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Singles & Dating - 5 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Weatherman said expect 6-12" tonite-why can't i be so lucky?

2006-12-05 04:39:01 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I went on a first date a couple of days ago. He kept bringing up his exes throughout the entire evening. He brought up three of them how one of his exes was in a play with him, how another ex went to visit him, and how one he and his ex used to go to the same coffee shop that we were going to on our first date. I felt uncomfortable and did not know exactly what to say. However, I find it extremely rude of him to bring this issue up. I'm not going out with him again. I tend to be overly sensitive though. Was it rude or I'm I being too sensitve about it?

2006-12-05 04:38:29 · 21 answers · asked by brooke992002 2

2006-12-05 04:38:23 · 4 answers · asked by shortymindless_2009 1

2006-12-05 04:38:09 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm a 22 year old single mother of one. My little girl is one week old. I am very attractive, independant and intelligent-I have a great job, my own home, provide for myself 100%. I am not the clingy/pushy type at all. I'm not on speaking terms with my daughters father-my pregnancy was very unplanned (I was on birth control) and he pretty much abandoned me when he found out (he told me to get an abortion, I don't believe in it so I kept the baby and I haven't talked to him since, he's never seen his child)
I am not ready to date yet...I am planning on concentrating on my daughter for right now. But I would like to eventually...I've spent the past 9 months completely alone and it's been pretty hard. I miss that companionship and comfort that a relationship brings...I was just wondering what guys think of single mothers-particularly one in my situation. Do you think it is going to be hard for me to find love again? Would you ever date or have a serious relationship with a single mom?

2006-12-05 04:37:23 · 15 answers · asked by Rebecca 1

This question is kind of related to my earlier question.....I was asked out by a guy that i like, i said no but i do really like him, he thinks he has now messed our friendship up, should i ask him to meet up and go out somewhere?? good idea or not?? if not suggestions please. Thankyou!! x

2006-12-05 04:37:03 · 8 answers · asked by x--becki--x 1

my gf of two years has started to use the church to resolve some of her personal problems. I myself am not really that religous, but I do respect her view points. The problem is that she has become very hipocritical about various things. I smoke and so does she when she drinks, however because of her new found faith she is constantly harping on me about everything from smoking, drinking, swearing and sex. I'm a good guy and treat her very good, I don't drink too much and I don't have a trucker mouth. my problem is that she does all of the above but not in excess and either do I.
now she says no sex untill we're married, I just don't know if I can take it anymore. we went from twice a day too not at all for the last 3 months. how do I handle her religous turn around?, my main problem is that she never really sticks with anything, so Im not willing to change my whole life over a phase, when I'm already very good to her and put up with tons of her bs already.

2006-12-05 04:36:53 · 18 answers · asked by storminnormin 2

I have an amazing bf and he moved to Dc for work but we are still together and at the beginning of summer we will decide as to whether or not I will move to be with him. I ask him and his reply sometimes is "I don't have any issues with anything" in regards to me moving there. What do you think in regards to this?

2006-12-05 04:33:51 · 12 answers · asked by Mariachi 2

pervert? What makes a guy a pervert? Do you like perverted men, or do you think they are sick? If you found out your man was a pervert, what would you do?

2006-12-05 04:33:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

wheres the most awkward or wierd place youve had sex

2006-12-05 04:33:47 · 33 answers · asked by Sharp 1

My boyfriend makes a lot more money then me, and gets offended when I pull out my wallet. Should I stop attemting to pay?

2006-12-05 04:32:47 · 21 answers · asked by Jo 1

We are good friends and talked a while back about being friends or more. I thought she was trying to get my attention, and she denied so. We agreed to remain friends, but now, I let slip that I once had feelings for her. Since, we get closer and closer all the time. It is obvious that she wants to be my best girl friend, and she gets jealous of other close girl friends. She continues to say admantly that we should be friends as I do as well, but she acts like she wants a WHOLE lot more. How can I tell?

2006-12-05 04:32:20 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend has a whole big black chest full of magazines,a drawer with DVD's,and a computer full of pic's about 500 pic's i would say...I don't have a problem with it but I think he is addicted.What do you think..

2006-12-05 04:31:45 · 9 answers · asked by evil_little_girl_11 1

i want to find a man that will be loyal and is not a totla *** hole but at the same time a lil cocky but still treats me right!

2006-12-05 04:31:11 · 10 answers · asked by lizzie_08 2

.....take on a lady who was in the early stages of pregnancy to another mans child?

