List of Pokemon That Are Available:
Deoxys - Lvl 45
Jumpluff - Lvl 27
Aerodactyl - Lvl 29
Fearow - Lvl 50
Chatot - Lvl 41
Sunflora - Lvl 34
Pidgeot - Lvl 36
Mew - Lvl 36
Ditto - Lvl 50
Shuckle - Lvl 49
Marowak - Lvl 32
Manectric - Lvl 27
Torkoal - Lvl 55
PoliWrath - Lvl 48
Registeel - Lvl 44
I will Update this almost everyday. If you would like to trade any of these pokemon, offer and as well, put your Friend Code. If you would like a pokemon that isn't on this list, please send me either an E-mail or just answer with a pokemon. Thank you.
5 answers
asked by
Pokemon Tradez
Other - Games & Recreation