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Singles & Dating - 30 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

ok . . . my gf broke up with me back in march and said she wanted to date around and see whats out there and all that good stuff after a 2 year relationship. . she starts dating this kid i went to high school with 2 weeks later . . . i hate the kid so its obviously a bad situation for me . . . so i try to get her back for about 2 months and in the middle of june i went NC . . on our 2 year anniversery at the beginning of july she send me a text that says . . "today was two year" just to remind me of it i guess . . . and ever since that text she has been calling/texting/leaving voicemail/or emailing me once atleast ever 2-3 weeks . . . a few times in was 2-3 times in a week . . . i have not responded to her or anything . . . so its been 5 months and its still going on .. .she is still with this same guy so she obviously knows we cant be friends be cause of the situation.. . . . . .so why does she keep trying to contact me?. .

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21 minutes ago
when they first started dating she even admitted part of the reason was because he was there and she hates being alone

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49 minutes ago
this is her latest message

hey (name)!! hows it goin? boy, youve sure been hard to get a hold of lately! i was thinkin about stoppin by sometime, so unless i hear otherwise from you ill see you soooon!! k byeee!!

<3 (name)

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2 days ago
i dont want to know what u people think i should do . .. just want to know what u think she is thinking

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25 minutes ago
this is the latest message i just got tonight

heyyyyyyy (name)....are you done not talking to me yet?? just wonderin if you wanted to hang out sometime or atleast come visit and see my house!! well please get back to me and let me know!! :)

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16 hours ago
she just sent me another one also that said shes not trying to stalk me or be mean she just wants to see how im doing and how schools going and stuff

2006-11-30 06:11:52 · 7 answers · asked by osb2904 1

i tried to tell my gf that we dont go to dance we might dance a bit but not there for dance we are there for sexual activities

2006-11-30 06:10:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

how much do you really like when a guy goes... "downtown"? do you get off on it always? only sometimes? what do you like most about it?

2006-11-30 06:10:52 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-30 06:10:42 · 4 answers · asked by cutie pie :D 1

Do chicks expect guys to buy them drinks at the bar? If so why? Is it because they cant find as good of jobs as the guys can?

2006-11-30 06:10:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

i love a girl but i dont know how to express it.but there is another problem that i like another girl at the same time!plz help

2006-11-30 06:09:52 · 13 answers · asked by ROCK BOY 1

i just asked a question. ok here is a lil bit more detail. me and my boyfriend have the same friends so everything he tells his guy friend he tells me b/c me and that guy are best friends. me and my boyfriend dont mess around and i dont have a reputation of doing stuff like that. he tells his friend he is scared to do anything wiht me but wants to real bad b/c he doesnt want to bbe a virgin but when he is with me all he does is kiss me and it sucks. he is very clingy and is all on me in public. we have been dating for bout 2 months and he is like in love with me but me not so much. he is even buying me a ring for christmas. even though i hinted i didnt want it. he doesnt listen to me. im so confused.

2006-11-30 06:09:13 · 8 answers · asked by Carissa H 1

Does it matter to you if your B/F gets big squirts or just little dribbles when he ejaculates?

What do you like better?

2006-11-30 06:09:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just started dating a wonderful young lady, but i've known here forever. She's not the typical girl though. She's a church girl, pastors wife, responsible young adult type. Jewelry is out of the question. I've tried simply prying for a wishlist, but I get nowhere. help me with some ideas.

2006-11-30 06:08:51 · 20 answers · asked by Justin L 1

i like this young manager at this store and i think he likes me to ive seen him checking me out but i dont know if he has a girlfriend and i was going to invite him some were but i dont want him to say i have a girlfriend and me feel stupid

2006-11-30 06:08:22 · 9 answers · asked by annamariecreed 1

I have started seeing a Polish guy, and fallen for him BIG TIME. He likes me too, the only problem is his girlfriend, who he left back in Poland six months ago.

She knows about me, and is seeing other guys while they are apart, but she's coming to England in another 6 months.

I don't know what to do.

Should I stay with him in the hope he'll fall for enough to leave her behind for good?

Or get out now before I really start to love him?

I KNOW he really likes me, but they go back nine years on and off(she actually married someone else when they were split last time, but is now with him again)

Half of me wants out to save myself the pain..............but walking away from him will the hardest thing I ever do....especailly as I'll always think 'what if'..................


2006-11-30 06:08:19 · 18 answers · asked by CHARISMA 5

2006-11-30 06:06:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-30 06:05:28 · 11 answers · asked by rediron8706 1

date a hot bartender or a geeky university student?

2006-11-30 06:04:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really like him, he's the sweetest dude I've met. He's different from all the guys I'm used to. He doesn't drink, smoke or curse which I do, (except cursing). He dresses in blazers, neck ties, gators, sometimes denim and button ups. I'm used to thugs, not necessarily your average thug, but a grown man who tends to sag his jeans, rockin the timbs or sneakers, who smokes and/or drink. I'm open to a new lifestyle, meeting different people, coming out of my comfort zone. We've haven't went on a date yet, due to hurdles in both of our lives, but we've had sex once and it was great. Could our opposites attract?

