Here I am after admitting to, and understanding my problem. I cannot say how long ago I started this HORRIBLE addiction, but I know it's been a few years. I have a gambling problem. I fight it urge EVERY single day. Under the web information on "PATHOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL GAMBLING, I found out I have most ALL of the symptoms. I've accumulated a MOUND of debt (thousands by now), and have kept it from my husband (of 3 years). I finally came out with it yesterday, and his reaction was nothing I expected....but now he is severly depressed, and I can say the same for myself. I am seeking professional help, but I am faced with this debt. I found a debt reduction plan I think I will go with, but what I want to know, is there any legal way to file bankruptsy to rid "gambling debt", if I have a doctor's diagnosis to proove my mental condition? I am ready to leave (from NY to FL), to stay with my sister to get things paid off and myself better. HELP.. any suggestions to this?
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