Okay, this Guy that has went on like 2 dates with my now Ex-Friend asked me out on the Phone yesturday. I liked him the the First moment I saw him and I was forced to Tag along like a 3rd wheel on my Ex-Friend date with him, anyways she told Him it was someone Else she was interested in and didn't hang out With anymore after that because he Told me this last night on the Phone when he Called me and he Only Called me because I texted him first to See what he was up to, And to FLIRT, LOL, anyways He was like Yeah his B-day is Monday and If I wasn't doing anything this weekend he Wanted to hang out because he Hangs around too Many Guys and Needed more girls to Hang around with and I Was just confused like Did he want to hang out as Buddies? We both have Similar Qualities and both Want a Relationship and Both had our Heart broken before, He told me he's Not talking to my Ex- friend anymore, So why did he Say he needed more Girls to hang around becuz He hangs out with Too many Guys??
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