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Singles & Dating - 19 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Does she like me?Me and my fren (girl) have been very close. I once told her my feelings. And since then, we've really came to a stage where we were more than friends(but not couples). She is 1 year older than me and therefore moving overseas to study. B4 she left, i asked her out just to meet up but she said she will contact me later since she was bz with Xmas. But since Christmas Eve, i have not seen her or even heard a word from her. She has left somewhere else to study..., i sent her a mail and i even called her on new year asking her to come down from her home. But i couldnt get thru to her phone. Unfortunately, i still have not heard a word from her till last month when she sent me a mail. It was abt her life overseas. She said she may reply me late but somehow she will find time, so she asked me to keep emailing her. I dont know if i shud ask her about the outing we were supposed to go and i dont know if i shud reply her b/c of wat happened( the outing and not talking to me

2007-02-19 04:52:50 · 9 answers · asked by Fr3e@K3D 1

I split with my boyfriend because of three major lies. I found out since then that he has been seeing someone else at the same time as me. He says he has changed and wants me and will do anything to prove it. Can a Leopard change its spots, can I trust him or not? My gut says no but what do you think?

2007-02-19 04:52:26 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a g/f she is beautiful and we like each other alot.I wanna make out with her but i dont know how.i know your supposr to put ur toung in her mout i know that but how much and what do you do with it cuz all i need is to be the worst kisser i n school

2007-02-19 04:51:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cant get over the fact that my boyfriend may have lied about his sexual relationship with a girl that he was texting..he told me nothing happen and he loves me and wants to be with me...i loved him so i decide to work at what we have...now i cant get it out of my mind that he probably hooked up with this girl and was texting others..deep down inside i wish i had the strength to break it off with him..I get really really paranoid when i call him and he doesnt pick up.. i just wish i had the strenght to break it off..now i have to deal with the fact and be paranoid that he wasnt faithful and wasnt truthful..i dont know what to do because this is eating me up...i mean he changed his cell phone number and he doesnt have any girls number in in his phone like he did before..he has changed but sometimes i think he will cheat or is texting other females.

2007-02-19 04:50:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so i have been dating this guy for about 3 months and we still havent kissed...i dont know if i scare him or what? some of my friend say im out of his league but i love him so much what do i do and is there a way to let him know

2007-02-19 04:50:05 · 6 answers · asked by Audrey♥ 2

New here. Met the woman of my dreams three months ago. Everything was going great. She told me she was falling in love and that I was the man of her dreams. Now, she is leaving the country for 2 years for work and says doesn't want to see me anymore because it is too hard for her. But, she doesn't leave for over 6 more months. She doesn't call anymore or email and she has stood me up for a concert and broadway play. What's the deal?

2007-02-19 04:50:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-19 04:48:32 · 7 answers · asked by kittysweetie19 2

i like this guy i need to know how to get him to like me i talk to him on AIM but he doesnt talk to me anymore and i really like him who do i tell him

2007-02-19 04:47:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

they love eachother but they seem to fight over stupid insignificant things...

feedback please

2007-02-19 04:46:15 · 13 answers · asked by Kaye 1

i cant tell if he likes me or not.. i cant tell if he is flirting with me??

2007-02-19 04:45:30 · 4 answers · asked by ella-roo 1

My friend and her boyfriend have been dating for almost 3 years. She is 19 and he is 20. She has been really upset the past couple of weeks because she wants him to ask her to marry him. I try to tell her that maybe he is waiting until he is done with college, but she says she doesn't understand because being engaged doesn't mean you have to get married right away. He talks to her about wanting to start a family and get married to her, but he hasn't popped the question yet. She said everytime she brings it up, he says he's sick.

She's also been upset because for Valentines Day he didn't get her anything. She went over to his apartment the weekend prior to Valentines Day because his college is an hour and a half away. He knew they were celebrating Valentines Day then, but still didn't get her anything. She wanted to go out somewhere, but he didn't want to. He told her that he sent her a card in the mail, but he sent it to the wrong address. She has been very upset and depressed the past couple of weeks and it is hard seeing her like this.

What do you think he is waiting for? What is a good age to get engaged?

2007-02-19 04:45:26 · 9 answers · asked by forever_in_love_11803 1

2007-02-19 04:45:01 · 16 answers · asked by a143shane 1

The guy I'm seeing is being very distant with me and cold. He doesn't call on his own. If I need something, he'll be there and if I call, he'll answer and talk for a few minutes but nothing like before when we first met. I figure we're in a bad stage of the relationship. Anyway, he works 2 jobs and I never get to have conversations about the relationship with him. He's always working or sleeping. Well on Valentines day, we went out and he didn't even call me the next day or the next day to say anything about it. I told him I needed to talk to him pronto. He didn't make the time to call so I called him Sunday morning and he was sleep. He was SO mad because I know he always sleeps in on Sun. but I was SO mad he hadn't called in 3 days. He told me that he was really mad that I woke him and he needs his space. We still have never talked about my issue. How long do I wait to find out if he really wants to break up. I'm brokenhearted and I love him dearly.

