I'm vegetarian & cannot understand why some Vegans/Vegetarians are so judgemental and critical of Omnivores.
This is an observation, not a critique of any one person.
It's so bad in this forum that it reminds me of Ex-Smokers criticising Smokers for continuing to smoke. All the questions that qualify people's eating habits IE "Would you consider this person a veg/vegan if..."
What's up with that?
It's so high-horsey, it invites the Carnivores to make mischief.
It's divisive and seems crazy to me.
Why should I care what other people eat ?
Or why should I care if I measure up to someone elses' measure of High vegetarianism?
I have never been attacked or critisized for being veg, but I do hear and see a lot of self-righteous comments from Vegs/Vegans. How will this help others to want to join us and prevent animal cruelty and help improve human health?
Good luck
7 answers
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Vegetarian & Vegan