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Diseases & Conditions - 1 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions

Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

My mom's thyroid all but shut down.Since then she has had problems in swallowing her food and can only eat soft food.She also has a fluid that comes up in her throat after she eats and is unable to swallow this at all...which she has to spit this out..I know this sounds gross but we need help and her doctor doesn't listen to her..thanks for any help or suggestions..

2007-06-01 05:01:10 · 9 answers · asked by just me 1 in Other - Diseases

my daughter has trichotillomania. I have realized that I haven't turned this problem over to the Lord. I have realized that she is His child and He can cure. This would be no different than praying for her if she was sick with the flu. This is an illness too and God can heal her and if He chooses not to heal her He has a reason. This illness is where she pulls her eyelashes out. My husband thinks the cure is to make her wear her glasses all the time. She went to the eye dr and her vision has improved and she doesn't need to wear the glasses. I don't want her to where them if she doesn't need to. Thank you in advance. God Bless You.

2007-06-01 04:45:09 · 7 answers · asked by Ima Stressed Out 5 in Other - Diseases

2007-06-01 04:26:13 · 1 answers · asked by vicky 1 in Heart Diseases

A 43-year-old man with no significant medical history presents to his primary care provider (PCP) complaining of a "wound that won’t get better" on the left side of his neck. He states that the wound has been slowly growing over the past 2 years after it first appeared as a small pimple. In his efforts to heal the wound, he has used a variety of over-the-counter topical remedies such as hydrogen peroxide and triple antibiotic ointment; however, the wound has continued to spread and worsen. He was finally encouraged to visit his PCP when his brother noticed the now several-centimeters-long lesion (see Images 1-2). The patient denies having weight loss, fevers, or chills. He has not traveled during the past 5 years.

On physical examination, the patient is somewhat overweight. His vital signs are normal except for a blood pressure of 165/93 mm Hg. The examination of the head, eyes, ears, and nose is unremarkable. The patient has a 10-cm ulcer at the collar line on the left side of his neck. A homemade dressing that the patient had placed on this lesion contains a small amount of serosanguineous fluid. No lymphadenopathy and no masses are noted around the neck or in the armpits. The patient’s lungs are clear, and his heart rate is regular with normal heart sounds. The rest of the physical examination findings are unremarkable, except for numerous small hyperpigmented macules on the patient’s chest and back.

What is the most likely diagnosis, and what is the diagnostic test of choice?

2007-06-01 04:16:43 · 4 answers · asked by Dr.Qutub 7 in Cancer

I've looked at two questions now and I am really pissed off. Just because someone is overweight does not make them unworthy of things. I'm overweight which is caused by my medications. I have fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis in my knees. To most i would appear to be healthy but I'm not. You see fibromyalgia is a serious disease that never goes away. Maybe if some of you jerks that seem to think you're god because you're skinny would look up things you would see that we don't get handicap stickers for being "fat" it is for actual medical conditions that you would never be able to handle. Believe me if you losers had this for a half hour you'd be screaming for your mommies within 30 seconds, so instead of showing your ugliness and hate why don't you people try to learn and understand things. I just wait for you to age and get sick and have people tell you that you're pathetic and shouldn't have one. I'd rather be ill dealing with this than be a pathetic loser like some of you are.

2007-06-01 04:09:57 · 8 answers · asked by pseirich 2 in Other - Diseases

I had blood tests as I was feeling very tired and lacked energy. My thyroid was checked came back with reading of TSH 12.8. Was told I was mildly hypothyroid and put on 25mcg of thyroxine. Is this reading indicative of mild?

