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Singles & Dating - 23 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2006-12-23 01:48:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

The guy I am in a weird relationship with keeps backing up because of the way I treat him now he just says he wants to be freinds for now he said he lived his life like this for three years,how can I win his heart? he does confess his love for me he just says he cant keep putting up with my behavior,i am in couseling now.

2006-12-23 01:47:59 · 3 answers · asked by lainey 1

I am gay and i reallt like thid girl but i don't know if she is gay so how should i find out??

2006-12-23 01:47:33 · 8 answers · asked by taylor s 2

slim and sexy, intelleligent, great personality how would you feel if she put on weight? I notice that men have high expectations for women having the perfect figure.

However and I don't want to be mean...but majority of men in the U.K don't have any muscle tone at all. They are flabby yet expect their woman to look fantastic.

Now as all mature people know...when a woman has a baby it does not promote a great figure after. My friend had a great figure prior to having her baby. Pregnancy took its toll...her man complained like a shi*. The poor girl did eventually shift the weight...but I felt so bad for her as she was trying so hard to be a good first time mom and at the same time trying to please her boy friend.

What does the boyfriend look like I hear you ask...in a word FLABBY.

Mature answers please and no insults...thanx

2006-12-23 01:46:57 · 18 answers · asked by JadeNicole 2

2006-12-23 01:46:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

when i look in the mirror, i sometimes find mycelf v v hot and cute but other times ie awake i feel im not looking good , why?

2006-12-23 01:43:45 · 11 answers · asked by naaaak_88 1

my ex bf only dates girls underage... im the only one he dated who was overage.. he like the 16-17 yr olds.... now is he just a sicko, or do u think that he has like a control issue and thats why he dates younger girls?to controlt hem mnaybe? he is 21 almost 22.

2006-12-23 01:42:58 · 2 answers · asked by sugar69c 2

2006-12-23 01:42:07 · 14 answers · asked by Mr Cynical 5

I just turned 21 and I feel that I'm old cause I keep meeting older guys and when I say older guys I mean late 30's to early 40's. I really want to meet someone my own age. I was talking to a 28 year old but that didn't work out because he was acting like a young boy. What should I do? This is the only thing that has been on my mind lately.

2006-12-23 01:41:54 · 14 answers · asked by vmars_7 1

As for me, I think it depends on the people involved.
When I first met my boyfriend, I thought he was a geek, a loser and overly sensitive and over confident...Okay, I'll stop now xD. This kinda contrasts to me, as I'm very ditzy and silly and shy. But, we kept talking and we eventually started dating and it's the best thing I've ever done. :)
So, what's your opinion on the subject? <3

2006-12-23 01:39:35 · 9 answers · asked by Hitomi 2

Hi, I am a single woman in her 30s and I have a crush on someone 13 years younger than me. Normally I am quite outgoing and have no problem talking to just about anyone, but in his case I seem to be paralized. I would like to ask for insight on several levels:
1) How can one explain this very unusual shyness I am experiencing.
2) I wouldn't have a problem with anyone having a large age difference relationship - why am I judging myself so harshly?
3) Any advice on how to overcome this shyness - it has been going for quite some time and I cannot just go and introduce myself. I need a way to snap out of an awkward situation that we are both aware of.
Thanks for your insight.

2006-12-23 01:38:42 · 8 answers · asked by missa 1

we have been friends for about a yr and a half,and we're both single.Thanks!

2006-12-23 01:35:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

what if :
you were more beautiful
you were more sexy
you were more skinny
and all the possible scenarios
and starts thinking about
where have u gone wrong? what is your problem ? am i not good enough for him ?

2006-12-23 01:33:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

How would I approach a girl I never met before and talk to her, get her number and stuff. It seems awkward.

2006-12-23 01:32:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Still sleeping? I placed the evidence in my top blog at


How sick is this? People like Dylan Avery, Alex Jones, Kevin Barrett, Jim Fetzer are willing to die for there country and are treated like dirt, when people like GEORGE BUSH and DICK CHENEY just want people to die for them, yet they are worshipped and supported. They Carried out 9/11 As i placed in my profole. They are serial Killers and there respected. How sick is that...?

