under the doona with her??? I want to know how to get rid of them, are they common, and why are they so SUPER INTELLIGENT - in that they seek out where we are at any moment of the day or night?
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