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Singles & Dating - 30 November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

We've been together for almost two years, and we live together. But never do anything together anymore. He usually stays up late on the computer or on his Playstation, and I go to bed alone. We rarely have sex or even touch eachother. He used to pay attention to me when we were first going out. Now, I look at other guys. I doubt he is cheating on me. I really don't know what's going on. When I ask him about this, he acts like he has no clue and nothing has changed. I think we're getting worse.

2006-11-30 06:35:33 · 40 answers · asked by msbinky5 1

I ask this after answering another about the similar situation. But y dont you dance more. There are girls out there that think how u movin on the dance floor is a good indicator about how you would move...elsewhere...so y not dance more when that could get u the girl more so they spending money on drinks? (again, this totally depends on the chick, cuz personally, u ballin or twerkin right, dont matter, inner substance is needed (u kno, personality, intelligence, that kind of stuff) before any moves get made ANYWHERE other than just dancing in the club!) But this question, i just had to ask...holla!

2006-11-30 06:32:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

if a guy invites a girl back to his place more than once (4 times) to stay the nite, but every time she wont do more than just kissing, even though the guy tries all the moves,if the guy just wanted sex would he not bother anymore?

if he keeps on wanting to meet up is he really interested?

2006-11-30 06:32:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

there is this girl that i like and she and my friend are always hugging. i remember she told me that he isnt the fanciable type of person because he is tall, loud and big and has lots of spots. am i being paranoid or is she into him?

2006-11-30 06:31:46 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-11-30 06:30:53 · 13 answers · asked by fsasblinkgurl 1

2006-11-30 06:29:44 · 5 answers · asked by goody_goody 1

What do you guys and gurls think about one night stands?? good? or bad?? humm...

2006-11-30 06:29:36 · 32 answers · asked by U dOnT kNo BoUt .:~LJ~:. 2

if a guy really likes a girl, but the girl is giving him mixed signals,would he not ask her out on a date even though they have kissed?

2006-11-30 06:28:45 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


Lastnight he was over my house and he was talking to his EX on the phone outside for 15 minutes. Now I confronted him and said " Maybe we can go out when you two sort things out" and he said " We do have everything sorted out" So I asked him why he still talks to her then? But he didnt answer me yet. He told me that he wants to be with me and he loves me and he dont like her AT ALL. What do yous think?!?! Help me please!! Thank you.

2006-11-30 06:28:39 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-30 06:27:42 · 12 answers · asked by Dana 2

she is 26 years old.
she was very close to her dad they did everything togeather

2006-11-30 06:27:24 · 8 answers · asked by sprit 1

2006-11-30 06:26:33 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I find myself stalking women and it gives me a high to see them get scared. I hide in their bushes and sometimes drive by their house and peek in the windows. Is this a normal trait?

2006-11-30 06:25:27 · 19 answers · asked by Jesus 1

My best friend is male, and I'm female. We've known each other since second grade (we're Freshman in college now), and we're like extremely close brother/sister. Dating him would be like dating one of my biological brothers. However, his current girlfriend doesn't seem to like the fact that he hangs out with me, exchanges emails with me, or actually, much of anything dealing with me. I've tried backing off to a point that I'm barely comfortable with in order to give her room and I've introduced her to my boyfriend, but neither seem to help.

I don't want too loose my relationship with my best friend, but I don't want to be a problem in their relationship. I have never seen my best friend as happy as when he's with her. He really loves her, and I'm pretty sure she loves him.

So, does anyone have any advice?

2006-11-30 06:24:40 · 10 answers · asked by Thek 2

in school there is this one guy, who i think is really sweet. he isnt hot lokie johnny depp or brad pitt, but he is kind and sensitive, and thats what i want! we go to church together and we flirt ALL the time! but i think that he just takes mine as a joke! how can i make him more interested in me?? and does he like me ornot? he is always acting like he does, but does he?

2006-11-30 06:24:16 · 8 answers · asked by Christina G ♥ 3

The person I am having these dreams about, is someone I had a crush on in High School. We never dated and my crush on him was short lived. I havent seen him or spoken to him for 6 or so years.

2006-11-30 06:23:47 · 9 answers · asked by Pinklady 1

He is 25.

2006-11-30 06:23:27 · 29 answers · asked by lauramoseley@btinternet.com 1

Why is it that after a heavy night of drinking rum and cokes, gin and tonics and coors light beers with a few cigarettes here and there the next day your body feels like eating the worst junk food ever, like tacobell, mccy D's or bojangles?

2006-11-30 06:23:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-30 06:22:52 · 27 answers · asked by Nikki M 1

How do you know if your boyfriend is really in love with you?

2006-11-30 06:21:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. partener


3.Decent job

4. a healthy active lifestyle

do woman want more than that or is it the same

2006-11-30 06:20:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My Ex-Girlfriend Was A Great Girl. I Met Her Online And She Asked Me Out. We Started Dating And We Clicked Immediatly. I Kissed Her The First Night And Sparks Flew. I Was So Happy. I Thought I Had Found My Soulmate. Went Out A Couple More Times And She Came Over And Sat In My Arms And We Listened To Music And took Some Pictures When She Left We Made Out For About 10mins And She Said She Had To Go. Went Had Planned To Go Out To Dinner And To A Christmas Party The Following Week And Karioke The Next Night. We To Karioke And Then Her Work. She Got Upset About Something And We Both Went Home Thats The Last time i saw her. i texted her the day before thanksgiving to asked when she wanted to go to dinner. she told me she was cheating on me and that i was uglier than pond scum. she was breaking up with me? I got so upset. i had a sezure and i told her and she called me a freak and said it wasnt her fault. she also told me she called me while she was in bed with another guy.

2006-11-30 06:19:10 · 9 answers · asked by ColoradoGuy21 2

ok theres a senior at my school and we like each other but we are in two different grades{ima freshman} we chat and flirt but i have a boyfriend. he{my boyfriend} saw me and him hugging but he didnt pay any attention even though he saw. should i tell him about me and the guys relationship?

2006-11-30 06:18:15 · 16 answers · asked by dat chick 2

2006-11-30 06:17:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had the craziest dream last night about my daughters father. we are not together but he gets her every other weekend and has a girlfriend. I really don't like him but we get along fine. Last night I dreamed we had picked up my daughter from somewhere and then went out by ourselves. We started making out and having sex then he told me he broke up with his g-friend and wanted to only be with me. It was so weird it felt like I was really there. What does that mean? I had to talk to him on the phone today about tomorrow and he was really nice I felt so weird.

2006-11-30 06:17:13 · 3 answers · asked by Venus 3

Why do some girls like going downtown on guys? I don't protest against it but what makes them do it?

2006-11-30 06:16:36 · 28 answers · asked by dvdatlas 1

That's a bunch of baloney. Why didn't he just say he changed his mind about getting together with me, instead of telling an obvious lie?

2006-11-30 06:15:41 · 9 answers · asked by charleston chew 2

I am single now and I need to attract as much attention as I can. I know a guy is not going to be just attracted to my hair but I just want to know which hair colors stands out?

2006-11-30 06:15:38 · 13 answers · asked by anonomous 1

My boyfriend always tells me that I dont trust him, but I wonder why because he goes out and gets wasted at the highest ranked parting college with other girls who wants to get down his pants, yet he doesnt trust me when all I do is watch little kids, and work, I dont go out drinking, I dont party, and he doesnt trust me. What is that all about?

2006-11-30 06:12:29 · 14 answers · asked by stacie h 2

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