Now, It's not finished; I still have one slot. :] I just needed to know what you all thought so far. I'll list my pokemon, stats, and moves. :) BEFORE you bash me on using two legendaries, that's all I'm using. I do NOT want anymore in my party. :]
(I'm trying to use pokemon with two types; and upping their atk/def/and spd.)
Giratina; Lv. 100; 432 hp; Ghost/Dragon
Attack; 257/ Defense; 299/ Sp. Attack; 218/ Sp. Defense; 245/ Speed; 176
Ghost; Shadow Force; Power 120/ Accuracy 100
Flying Fly; Power 90/ Accuracy 95
Ground Earth Power (Will be replaced with Draco Meteor, which is 140 attack/ 90 accuracy
Fight; Aura Sphere; Accuracy 100; Power 90
Dialga; Steel/Dragon
Attack; 273/ Defense; 245/ Sp. Atk; 332/ Sp. Defense; 231/ Speed; 234
Steel Flash Cannon; Power 80/ Accuracy 100
Ground Earth Power; 90 Power/ 100 accuracy
Dragon Draco Meteor 140 Power/ 90 Accuracy
Dragon Roar of Time 150 Power/ 90 Accuracy
DO NOT POST. I have 3 more to put stats in for. :PP
6 answers
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Other - Games & Recreation