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Singles & Dating - 18 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

ok so i like this other girl, and this other girl likes me. i know the girl i like doesnt like me, and i have never had someone like me before, i feel guilty going out with this girl but i kinda of want to because i will barely ever get the oppurtutnity to come again for a girl to tell me she likes me. i feel guilty for kinda using this girl. i will reat her with respect but i mean i dont really have that kind of feelings for her. should i go out with her or just tell her the truth?

2007-02-18 19:29:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

A few years back I was aproached by a girl claiming she was going to be w/ my ex forever. And she went on to talk about marriage, children, etc. My ex told her about me, thats how she knows me. Now recently she approached me to show me their child. Was she being nice or proving to me things went as she/they planned?

2007-02-18 19:27:24 · 6 answers · asked by Got Curves? 6

compliment or insult?

2007-02-18 19:27:00 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've met a guy 1 month ago and we started dating almost right away.After 3 weeks of dates, a lot of kissing, massage...we had sex.The sex was okay and that's why I was surprised when the day after he started ignoring me.I should mention that we work together;I'm his supervisor, so we see a lot of each other and I am older than him(I'm late 20s and he's early 20s) Now, he avoids me.He talks to me only when he has to.When I asked him why he reacted this way,he said he didn't know.He said he was worried of what other people could start saying about us.He also said he didn't want a relationship which is fine by me,I don't want 1 either.I tried to talk to him twice, but 2 times were very frustrating as he didn't say anything.I asked him why he has been treating me this way,and he couldn't say anything.I am really hurt by his attitude.I feel like he doesn't care about me and it hurts.Btw, I don't have friends here, I'm new to this city, so I have no one to talk to.What can I do?

2007-02-18 19:26:13 · 19 answers · asked by clueless_girl 1

I know this is a cheesy question, but me and a friend joke about it all the time. For me:

1. Glasses (not wire rimmed)
2. Uniform
3. Ability to play the piano

and so on.... what for you?

2007-02-18 19:24:59 · 4 answers · asked by Stephanie 4

My boyfriend and I have been dating for apprx. 5months and we are in a long distance relationship. I met him through his sister while I was at college and started to talking through email and phone calls. We decided to start dating and now it seems like he never wants to talk to me. We used to have such good convos but now we dont. When we around each other he holds my hand but doesnt want to kiss me. It think about breaking up with him but it hurts too much to think about that. I do not know where our relationship is going and it feels as if we just dont have a spark anymore. I love him so much but yet my mind wonders if I could really handle being with him for much longer. Is it the distance or have we lost that intial spark. He says he loves me all the time but rarely shows it. I didnt even get anything for valentines day until two mins. before it was over and even then it was a cute but lame e-card. I do love him but I dont know what to to do. Any advice would be helpful now...

2007-02-18 19:21:12 · 7 answers · asked by lalalapia 1

2007-02-18 19:21:01 · 18 answers · asked by oneslovakgirl 1

I have been dating this guy for about a month. We have never had sex, but he spends the night sometimes. This morning he found a used condom on the floor by my bed. I told him that he was the only person I was dating, and that the condom was my brother's condom from 2 nights ago, but he says he feels awkward. He said that he would call, but he hasnt.

2007-02-18 19:20:49 · 19 answers · asked by symone 1

I work with this guy. Supposedly he had his friend come up to me and ask me if I was single. I say yes. I give his friend my number. This guy who is supposed to like me calls me but I am at work. and I come home late. The next day I see him at work and I asked him what he wanted to talk about. He says well my friend just gave me your number and said to call and he repoeated this twice and walked away fast. What's going on? Does he like me or not? I really dont think the friend weas just trying to match make. So, now I hear from his friend who is married that this guy likes me alot and he give me tips on how to attract him, and what he likes but this guy is still acting brisk with me even though sometimes I know he is aware of me. And I know they aren't playing little kid games. They are older guys. I' 22 and the guy who likes me is 47. what kind of game is this? Can I get some feedback please? I dont even know if I should pursue this because of the age difference, but he makes me laugh

2007-02-18 19:20:44 · 4 answers · asked by Silver 1

2007-02-18 19:20:42 · 4 answers · asked by M A 2

I've known him for a year after 2 mths we were best friends. This August he left for California for school. [I live on Long Island, NY] He has an apartment out there so he's staying for the 4 years of school. I've been planning a trip out there after the semester is over for a month [middle of May-middle of June] Lately, there's been much discussion about how we're friends. And just friends. He's always brought this up, not me. But he'll say he loves me. Like at the end of a phone conversation. I never know what to say, I've always reserved that for someone I'm romantically involved with. Then tonight after not really talking the past 4 days, I call him and ask him why he's been weird the past couple days. He ends the conversation abruptly, saying he had nothing to say and would call me when he did. He called back a minute later and apologized for being so mean. After that he tells me he's "crazy about me". I don't know how to interpret it. I've been in love w/him since the day we met.

2007-02-18 19:19:20 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-18 19:19:08 · 46 answers · asked by oneslovakgirl 1

how would you define love... what is it to you?

2007-02-18 19:17:04 · 11 answers · asked by RaiN 1

I see girls all the time whine about how their boyfriends are pressuring them for sex or other bizzare things. It's wrong what their boyfriends are doing but what I don't get I see them a month later and they are STILL complaing. I don't get why teenage girls put up with this much crap. I think like 50% of the girls will accept the relationships they are in for a number of months yet all they do is complaing how crappy it is and how miserable they are.

