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Other - Family & Relationships - 9 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

are you therefore:-
1) A lady of leisure
2) full time mum
3) work part time

(I work part time - have 2 young children)

2007-09-09 22:38:49 · 18 answers · asked by Raine 5

I and my boy frnd have a relation from 1996 Jan. we r not disturbing another families. we meet after 2-3 days and on telephone daily for 2-3 hrs he help me financlly also bcoz he is so rich and i m a working lady middle class but he love me as he says. are we wrong or right i love him very much and cant live without him i love my hubby and children also too much i m now 39 and he is 52 yrs shud we go ahead or not please tell

2007-09-09 22:25:23 · 15 answers · asked by indian 1

I need some help here....I have this ex that has gone bonkers....
I'm sum up the bit.
I dated tiffany, tiffany cheated on me with a girl (after a rather anti-lesbian rant the day before) and broke up with me over the internet for her, cheated on her with my best friend, dumping her for him. all that aside, I moved away and she set me up with some guy online. he was realy a girl (online, remember.), tiffany manipulated things to break us up, and has threatened both her and I many times.

I reported her after she hacked me. but she's back, and BS'd my ex's family into spreading lies about me, saying I hacked her when I have a mod letter saying she was banned.
It got so bad that I had to quote laws to them to get them to stop. But, they are continuing to rub my name through the dirt.

How do I get them to stop without going to the police?

2007-09-09 21:24:10 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My bf of 3 months & his ex called it off over a yr ago & are still friends. She calls him weekly & they were still spending time together but unattached. Also he claims she is the only person he has loved. All of this made me uneasy, but then he went out of his way to introduce us to one another & told her all about us.
I guess I thought her knowing about us would mean she'd recognise us as a couple. Maybe she'd lay off some. But she continually calls him all hours, asks to dance with him when their at the same club & recently she sent him a msg saying she'd dreamt about the two of them being intimate (WTF!).
Can someone please clarify if this is going beyond the boundaries of friendship? Clearly she holds a torch for him, but I cant help that feel what she is doing is disrespectful to myself. She & I attend the same college, so I am constantly seeing her about & it grates coz I know I wouldn't do this to my ex-bf.
Should I do anything? or see if it passes? All thoughts appreciated.

2007-09-09 21:10:36 · 8 answers · asked by muylindas 1

Long story but my Nanna died over 10 years ago and my Dad (who I do not speak to)still hasn't put a headstone on her grave so my brother and I want to buy one. Just need an idea of cost before we sort it out. Help would be really appreciated.

2007-09-09 20:49:16 · 8 answers · asked by Sarah F 1

This just happened to me. My wife just had an exhibition. After the exhibition, one of her batch mates asked to take pics with her. He knew I was just there and he put his arms around her shoulders and she let him tho she was uncomfortable. I wasnt happy about it coz I felt it was disrespectful and she should have just brush his arms off. Btw, we are all asians. Am I over reacting?

2007-09-09 20:30:36 · 15 answers · asked by Kal 1

2007-09-09 19:11:20 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 15 years old and I’m really handsome......like incredibly good looking. My problem is I can't walk through a hallway without seven girls chasing me. I already have a girl friends and she's starting to think that I’m hanging out with other girls when she's not around. What do I do? I've already tried telling them that I already have a girlfriend but they still won't stop.

2007-09-09 19:03:02 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

My girlfriend doesn't want to get her drivers liscense, and when i ask her why not, she gives a bunch of reasons about expenses and killing the enviroment. I know she's not that big of a tree hugger so what could be the real reason?

(Her mom doesn't drive either)

2007-09-09 17:27:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

my girlfriend and her friend sprayed my dishes with roach spray and then washed them with bleach because she saw a roach, now someone who could use 2% of their brain would tell you to move the dishes then spray but nooooooooooooo they just sprayed it then soaked it in bleach!! now they think this will create some force field to keep roach's off!!! now my ******* dishes smell liked bleached socks!!!! and they swear up and down that this normal and makes sense!! is it just me or do I have a right to be mad!!!!!!!!!

2007-09-09 16:54:50 · 1 answers · asked by brooklyn thug 3

I need major help. In four days my fiance and I are to be flying to his home town to pick up his grandfather. However, two days ago my fiance gets an email from his cousin saying a lot of rude stuff about the family. So, my fiance writes his cousin back and told her to stop writing to him because she is a habitual liar and nothing she says can be trusted. Well, after that she wrote back saying to wait until he gets back there and she'll show him how many friends she has. Then her girl friend wrote to him and said "wait till you get out here, you won't be going back to Cali" (we are in cali and they are in NJ) Now, my fiance and I both know his cousin and her chick are into gangs and drugs and we don't want there to be problems when we go there. We've talked about getting a restraining order, but I don't know how that works with out of state stuff and we're leaving in 4 days. Please help...

2007-09-09 15:54:57 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


She was on drugs or either drunk while performing that song. When will this girl finally call it a day??

She needs to go home to her booboos, love on them, and stay in her house for a bit. She is a has been. I am sure she has plenty of money to take care of herself and her booboos for decades to come.

2007-09-09 15:21:41 · 3 answers · asked by KB 1

I've seen some of the worst bulling come from the blonde haired, blue eyed little girls! Often they've socially bullied their victims into total peer alienation if they don't get their way! It also seems their parents FEED this to the child, and can't be reasoned with. (aparently they've spoiled her...like moldy and rancid milk.)

The boy that is a little more than average height and weight, who bullies (it's actually rare I ever see this stereotype) tends to be easier to understand and have very cooperative parents in behaviour modification.

What do you think?

