I was working on an old house the other day, that no one is living in and we are trying to fix up to sell, I had jeans on. I'm 25 and female, not that this matters. I was sitting cross legged off and on changing doorknobs on the house, and i told my husband that my leg hurt. (in general).... thought my knee and behind my knee was hurting because I was getting up and down and cross legged. Anyway, I ran my hand up and down my thigh and calf and felt a gumball sized ball behind my knee. I dropped my pants, and saw what looked like a single puncture wound, small,a nd the area around it was red and inflammed. It does not/didn't itch at all. Just hurts. It's right in the crease of my leg. Now, 36 hours later, it still hurts like hell, is red, and inflammed. the puncture is darker. and i'm limping, mainly because the pain is in the crease and it presses when i walk. i didn't see what bit/stung me, but it did not hurt when it happened. it hurt after. what do you think? i'm in pain!
7 answers
asked by
crystal d
Skin Conditions