The long and the short of it is:
I don't have tons of money and I want to make my wedding guests something nice they can take home with them. Most crafts and such that I've seen are more the things women would like. Can you think of something men might like? Or something that's pretty neutral that both genders would think is cool?
I already know about edible things, so anything non-edible would be really appreciated. It also doesn't have to be romantically themed.
What I've thought of... if you've seen book purses, I was thinking of making something similar, but smaller and a small handle so it doesn't look like a purse. "Book bags" or "book cases." What do you think? Would a guy like something like this, if the cover was of a book, movie, comic, that he likes?
Any other craft ideas for guys would be greatly appreciated.
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Hobbies & Crafts