2006-12-05 04:30:26 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

My bf and i have been together a long while and we're even considering marriage. The one thing that is upsetting to him is my family, friends, everyone knows he and I are together and my mother loves him. His mother knows who i am but nothing of our relationship we'e too scared of what might happen to risk it or risk us being broken up. We're both committed to each other and we want this too work we talk on the phone ever day im everyday and see each other when we can. Hell our phone bills have been $700.00 bux from him and me talking on the phone for about everyday for a month straight for a minimum of 2 hours max of 4 everday we really love each other.

2006-12-05 04:29:44 · 28 answers · asked by scryingcrystal 1

I know that americans have difficulty understanding our english sense of humor..... But it has just dawned on me when in conversation with a girl that knows my humour so well or so I thought , competley missed what the joke was....

And it was a play on words for the idiots that are going to say that my joke wasnt nessisarily funny....So fairly basic stuff.....

2006-12-05 04:28:50 · 10 answers · asked by Fox Hunter 4

I can understand why men cheat..... They simply cant control the urges that their raging hormones produce. But if women arent overcome by a dieing urge to just have sex from hormones, why do they cheat? My bets are revenge, self esteem issues etc. what do you think

this question was asked b/f but i wanna know what the new comers have to say......

2006-12-05 04:28:17 · 11 answers · asked by Bee 3

if u cant just leave me ur email and cuz i have found a great site just like myspace that u can get on even at school or work,invite will be sent tomorrow

2006-12-05 04:27:55 · 6 answers · asked by texasthug420 1

Guys what do you think of gilrs who initiates the contact first specially in online dating . are there any guys there who are contacted by girls ? what do you think of them vs girls whom you contact first.
Girls is it common to initiate first contact do you do this often. I'm asking because I was used to being chased but now I like some one online and contacted but he is making me look like I'm despearte and keeps postphoning the dates . pls help

2006-12-05 04:27:22 · 8 answers · asked by adf a 1

ppl get to post what they want any way.so why bother if they suspend your account you can just make a new like i did /it seens like a looseing battle if you ask me

2006-12-05 04:23:17 · 8 answers · asked by nikkiiscreepy 1

2006-12-05 04:23:03 · 45 answers · asked by Rachel N 1

2006-12-05 04:22:59 · 25 answers · asked by igotsmartz 2

this guy..that i was involvedd with..me and him did stuff together.we even had sex..and he still contacts me and talks sweetly and romantically with me...and even said he was thinking to go long term with me..so i guess he likes me..but i found out he is trying to look for other chicks...in his CASTE..(as we r indian)..for MARRIAGE..he is also trying to get to know others.from his own religion..and flirting around w. them..and possibly marry them..why is he doing that if he likes me..How can he do that.>PLS TELL ME WHAT SHUD I THINK N WHAT SHUD I DO? SHUD I CONFRONT HIM? n be like why da hell r u wasting my time if ur gona look for other chiks?? M i over reacting? or IS HE WRONG?..ths all I want to know..JUST ANSWER THAT N ADVISE ON WHT TO DO PLS!!! isnt he soo wrong?!! n how i know is cuz i like him so much that i made a fake id and tested him to c how he was..n he was really flirty and stuff....:((((

3 options
ignore him, cut contact?
flirt w. his frnds
confront him abt it??

2006-12-05 04:22:44 · 5 answers · asked by sneha 1

There is a certain male participant on Yanswers that pretends to be Brains & Beauty, the highly annoying perfect woman, he emails me and select few women telling us that we have done bad things. But then the real "man", emails me and tells me naughty things about himself, totally ignoring the fact that i know who he really is! Don't i sound just as crazy as him?

2006-12-05 04:21:54 · 17 answers · asked by Pardonne Moi? 2

2006-12-05 04:21:34 · 5 answers · asked by messenger_scotty 1

We dated 2 years, my parents never knew about him because my mom would kill me if she knew I was with a white guy. I am East Indian. We talked all the time about getting married, he re assured me a million times he is serious about me, and knows I have to go thru a lot to be with him.

I told my bf I was going to tell my Dad first, and he fully supported me. He said the sooner the better. So I tell my dad, and 2 weeks later, he breaks up with me. During thise 2 weeks, he met some girl at work, his new assistant.

Next day he was very distant, and I found out he went out with this girl. Day after he breaks up with me w/ no explanation. He has never treated me w/ that much disrespect till then. He wacthed tv while I sat there and cried. I called him one night a few times and the day after he changed his cell phone number! When I saw him he was insulting, and teling me I was pushy, hes never said that before. Why change al of a suden? Now hes with this new girl. Its been 2 mos no cont

2006-12-05 04:20:32 · 8 answers · asked by confusedbrowngirl 2

2006-12-05 04:20:19 · 13 answers · asked by sophie c 1

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