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Other - Family & Relationships - 24 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

if you could get any thing ; you wanted. i would .
would you ???

2007-04-24 20:31:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

he is so suspicious acting all the time and he is ALWAYS on the computer or texting some one

2007-04-24 19:27:39 · 5 answers · asked by sduvalt 1

I'm a 44 year old woman, we are more friends than anything, I feel more like his sister. I know he loves me, he treats me like gold. I walked out three months ago, so frustrated, but if I don't decide wether or not i go back soon, I stand to loose a lot. What should I do? please don't critisize me, i'm just looking for a little friendly advice without burdening family with this,
Thanks folks........

2007-04-24 17:54:51 · 16 answers · asked by Marlipumpkin 1

I just do not get along with my father-in-law (FIL). For many years, over slightest arguments he has always asked his daughter to separate from me. The man hates me deep down. I believe it might have to do with my parents coming from a very simple middle-class background. The FIL has brought up his daughter in loads of cash.
I am doing very well, have highest level of education from Ivy League schools . But the man is ex-colonel from military and is very controlling. He is extremely diplomatic and cunning too, I feel. But he loves his daughter
My wife is also very high maintenance (emotionally and financially). Even one complaint from her to my FIL and the bastard gets on my case. Eventually, we separated for one year, filed for a divorce and got back together again after withdrawing the divorce petition. However, this has resulted in extreme anger in my mind for my FIL, giving me chest-pains. I dont even talk to him. Now my wife is mad at me becos I didnt wish him on his BDay.

2007-04-24 16:27:51 · 1 answers · asked by Shane W 2

This stranger asked for my number when he was hanging out in a BAR with his friends. He's 24 and I'm 18. I don't know if it's safe to go out with him. maybe he just want to get some se x x out of me, but I have never dated before and I have doubts. He SEEMED nice but people hanging out in bars, plus not even knowing him and getting hit on. should I go out with him IF he calls? where should we go? what tim of day, cuz I'm afraid at night, he'll get all horney and stuff.

2007-04-24 16:21:08 · 2 answers · asked by yennay 3

I live with my 24 year old daughter and her 7 year old. The issue is housework, or the lack of it. I have a nice home that I have spent a lot of time, effort and money decorating. It tears me up to see the kitchen a disaster, clutter everywhere, the upstairs hallway has clothes all over it, can't get into the laundry room because of the pile of clothes. She has put STUFF into my sewing room and I can hardly walk in there. Her dog (though I had told her I didn't want a dog here) has torn up the backyard that was nicely landscaped, has just recently torn up the drip system so the plants are going to die. I just don't know what to do. I ask her, I reason with her, I argue with her, I get angry and yell at her. She says she'll do it... and never does. Or she does straighten up (some) and a week later it's back where it was. I work full time, pay the bills. Her husband is deployed in the Army and she is home all day. I just don't know how to get this to stop and I feel STUCK!

2007-04-24 15:29:42 · 12 answers · asked by Hampster 2

i met this really nice guy through my best friend.....we had an amazing night....we talked about so many things..we laughed and cuddled in the same bed (nothing happened).....he even wanted to sing me a lullaby to make me fall asleep...i woke up to a note that he left on the pillow saying "im sorry i left but i couldnt sleep, i didnt want to wake you (and then he left his number)...i called him the next day and left a message saying how are things going and i left him my number in return...its been 3 days and he still hasnt returned my call...what gives?

