my ex dumped me 3 weeks ago.. i still love her and want her back, she said she is too young to be in a serious trelationship, we are both 19.. i took it hard, i begged her for nearly 2 weeks to take me back, i feel dump for begging, so im playing it cool now.. dats what ive been told to do if i want her back... she e mailed me today, i was just talking to her as a freind i acted as if i was fine... we where talkin bout casual stuff, then she asked me if i was interested in other girls.. i said no, then she said i bet u are ,u can tell me i dont mind... do you think this means she still has feelings for me? if she really didnt care she wouldnt have asked in the first place,,,, i want other peoples oppinions.thanks
15 answers
asked by
Dan W