K here's the kicker, we've been dating for just over 2yrs now. When we first started having s e x it happened alot, i mean like 3 0r 4 times a weekend, then started to taper off to twice a week then once a week now im lucky if we have s e x once or twice a month. I tried talking to her about it but ever time i bring it up she say's that im just being selfish. That im never thinking about her. Which isn't true. I like getting her off as much as i like having s e x.
She always has an excuse, My stomach is sore, my back hurts, my neck hurts, i have a headache, im tired, i don't feel like it. She doesn't say anything all night about being sore or tired till i ask if she wants to have s e x. It's like she prioritizes everything else over s e x with the guy she wants to spend her life with. She will watch TV/movies, read, play PS2 till like 2 in the morning over making love with me. I've tried cookin her a romantic supper, cleaning, giving tons of compliments. Nothin Works. What do I do?
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