...........he doesnt have a girlfriend....he talks about me all the time...hes best friends with my friends boyfriend.....hes not one to play games either...so i dont know

2007-04-24 14:54:41 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well theres this guy that use to go to my school, hes now 18 and graduated for a year && im 16 . . . .And he's been working at this place that i go to, & we never talked when we were in school together so it surprised me when he started talking to me at his work . . . finally he gave me his number and we were talking and he would ALWAYS wanted to hang out and he would call me hot and pretty and he told me that he didnt just wanna have sex with me, but he had a girlfriend but he said "he keeps his choices open" so i thought it was going good, we went on are first date last week to the movie && he seems really interested in me like holding my hand hugging me lil kisses and asking me what was wrong . . . and as soon as i got home he called me and said he missed me . . . .but them i invited him over on monday and he said he was to tired and he hasnt been acting to same like ill ask him when we will hang out next and hell be like "dont know". I dont know whats going on

2007-04-24 14:18:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-24 13:37:34 · 9 answers · asked by Shadie 1

or do you wait until they smell like a dog that rolled around in something rotten before you force them to change their scent?

2007-04-24 13:31:13 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

my close friend and i got into a fight and i haven't seen her for a whole month. but we talk again because we realized we fought over stupid sh*t. okay now my question is, HOW THE F$#*@ do you loose 20 pounds in 1 month!?!? i mean, she says shes been having alot of stress but still, 20 lbs in a month from stress doesn't make sense. she eats alot too. I haven't asked her or talked to her about it yet because i don't want to come off rude. but if that's the case, as a good friend i would like to help her.

2007-04-24 13:25:01 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have just started dating this guy and he used to be a friend of the family and now they all hate him and they dont know i am dating him what do i do ( considering that the last time my family took a dislike to my man my dad wanted to kill him phsical ) i need advice

2007-04-24 12:31:17 · 15 answers · asked by wendy d 1

I am doing a research study on the family, specifically on the middle child. Please answer in this order. (open ended questions)

1) Which birth order would you like to be in?
a) oldest b) middle c) youngest d) only

2) Do you like being a middle child?
a) yes b) no

3)Do you feel that you are the odd one out in your family's pecking order? Explain.

4) Including yourself, how many siblings do you have, and where do you rank amongst your siblings.

5) Describe at least 3 of your greatest traits.

6)Describe you greatest weaknesses/ faults.

7) How are you treated by your parents, compared to your siblings.

8)How did being a middle child benefit to hinder you psychologically?

9) People say the middle child usually experience something called the middle child syndrome which is an emotional scarring condition that includes neglect, forgotten dates, and sometimes in bad cases forgetting they even exist. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Explain.

2007-04-24 12:29:44 · 9 answers · asked by greenary 5

my friend had sex in a dugout and she said it was very fun and interesting and i was wondering if it really was and where is the best place to have sex besides the bedroom. thankks

2007-04-24 12:13:43 · 5 answers · asked by Sammii Miamii 1

Does anyone have any ideas how i can help get my boyfriend back into the positives again he is over -£800 in his bank account and has £600 on the credit card. But i sort of dont understand why because i do pay my half of the bills and he earns a little bit more than me. My current financial situation is +£300. Why does he end up so low? and how can i help him sort this out before my contract for my job ends in 3 months? Does anyone have any ideas of how i can help him sort out this debt in time without chucking money at him like i did with our loan i ended up paying £1880 at least of the £2300 loan as egg also took some off. And i dont wanna be paying out money to pay more of his debts out i have been putting money behind me incase i didnt get a job so we wont lose our flat which is £1000. I am only 18 years old. I have my 2 jobs and college but still finding time to help him out of his financial state but when it comes to his computer and upgrading he cant help himself he has to have

2007-04-24 12:12:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me & the father were dating for a lil over a year. All the while he was married ( I know...that as my job to stay way from him)...he left home, came to live in the city near me and we continued to date (supposedly exclusively). Turns out he was playing both me and his wife. The whole time he would bring his 2 youngest kids ( he has 4 + my baby) to my house and he would screw with their minds about how he loved me & their mother. Anyway, he was also very abusive -mentally & physically- so I got an order of protection against him. However, he wants to claim paternity and have visitation. I do not think he should have this right (for now) because my daughter doesn't need to see him with his other family..she is too young. When she is older it will be up to her. He's still abusing drugs and alcohol & I don't feel he should be around her. He wasn't around for half of the pregnancy. So if his lawyers serve me to establish paternity...do I have to..or as her mother can I say NO?