Acorrding to the bible, If you follow the nwo, world government and illumini, which bush is a member of skull and bones, ur heading towards hell when u take the mark of the beast to show ur suppport...

Most of you will attack me and cuss me out for standing up for the truth while u go support evil bush and cheney who carried out 911.

What kind of a soceity where do we live heros are treated like the enemy and the enemy (bush admin) are treated with respect.


2006-12-23 01:31:32 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hello All,

How would you help someone who is very shy when meeting women. Not sure if it's insecurity about myself or just doesn't take failure well. Is this stupid? Help!!

Happy Holidays

2006-12-23 01:28:50 · 18 answers · asked by massmale_99 1

we've been skyping for months... got into a long distance relationship... but then i broke up with him.. a big mistake because now i still can't forget him.. i think he's the first one i've ever really had feelings for.
i tried deleting him from my MSN because whenever he comes online i'll know it.. and i just stare at my MSN list...waiting for who-knows-what... , and eventually i added him back...

2006-12-23 01:26:28 · 15 answers · asked by beyingnobody 2

I'm feeling very urgent right now and I needa relieve myself...what should I do now? ahhh!

2006-12-23 01:24:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-23 01:23:59 · 20 answers · asked by sammi jane j 1

2006-12-23 01:22:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've known this man for almost 10 years, and I met him when I was 14 while he was much older. In June we started our relationship back up. Sort of. He acts like he loves me and is always either doing or trying to do nice things for me. The problem is I don't know if he's a very good talker or serious. He lives in an apartment building and the outside buzzers do not work (I know, I've been in there when friends called my cell to say they rang it). He also has a pay as you go cell. He told me he was tired of paying for that cell and he wasn't going to buy any more cards. The problem is I have no way to contact him, and since it's been 4 days since we last spoke, I'm thinking he is just a player. Why else has he supposedly lost my number and can't bother to call to let me know he's ok? He is twice divorced and I am once divorced. He has one girl and one boy who are adults now and I have one of each as well who are still babies. He is happy for me at times, but I am still weary

2006-12-23 01:19:05 · 5 answers · asked by Proud Muslimaah-Beautiful Islaam 3

I am a gay man who had recently left a relationship of 8 years. There was no abuse but there were basic foundational differences (I'm out, he's not; I want to live together, he does not; religious differences, i needed to build community/ meet gay friends; etc...). After 6 weeks away from him I still feel like I'm dying... I miss him terribly, can't sleep or eat, but vowed not to go back. He's now contacted me and shown that without me around he's found the value of these things: he's come out to some friends, started to build community, and wants me to move into his home. I want to trust that he's done these things for himself, not me, and really believes in them. I also want to trust that I don't want him back out of jealousy over his new friends, etc... but I can't seem to get any clear thoughts. Help?!

2006-12-23 01:16:50 · 17 answers · asked by tomi27410 4

We have been in a relationship for 3 years. Lately he has been acting like I Have been doing something wrong ie... seeing someone else. I am not nor have I ever cheated on him.I started a new job recently and he seems worried that I may meet someone there.Last night my daughter slept at a friends. That is when he said " so you're alone tonight" and then asked what is one plus 2? when I said three he said wrong answer. what could he have meant?

2006-12-23 01:16:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or just a sick cult of murdering b@stards?

2006-12-23 01:15:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-23 01:15:37 · 22 answers · asked by cutie_j 3

i love my boyfreind but i recently found out hes been cheating on me, i haven't told him that i found a bra and panties in his room but i love him so much and dont want too lose him. I dont think i could trust him though. Should I brake up with him or not?

2006-12-23 01:13:52 · 20 answers · asked by Jane N 1

he wont give me sex because i was being a "whiney *****". so he wants me to find some people online to watch on cam and talk dirty to..

2006-12-23 01:13:35 · 11 answers · asked by ♥ just a girl ♥ 2

I'm sure this has been asked before, but what exactly do you consider an emotional affair? And is it technically considered cheating if there is no sex?

2006-12-23 01:13:20 · 7 answers · asked by DEENIE 3

always then how should you respond or react....

2006-12-23 01:11:51 · 7 answers · asked by lsa 1

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