You know, i am not a jealous person anymore (o try not to be)
We are 25 and we have been dating for a year and a half and i KNEW before we dated that he was good friends with his ex who is REALLY REALLY nice. She is engaged to be married and TOTALLY not interested in him and I am sure he isnt interested back, they are totally just friends.
Is it ok that i would just rather not hang out with her? On one hand, i think that i am taking his friends away from him, but on the other hand, what girlfriend wants to hang out with their boyfriends ex? I dont know, and i dont mind seeing her and her fience sometimes, but id always rather do something else besides hang out with the ex. Also, her group of friends are his friends too and they always complain to him (jokingly) that he never hangs out with them and that makes me feel bad. Actually, i dont even mind if he hangs out with them, i would just rather not. Is this normal and is it ok that i just plain old not want to hang with the ex?
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