my boyfriend and i have been together for 4 years and we're planning on getting married soon. the problem is i dont have any sexual desire for him. when we do have sex, i dont enjoy it at all. its been like this since the beginning, but this problem has been intensifying cuz after 4 years and no org@sm im frustrated and feel hopeless in this area. he's insisting on a normal sex life (bout 5 times a week), i on the other hand, would prefer no sex at all. however we do love eachother and have a great relationship. we've been working on this for quite sometime now n i dont think its gonna get any better. i have had sex before in a previous relationship and i really enjoyed it. but it seems, with my current boyfriend, it just doesn't work sexually. my question is, can a marriage survive a problem like this? i dont have any sexual desire at all for him, but he has alot for me. im not selfish in this area, its just that when we have sex and it doesn't "work," i feel like giving up
17 answers
asked by
nina k