I'm nineteen, and my boyfriend is twenty-six. When we first started living together, we had sex every night. Now, ten months later, we hardly ever have sex. I get sex about once every two or three weeks. He works very late in the evening, and comes home very tired. As well, he's on medicine that makes it difficult to get it up. I give him blow-jobs every few nights, and he rolls over and falls asleep. I have a very high sex-drive. Now that I never get sex, it's hard to think of anything else. I'm distracted all the time, and dream of sex all night. Whenever I bring up my desires to him, he says he's tired, and apologizes profusely. I could sleep with other people, because we are in an open relationship, but it would make him sad if I ran off and screwed a bunch of boys just because he works late hours. I get propositioned often, and it's getting increasingly tempting.
Should I keep ****-buddies? Wait for him to get rested? Try to continue on with my life terminally horny?
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