2007-02-19 04:44:58 · 11 answers · asked by Sash2000 1

My bf is so touchy and I really feel uncomfortable around him. What should I do to avoid this situation.

2007-02-19 04:43:48 · 4 answers · asked by Kimzi 1

Are you shy, do you make them laugh, do you tease them, look at them? help me out here.

2007-02-19 04:41:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is in regards to my friend who just lost his son in a fire. I'm being advised by another friend or two of mine that it's appropriate to ask first if it's ok that I fly out to see him to pay respects/show support, as opposed to just showing up unannounced. They said because the guy may not want to be around anyone but close family and friends. I was going to just book a flight and go out there without asking. Because it feels kinda funny ASKING someone if you can come to pay respects to them for their loss of their loved one. But someone's telling me its inappropriate to do it that way and I should ask him first. I am in the dark about situations like this, can you guys set me straight please? The last thing I want to do is anything inappropriate or cause further stress/chaos for this guy, he just lost his baby son. And my intentions are genuine. Thanks, I appreciate it.

2007-02-19 04:40:56 · 6 answers · asked by Lala 1

ohkay so phil. the guy that my last 2 questions were about. i dont know how to ask him out:im shy in a way so im nervous to even bring it up. i was thinking a movie but i only talk over im and like i said some conversations are not as lively as others.... i dont want to sound like an idiot and im scared he'll say no!!! and is it even ok for girls to ask guys out? were 8th graders! HELP!

2007-02-19 04:40:54 · 9 answers · asked by Catherine 1

I spent over $230 on massages for Valentines 3 days earlier. He's doesn't buy me anything and when I ask for something he gets irritated. Plain and simple, I expect a man to buy dinner. We go at least every other week to dinner. Am I asking too much to have a loving boyfriend that at least gives me birthday cards?

2007-02-19 04:40:49 · 8 answers · asked by bored_in_city 2

and u should have heard how they were going on it was all "cant we do girl to girl" and "we dont have to do mouth to mouth we can just do a peck on the cheek.".I mean I thought they were passionate about acting, I can honestly say that I wont ever look at that group of girls in the same way again.Their all daft!

2007-02-19 04:39:49 · 15 answers · asked by Hem 1

why do women assume men have no feelings. in my epierience must of the guys i know where very sensitve and nervous around girls with very romantic attitude. by the time they reach their twenties they are all miffed and jaded from all the emotional abuse they got from girls during there teens. why do women do that. i mean men are not just some big dumb thing for you to toy with for own amusment. and just remember when you get treated bad by a man some girl more than likely made him like that..

2007-02-19 04:39:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

K here's the kicker, we've been dating for just over 2yrs now. When we first started having s e x it happened alot, i mean like 3 0r 4 times a weekend, then started to taper off to twice a week then once a week now im lucky if we have s e x once or twice a month. I tried talking to her about it but ever time i bring it up she say's that im just being selfish. That im never thinking about her. Which isn't true. I like getting her off as much as i like having s e x.
She always has an excuse, My stomach is sore, my back hurts, my neck hurts, i have a headache, im tired, i don't feel like it. She doesn't say anything all night about being sore or tired till i ask if she wants to have s e x. It's like she prioritizes everything else over s e x with the guy she wants to spend her life with. She will watch TV/movies, read, play PS2 till like 2 in the morning over making love with me. I've tried cookin her a romantic supper, cleaning, giving tons of compliments. Nothin Works. What do I do?

2007-02-19 04:39:27 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

a REALLY funny one would be nice. But sort of funny is okay, too.

2007-02-19 04:39:11 · 1 answers · asked by redcupprettyfan 1

i just want to know who would do their first kiss over

2007-02-19 04:38:39 · 1 answers · asked by Megan L. Rinehart 2


i loved a boy.but he loved my friend instead.he didnot know that i loved him.so i just forgot him.and thought of loving another boy.an he also proposed to me and i said ok.but still i cant forget my old lover.but now he had proposed to me....wat can i do...but am not serious in my present love wat can i do???

2007-02-19 04:37:11 · 7 answers · asked by momy 1

I'm 23. I'm a college graduate. I have a decent job, I recently got a nice apartment, and a TIGHT car. Not to mention that I've been blessed with a beautiful body, face, personality, and character. Why is it that I'm letting being single make me lonely? I know that I have alot going for me, and believe me, I'm truly thankful for all these things. I just want to find a nice guy. Is there anything wrong with that? Any advice?

2007-02-19 04:36:07 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

his birthday is the 21st but i dont know what to get him. he said he wants a hat but i don't know if i should get him that

2007-02-19 04:35:24 · 15 answers · asked by Ty Babie 1

i need help escaping punishment

2007-02-19 04:35:21 · 38 answers · asked by Anthony Beach 1

well we broke up and are still good friends. I wanna go but I don't know if I should. Whats your opinion?

2007-02-19 04:35:00 · 3 answers · asked by LaShea 1

what do you look for/ like in a girl? (hair, smell, makeup, clothing, height, personaltiy) things like that

2007-02-19 04:33:14 · 4 answers · asked by 4

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