2007-02-18 19:16:55 · 12 answers · asked by T boy 2

some 1 i like alot has this huge mental block....what i mean is he is not sensitive to other peoples feelings and has no sensitivity of his own....nil and that kind of freaks me out......i like him 4 hu he is but this 1 thing gets so annoying sometimes and once i tried talking about it 2 him and he kind of insulted me.....wat should i do??

2007-02-18 19:13:09 · 4 answers · asked by Aitannaa ツ 3

Greece...(as in grease)

I made this one up, pass it on.

2007-02-18 19:11:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Cuz I can't get any of my guy friends to spend the night with me lol they either respect me too much or something.

And you guys say any guy would jump at that chance. Bull lol.

2007-02-18 19:11:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am dating a very wonderful guy (#1) right now and we might get engaged soon. But lately we have been arguing a lot. At the same time I have been thinking of this other guy (#2). This guy (#2) I met a few years ago and we never dated, but I always wanted to. He ended up becoming engaged to this other girl. Recently they broke it off because she cheated on him. This girl wouldn't let me and him be friends because she knew that I still had feelings for him and for some reason was paranoid that I would take him away from her, even though I was completely happy with someone else. Anyways, I think I have feelings for him because I never got to experience a relationship with him. And he has feelings for me too. But at the same time things seem to work better as friends and I don't want to ruin our friendship that we have. I love guy #1 more than words can express but our relationship seems to be getting old and we are annoyed with each other and argue all the time. Any advice anyone?

2007-02-18 19:09:25 · 16 answers · asked by Kace06 1

this was one guy talking to another trying to see if the other had slept with me...the full comment was: "have you slept with her yet?a guy could get lost in a girl like that. Note that I haven't slept with either of them. what did he mean?

2007-02-18 19:08:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-18 19:08:34 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

For some unknown reason, I feel someone if not you has been having me on all this time. If I find out, someone is going to be VERY sorry when I get hold of them, whoever they are OK?

2007-02-18 19:06:16 · 12 answers · asked by jane b 1

Ok, so there's this guy that i have laid my eyes on, but he's a year younger than me. But i think he's cute and all. I don't know if i like him or not. but i need some advice to if i should talk to him or not. i don't even know him know him. i just know his face, name, and that he's goes to my school. What should I say to him? I see him after second period and at lunch, but i want to talk to him and get to be friends with him. I'm not expecting to be his GF or anything. Hmmm. what do you guys think? do you think i should compliment about him or something? any advice? but the thing that is really confusing is that whenever we see pass each other after second period, he always stares at me or just keeps looking at me. im confused. and our eyes have met many times(i tend to look at him too). any ideas what is going on? so my questions are, What shoul di say to him and what is going on wiht this guy ?

2007-02-18 19:05:54 · 13 answers · asked by fudge 1

Hello again everyone. I took my girl out on Saturday night. I gave her a flower, told her she looked nice, and then before she got out of the truck, I told I had a nice time. Well while we were in the restaurant, I could tell that she was nervous. I know I don't need to pressure her into anything. My question is, why do you think she was nervous, and how long should I wait to ask her on a nother date? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in andvance,


2007-02-18 19:02:20 · 9 answers · asked by Matt from Ga 2

my lover,in my point of view she is so open to all and not only to me alone!but when i asked her about this she told shes open only to me!but i want to know if shes having more freedon with her male freinds...the problem is she is not with me,i mean we are not in same place or counrty how can i know her more deep..how to understand how she behaves to her male friends...is she discussin bot every matter like she is discussin to me...we hav daily chats and phone calls is that enough to keep a relationship? please help me.if girls answers that will be more helpful,,,be serious

2007-02-18 19:01:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you really think its about the money or is that just how it seems? but if not then why do they act like all they care about is money? do you think it makes other women look bad?

2007-02-18 19:00:32 · 20 answers · asked by comacati 3

2007-02-18 18:59:56 · 3 answers · asked by sweetsal 4

Was 6 months cheating with his ex-gf & a handjob from a friend of his ex, as well as a couple coed group things.
I found out from a friend, not him, and from his ex herself. And he had lied about it until I told him that his ex had explicitly told me what happened. When told, he broke down crying while I was crying, wouldn't let me touch him because he said he was unclean, let me take a LOT of day-after-finding-out rage out on him physically (slaps-backhand and front, punches, a kick, etc), and now is very good about saying what he's doing, is very kind, very patient, but kindof expecting me to move on for us to move on, which is a little pressuring.

We've talked lots about marriage and kids (even though we're in our teens), and had been together 5 months before the 6 month cheating period and 3 or so months afterwards.Always been good friends besides lovers, never bored. Should I give it a 2nd try and trust him? We really did seem happy & in love, was it just a stupid 1 time mistake?

2007-02-18 18:59:30 · 1 answers · asked by primapeache 2

will it change my life
will i marry him
ur opinions pls

2007-02-18 18:57:00 · 18 answers · asked by ChatJ 2

Basically, i'm outgoing enough with the friends i have and people i warm up too. i know i'm funny and people like me, but i'm too opposite of that with new people. especially the fems, and that really what i'm more concerened about. i can talk to guys, but you know, who can't? and i know i'm not the only one like that in my family, but if anyone can give me tips other than just sucking it up and being a man, because i got that part already. so far, for me that's like telling a smoker to quit cold turkey. it can get rough for me.

any advice you can give on here, or you can IM me:
donttrustsheep (that's yahoo). I would like to talk about it with anyone who thinks they can help or advice, but leaving answers on here is cool the same. thanks.

2007-02-18 18:56:55 · 11 answers · asked by donttrustsheep 3

2007-02-18 18:55:38 · 37 answers · asked by Angry Johnny 2

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