I am non-responsive to the various diuretic drugs. Besides their direct toxicity in me, NONE OF THEM make me urinate at all! torsemide, Zaroxylyn, HCTZ have done nothing for me. Besides, my body is in pain & overloaded with water in the tissue spaces themselves & fatty tissues - so how can this edema be "reabsorbed back where it came from - the BLOODSTREAM ? Then if this edema water would reenter the bloodstream & then if my kidneys would urinate it out - The tide would turn in my favor, for a respite.
but right now, I have painful, swollen thighs, ankles, calves, cannot even bend or flex to climb a shallow step or climb a stool or ladder.
the rigidity of my legs is tormenting. My lungs feel gasping for each breath, upon slightest exertion. I restrict liquids to less than l liter daily, virtually no sodium, at all, yet seems to have no effect, My abdomen is hard to the touch & bloated badly. I'm alone, uninsured. Anyone else fail with diuretics???
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