2007-09-09 14:46:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, me and my fiance have been together for almost 5 years. During part of that time, it was a long distance relationship. During that time, he asked other girls out on dates. They declined, but had they said yes, they would have gone out. I was under the assumption that we were exclusive, I never said otherwise, and I called him my b/f and we told each other we were in love with the other. He says he didn't consider us being exclusive at that time. But he never told me that! I'm upset that he doesn't see anything wrong with that. He says now that we're engaged to be married, marriage is sacred to him and he would never attempt to be with anyone else. But I told him, what if later down the road he decides not to be exclusive anymore? Am I right or wrong to be upset? also, others have told me that he went out on a date with someone else after I moved here and the long distance part was over. I disregarded it b/c he said he never did anything after I moved here, but now i'm not so sure

2007-09-09 14:36:11 · 3 answers · asked by BlackDahlia 5

If someone assured you that your partner (spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc.) would be paid $50,000.00 for a one-hour performance in a sex scene of a pornographic film, would you let them?

What if the offer was made to YOU? Could you have sex, on camera and with tens of thousands of potential viewers, for $50,000.00? Could you do that to your partner?

Would your partner let you? Would you let your partner?

THE CATCH: Whether it's you or your partner, their "sex partner" for the sex scene is NOT you or your partner, but someone better-looking than you or your partner. In othger words, only one person from your relationship is involved.

2007-09-09 13:38:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay I don't get what its saying first of all
I sent a package from canada post, on august 31st.
After I went on the computer and went to canada post.com
to track a package. I typed the code in and it the info i sent.
and it says Service Standard Delivery Date: 2007/09/13 ? I don't get what that means and today i typed the code in again and it said 2007/09/08 09:55 SOOKE, BC Item out for delivery ? Does the person need to go to the mail office and get it? or does the mail carrier give it to them? I don't get what that means. Item out for delivery? Ah i need some serious answers.

2007-09-09 13:36:49 · 1 answers · asked by kevin j 1

I want all of them adjectives .

2007-09-09 13:10:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm so lost. for so long. i don't know where i belong. i feel completely lost sometimes.

i do have a bf of 6 years. he is adorable. a wonderful person, charming, interesting, a womanizer, good looking plus he loves me a lot. negative side is, i don't feel attracted to him! i love him, i get jealous, i adore his ways but just as much i sometime feel rejected by things. he said once, that he rather feels like a woman. don't judge too fast :)) he acts like a true man, everything, but just says he feels more than some other guys. he is very sensitive (is that the word in english?) he does not feel "like" a woman, but is sensitive like a woman. he likes to talk. to be adored. he gets adored a lot by girls. they feel "understood". they love him. he knows how to treat girls.

i just feel like not being with a real man sometimes. but love him. and don't want to hurt him. and don't want to destroy my relationship too! i feel like i can't rely on him sometimes. i feel like the man in the..

2007-09-09 12:56:06 · 23 answers · asked by india18 2

i would like to overcome my shyness, but i don't know if drama's the way to do it. if the teacher so much as looks at me, i start to shake and blush and my mind goes blank. standing up in front of people terrifies me. i'm making my best effort to overcome my shyness, but i don't know if this is the best way to do it--? if i screwed up in front of people, i would probably cry, haha.

2007-09-09 12:26:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

You are in a conversation with...or performing a Task..and the Person you are with Farts repeatedly but continues on like nothing happened ??

2007-09-09 12:26:25 · 1 answers · asked by Karl 3

Is it common for the less-educated siblings or cousins to attempt to explicitly and publicly make the one-minute ill-fated
and rather unimpressive attempt at erroneously proving to you that they are smarter than you - therefore better than you?

It seems they try to justify their pathetic existence by convincing themselves that they too posses knowledge but did not
have to spend years or money acquiring same.

Those who have no education, please, go back into your rather simple world.

Thank you.

(P.S. I am and always have been a politically correct sensitive folk who respects the "other side".. Just that they have
crossed certain lines lately and I AM looking for revenge.)

2007-09-09 12:11:03 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

What happend..?.. I got a situation going on..he hurt me alot...but I still love him.. and he does 2...I don't know what to do...

please I want to hear your story.. and know if you forgave him and how is it going now..


2007-09-09 11:52:05 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

You and your husband have been having troubles have tried to fix things, and they still are the same. You meet someone and they seem like they are the perfect match for you, what would u do?

2007-09-09 11:35:55 · 7 answers · asked by Summer_Lovin 1

i mean you 'd have to see them all the time,right? would you do it anyway or could it be a deal breaker? just taking a poll...

2007-09-09 11:30:37 · 6 answers · asked by phlygirl 3

We all have wants, but what is it that is needed in your life right now.

2007-09-09 10:11:32 · 15 answers · asked by Astro 5

My boyfriend is every women dream. He is very smart (going to law school), tall (6'2''), sporty (college football player), good looking, etc. ...

Well, he has his problems. He does not like to show his feelings (to me), very egocentric, very stubborn, very short temper, and act baby sometimes, etc.

In the past 3 years, we don't get along very well. We almost break up two times. The only thing that keep us going is we have a very strong physical connection (lust&love)

I am tired of all the dramas and want to leave him. To be honest, I am hanging on because I afriad I could not find any better guys.

I know, I am stupid.

What do you think? Thank you so much for your help.


Sorry for the spellings and grammar ---English is my second language.

2007-09-09 09:35:57 · 5 answers · asked by Hope 4

anybody know the name of the hotel she went missing from?

2007-09-09 08:51:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-09 08:44:19 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to do or give something to my boyfriend, something special that I have never done to him. But i dont really know what. I have done alot of things :p So please be open, and tell me everything ;)

2007-09-09 08:29:22 · 12 answers · asked by Crocomophobe 4

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