2007-06-01 04:03:55 · 8 answers · asked by nickywireobsessive 4 in Other - Diseases

I am taking 5mg of Amlodipine the doctor stopped my estrogen a few years ago but have so many sleepless nights I started on .03mg (very low dose) of estrogen about 2 months ago sweats have stopped but my BP is up quite high 161----172---could anyone tell me if they have had this happen

2007-06-01 03:58:37 · 1 answers · asked by Pat B 1 in Heart Diseases

I recently found out that I have hpv. I am worried that the guy at the front desk at my clinic might have access to that information. Well the problem with this is that I made the horrible mistake of sleeping with him. Although maybe he has a right to know, I can't discuss that with him because he doesn't comprehend certain things and he has a lot of problems. In other words he is a moron/stalker/psychotic type of a guy and he might just assume i gave him hpv without knowing all the facts. Since I have been going to this clinic for years I don't want him gossiping about my personal buisness with the other employees. So does he know?

2007-06-01 03:53:52 · 8 answers · asked by hunbun06 1 in Infectious Diseases

Does anyone think that the government has the cure for diseases like cancer and aids but doesnt release them b/c of population control??

2007-06-01 03:50:37 · 6 answers · asked by Roland J 1 in Other - Diseases

My husband is doing great with his first week of chemo. His largest tumor was at 6cm last time it was messured was 2cm. Now I can't feel it at all anymore. He has 3 cycles left will they do a CAT scan in between? Or will they have to do all 3 no mater if the tummors are gone? Chemo durgs are not somthing to mess around with and I want to make sure if they don't over do it. He only has tescular cancer and they reoved the testie already.

2007-06-01 03:40:50 · 6 answers · asked by Foxie Kitten 2 in Cancer

how come no one mentions christiaan barnard when they talk about accomplishment of blacks? he was african and did the first heart transplant. how come you wont acknowlege that?

2007-06-01 03:27:12 · 4 answers · asked by J.J. Hodapp 1 in Heart Diseases

Recently I had a dish with chicken, shrimp, crawfish tails, white wine sauce and cheese. I started itching 2 hrs later and by the morning I had a rash all over. Now I've had this same meal many times and have never had this kind of reaction. Was this a one time thing or could I have developed an allergy to shellfish?

2007-06-01 02:42:29 · 8 answers · asked by Katie 3 in Allergies

My blood pressure is aprox 92/62 with pulse 77 when sitting and after standing for ten mins in can fall to 77/55, pulse 99.
I am trying to work out if my blood pressure is contributing to the feeling fatigue all the time and me hating standing up. I sit whenever possible and always lean against something.
After going to the shops I am slightly breathless and my blood pressure is 86/63, pulse 130.

2007-06-01 02:06:42 · 4 answers · asked by kttiptop 2 in Heart Diseases

I was told that cancer is not forigen to our bodies so white blood cells don't feel it's a invader. White blood cells also contain the cancer into the lumps or masses. So if that is true when a surgen cuts into a cancer mass by accident and it spreads to the body thats bad. So if Chemo lowers your white blood cell count are we doing a chemcial surgey on the masses to cause the cancer to spread attatch to another part of the body to create a different strand?

2007-06-01 01:54:54 · 5 answers · asked by Foxie Kitten 2 in Cancer

I am not big into conspiracy theory but come on; this is a little odd...


2007-06-01 01:34:42 · 11 answers · asked by nom de paix 4 in Infectious Diseases

I got burnt near wrist while ironing clothes. The skin was bulged out for 2 days and now it has left a mark. Please let me know of any creams readily available in market to get rid of the mark!
I am from INDIA so please suggest creams available in India ..thx

2007-06-01 00:34:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

Either through Pyodiene, bleech or some other chemicals.

2007-06-01 00:27:53 · 6 answers · asked by Nazam 1 in Infectious Diseases

My grandpa has skin cancer I think thats what kind it is.Well he has it on his face could he die from this?

2007-06-01 00:27:13 · 8 answers · asked by charlee 1 in Cancer

Ive just been diagnosed with Diabetes, i've got to go to drs about medication and stuff, but that's not until week after next. What are the dietary factors having diabetes? Which foods to avoid and which are best to eat? Sorry if I'm rambling, I'm just scared stiff until I go speak to the dr.


2007-06-01 00:21:13 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diabetes

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