To put it simple, if a young man in his 20's starts loosing hair. The options for him are:
1. Go now looking for any GF, so he would find her before getting bald. Till that time he would show that he will make her happy nomatter if he has any hair.
Then 3 way outs from here.
a. Big succes, because of intensive search he'll find a girl he would like to spend the rest of his life with.
b. He will find a girl and stay with her without real love, just because of the fear to be all alone.
c. It just won't work, as love takes time to flourish, she sees him bald and runs.
2.Shave head completely bald and simply live on, without anouncing : Looking for a GF, FAST!
Then 3 way outs from here:
a. He will find a girl he likes anyway and will make her fall in love with this nice bald guy.
b.He will have to wait till he's 40+ years old, and as bald 40+ years old is normal he would find someone. But youth would be lost
c.Die alone.
Considering the way outs which one should I choose 1 or 2?
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