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Health - 2 February 2007

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Alternative Medicine · Dental · Diet & Fitness · Diseases & Conditions · General Health Care · Men's Health · Mental Health · Optical · Other - Health · Women's Health


i want a good Dr.for Brain Tumor i live in Kashmir

2007-02-02 20:00:32 · 8 answers · asked by Adday 1 in Cancer

so all my pg symptoms were related to an ovarian cyst in my right ovary. i have been having pain and problems for the last two weeks, right now im cramping so bad, still feel like im gonna start my period, but then i get these very sharp knife like stabbing pains on my right side, and it hurts to try to go number two. the stabbing pains have been bad and the dull, so im not sure if its ovualtion, i should be ovulating tommorow. so is this from the cyst or ovulation? i had a 3 day spotting session for my period. do i need to worry about the pain im feeling? i found this out with an ultrasound, and have an apt with my gyne on monday for a visit, she doesnt know yet about the cyst and the ultra sound.

2007-02-02 19:55:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

its not big but i would like it gon it on my lower back almost to my wast

2007-02-02 19:54:35 · 6 answers · asked by chris s 1 in Alternative Medicine

What is the best way to stop smoking...I? ll try it a lot but i always failed

2007-02-02 19:54:29 · 19 answers · asked by Boieforsure 1 in Other - General Health Care

is it true(a proven fact) that before you get your period around PMS time women's maternal instinct kicks in and you get the urge to take care and nuture people, clean, cook etc?(nest)..or is it just me being neurotic and pmsing?

2007-02-02 19:52:55 · 5 answers · asked by Minty 3 in Women's Health

What causes it? How does one get rid of it?

2007-02-02 19:51:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

i dont know if anyone has had this experience, when i masturbate in my pants, right before ejaculation, being lazy and to avoid mess, i just grip on to my penis very hard to block semen, and after around 10-15 secons, i let go, and nothing comes out, Then after like 1-2 min i need to pass urinate (possibly the blocked semen turns into urine? i really dont know, can anyone explain this and if it is any bad?

2007-02-02 19:49:28 · 7 answers · asked by jeff r 1 in Men's Health

So my nose was ok as a kid but know at 28 it is crooked. the actual nose is straight but it sits off to one side, so I look different from both sides. It feels like the bone at the base of my nose is crooked, also I cant breathe well through one side. Is there anything I can do?

2007-02-02 19:47:45 · 3 answers · asked by sadguy 1 in Injuries

2007-02-02 19:45:26 · 10 answers · asked by Dubbli 1 in Diet & Fitness

this sist is in my lower back its ben there for years

2007-02-02 19:43:56 · 3 answers · asked by chris s 1 in Other - Diseases

i dont know if i could be pregnant or not but im not sure considering i had just ended my period and she said if i took 7 birth control like 5 min after it covers one contraceptive pill is that possible

2007-02-02 19:41:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Women's Health

research on bird flu, undefined no of casualties..sho please help me/

2007-02-02 19:39:55 · 2 answers · asked by Troubled nerd 1 in Infectious Diseases

I had an ultrasound stress test and everything was normal. I use to jog a lot but after finding out that I have unspecified st depressions on my ekg reading I have been scared to do anything strenous. Should I be worried about this at all? Does this mean I am more proned to heart disease in the future? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

2007-02-02 19:38:24 · 11 answers · asked by least_likely2 3 in Heart Diseases

I had just laid down to go to bed in my freshly washed and dried bedding, I just bought new sheets and I don't know if they are the cause of my misery but this is what has happened. I lay down in bed and about 10 minutes later my right ear starts hurting really badly, my nose clogs to the point that it's difficult to breathe and when I am able to actually blow my nose it is pink, looks like there is blood coming out of my nose but it's not alot of blood...just enough to be noticeable. Is this some sort of allergic reaction that is just effecting my sinuses or is it something I should be worried about? I honestly don't have a clue what to do right now, im miserable!

2007-02-02 19:37:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Allergies

I'm a white guy dating a beautiful black woman, but sometimes I worry about my penis size sometimes because she was with black guy before me so you should know by now why I'm worried. I think mine is 5, maybe 6 inches. But anyway, I've never dated a black woman before and I'm just wondering what black women like.

2007-02-02 19:36:03 · 5 answers · asked by slice243 2 in Men's Health

...like postsecret. if so, please do..

2007-02-02 19:35:57 · 11 answers · asked by christina rose 4 in Alternative Medicine

i can't sleep at all tonight i have beem lying in bed for 4 hours trying to get to sleep and i can't anyone have any remidies for me to try? i'm desperate here i have to getr up early ing the morning bu ti'm not tierd.

2007-02-02 19:35:45 · 7 answers · asked by Kaydi Em 2 in Other - Health

How can you help them?

2007-02-02 19:35:38 · 2 answers · asked by Twinkle 1 in Other - Health

But im in a relationship with someone who lost their father last year and now he finds himself out of work. Understandably he is not his usual easy going self and actually can be depressing to be around. We have children together and they wouldn't understand but they notice he is angry lately. He is tired all the time and has low labido.
I have not experienced that personally, but I love him dearly and I want to make him happy and help him cope.
Please help! Thankyou! ; (

2007-02-02 19:34:05 · 9 answers · asked by Morgan J 3 in Mental Health

I was moving into my new apartment last week, and the place was empty except for unpacked boxes...and my friends got an idea for a joke so they tackled me, stripped me completely BUCK NAKED, and ran out of the house with all my boxes of my things...and all my CLOTHES!!

I was stuck in this empty apartment with absolutely NOTHING, and my friend Jenny was on her way over...and had the key to get in!!

When she got there, she briefly saw my BARE BUTT run into the hall as I explained to her what happened...she chuckled a little but got me something to wear and helped me track down my stuff.

I realize I was lucky she was so nice...but if it was YOU instead of her, what could YOU have said or done to make me more embarrassed??

2007-02-02 19:32:08 · 6 answers · asked by brian 1 in Diet & Fitness

2007-02-02 19:31:41 · 5 answers · asked by Minty 3 in Other - Diseases

2007-02-02 19:29:22 · 3 answers · asked by koliver1973 2 in Heart Diseases

Spending the millions of dollars on the children instead of stupid hollywood actors and moronic action movies.

2007-02-02 19:29:04 · 3 answers · asked by anon4nw 2 in Other - Health

i'm getting more sluggish as the days go by, i didn't do anything at work today, i can't keep up with my problems. i don't want to give up but i feel so weak, so tired, so hopeless. everything was going really really really good, and then things just started slowly falling apart, i've tried my best, but it just wasn't good enough

2007-02-02 19:26:59 · 15 answers · asked by aphotic nostrum 4 in Mental Health

I suffer from Scoleosis I recently found out.I get a lot of pain form it.I also have been suffering from depression following severe workplace harassment.I am persuing a workers comp claim for the damage they caused.Is this enough to go on disability?I have heard that they deny 80% of disability applicants.I likely have a brain chemical imbalance too.

2007-02-02 19:22:32 · 6 answers · asked by Angel 1 in Other - Diseases

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