2006-11-30 06:04:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Basically me and my ex girlfriend have broken up 5 times over 3 1/2 years. Does this mean its over. We are talking thru our last break up now, but im just wondering if i should try to make it work or just let her go. I love her with all of my heart and i lose sleep when i dont know where she is or if she is safe. I just hope there isn't too much damage since we've broken up so many times. I broke up with her 3 outta the 5 times. Mostly for very stupid reasons, but now i reallize that it was worth keeping i just hope she feels the same way. What do you guys think......

2006-11-30 06:03:51 · 10 answers · asked by Bman 1

I was sort of seeing this guy off and on for a bit. I really liked him, and I'm sure he new that. It was hard for us to get together because we were both busy, and sometimes we wouldn't talk for a while. I think we had a really good connection, and potential for something more. He came over one night out of the blue, and well "u know". I'm pretty sure it was a booty call, but it didn't really go well. He couldn't perform, and then went on to say we'll just have to do it over and over again til it's all good. What happened? I've barely spoken to him since. Why did he give me that impression that he would like more, if he didn't? It was like 2 weeks ago. I should probably let go, but I feel I need at least closure. Should I call him and ask if it was just a booty call, or did he want more til that happened? I really like him.

2006-11-30 06:03:30 · 2 answers · asked by CuteChic 1

It was my first real girlfriend (at 19), the first person I cared about, I grew up with no emotional support at my home due to a divorce, I never had a father to show me certain things, and I hurt the love of my life with my own problems for about a year and 8 months. I am a difficult person, I understand, and I know why she left me, and it took me loosing her to realize what I had what I lost and what I know I am capable of and who I really am. She was the first person I ever opened up to emotionally to, I had no one else before, and I am so glad she came into my life and showed me how to open myself, how to love, how to enjoy life, but it was too late, i fell comfortable and didn't get her what she needed, I was selfish, but I realized it now that I lost her, I even asked her to marry me because I know she will be happy with me as I. She wants space but to see other people, WHY? - WHAT CAN I DO TO SHOW HER IM SORRY AND PROVE TO HER MY LOVE. I DONT WANT TO LOOSE HER.

2006-11-30 06:02:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I say spanish since antonio banderas is lighter than italians
they are dark and not arian

2006-11-30 06:02:14 · 7 answers · asked by SPANISHMANRETURNS 1

I am going on a little vacation in February. I am plannign it for just myself but if I do end up inviting a friend of mine would it be wrong of me to ask her to pay for half of the room?
She will have to pay for all the rest of her stuff, food, entertainment, alcohol, etc.....

2006-11-30 06:01:58 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

well how do I know if the guy is calling me over to his place for a booty call or he is calling because he wants to get to know me better. we meet in an online dating website and had 1st date went well , now he calls me over to his place.

2006-11-30 06:01:42 · 7 answers · asked by sweety 1

This is so backwards, but she doesn't want anything too serious (or so she says, at least not yet) b/c she figures I am too good for her. Now I know what you all think, and I have thought the same thing, but I am now convinced she is the first persin to ever say that and mean it. I am as sure as I can be. So, any suggestions for getting her over this? It's ridiculous, really, but I want her to realize how much I want HER w/out overdoing it. How do I convince/help her let go of this BS idea she has?

2006-11-30 06:01:41 · 3 answers · asked by randyken 6

2006-11-30 06:00:33 · 15 answers · asked by Henrriette S 2

My dude acts like a dirty old man and he is my age ,like he just has this thing of oh honey Ive neglected u ! ect...and he does his own thing like flirting with woman and its just the whole package .Like they know how to please every woman ect.Have u ever met a guy like that?how do they get like that?Weird!

2006-11-30 06:00:32 · 2 answers · asked by jessy 3

There's this girl I'm totally infatuated with. I haven't really seen her in over a month and a half. I ran into her last night. Running over dumb pleasantries she asked me if I wanted to hang out with her today. I said I'd call her. But I don't think she thinks of me in that way. She either just likes my company or really likes teasing and tormenting me. Not sure which. All I know is that I'm usually ruined for four or five days after seeing her. Should I call her. Or should I just stay away. And if I call her should I make a move and force her to reject me. Yeah, I know I should grow a pair. And I usually do except when it comes to this girl.

2006-11-30 05:59:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

This question has been on my mind for a few years off and on entering my thoughts. I live here down in the south of TN and am Military. I've seen plenty of interracial couples, matter of fact I'm married to someone outside my own race. I've seen asian women with white man, and even a few asian men with white females, but I've never seen an asian man with a black sista? What's the deal. Thanks for veiwing my very first question. : )

2006-11-30 05:59:17 · 14 answers · asked by mysticdancer47 1

2006-11-30 05:58:43 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i just started dating this guy but i met someone else who is way better than him what do i do who do i choose?

2006-11-30 05:57:57 · 13 answers · asked by jasmine s 1

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