2007-04-24 12:11:16 · 5 answers · asked by Veryunsure 1

This happened last summer... what should i do?

2007-04-24 11:56:08 · 23 answers · asked by Mikey 1

2007-04-24 11:38:27 · 11 answers · asked by Andrew H 1

well im 15 but i fell in love with this girl when i was 12 i havent seen her in like 5 or 6 months and i still think about her alot when i fell in love my love for her was so deep and i dream about her sometimes,my heart used to always udes to tell me she was the one for me and were meant to be but i never acted on what my heart wanted i fell deeply in love with her around november 2004,and i still love her to this day i just know inside were perfect for eachother and that her relationships isnt going to last cuase i just know im her destiny ill always love her,and i barely have fantasies of us having sex,mostly i have fantacies of me and her in the future me and her have a house together and oneday she walks up to me she ask me "do you think im fat" than i say no and then shes like thats it thats it im taking the kids and im leaving and then i grab her and tell her that shes the bueatifullest woman in the world to me and always will be and then i give her a kiss,and i cant really

2007-04-24 10:55:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had major relationship problems for a long time now, my boyfriend does not act respectful to me, lies/sneaks, drinks and does drugs alot. Now I am the one who has made a terrible mistake, I got really intoxicated and I made out with another man. I feel awful and have already told him what happened because I do not lie to him and I up until now am not the cheating type. I feel awful and I hurt him alot but at the same time can not help thinking that he somewhat did it to himself. I have told him a million times I feel unloved and alone, that I need him to be honest with me and that all the drugs, drinking, disrespect and sleepless nights are taking a tole on our relationship but nothing had changed and he has not tried to make it better in the last two years. We've been together for six years and there is no excuse for what happened but how can we fix this? is it possible to work out so many problems at once? he had cheated when we were young but not in years. HELP I need advice

2007-04-24 10:26:43 · 22 answers · asked by Ceilidh 2

2007-04-24 09:56:13 · 15 answers · asked by BlackBeauty_4_U 1

He's thinks he's so cool n whenever i try 2 be nice, he acts stuck up. My friend says hi to him and he rolls his eyes. The only person he's nice 2 is my sister. He even dissed 1 of me and my sister's friends behind my sister's back! what should i do? I don't wanna make her think i'm trying 2 break them up out of spite! There's something really not right about him...

2007-04-24 09:38:15 · 7 answers · asked by Vic Ca$h 1

Is it j ust me? they are so confusing sometimes yet you can see right through them! 3 mnhs ago my bf of over 2 years broke up with me... few days after tells me "not liek I want to getback together with you now the way that your acting" then next thing "we're never gettign back together" last month he says "its liek this for now" next text message "its liek thos forever" week later "we arent gettign back together anytime soone, maybe never" I accuse him of being confused. yet he says he knows what he wants! LOL! obviously not. yes i do still love him alot. and he tells me "I wouldnt wait for me If i were you, i dont want any kind of relationship" that was the only time we talked (last month) we agrred to keep in touch. I have been doing great but things havent been going well for for him.

but how can i REALLY move on. part of me want to. and theres another part of me who wants to wait still. cause of all those things hes said to me..

things did not end badly between us at all

2007-04-24 09:35:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a guy came up to you and let you know that your crack was showin, Would you be offended?

Would you want some1 to tell you, or is ignorance really bliss?

What if you only knew the person as an aquintance.

(by the way, im in high school, 11th grade)

2007-04-24 09:29:20 · 21 answers · asked by Anon Helper 3

2007-04-24 08:42:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don`t have a tv.
I have a 2 year old daughter.
I have a few books that I could read, but that would get me even more bored.
So...u tell me :)
I`m 20 by the way. No friends lol

2007-04-24 08:23:14 · 14 answers · asked by Bpaty 2

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