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Other - Family & Relationships - 28 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

Hi once again, thanks & sorry if I am being a pain but this sight is my only help at the moment while coming to terms with Bipolar! If you have read any of my last post you would have seen that my partner has left me along with our 3month old baby due to a relapse that happened 3 weeks ago! prior to this I was receiving treatment for depression and after she left I was diagnosed with Bipolar. I have made every attempt to try and get her involved in my treatment, attend counceling so she can be educated on the condition without any success! I would like our family to still be together for our 3month old son and have him grow up in a family environment. In the wake of all this my partner has threatened she will not return home until I move out, this being I cannot see our son. Since then she has gotten an "Ouster Order" meaning the law can force me out of our family home. I would just up and leave BUT I currently do not have a job therefore no funds to move out, My phycologist does not

2006-07-28 04:12:57 · 14 answers · asked by parso 1

What are some of the excuses that a cheating person may come up with? Why do people cheat?

2006-07-28 04:12:55 · 7 answers · asked by Jonah 2

I have had an ok morning so far. What about the rest of you out there in this big world? Just courious, what is your occupation?

2006-07-28 04:08:04 · 5 answers · asked by RAINBOW 3

2006-07-28 04:06:43 · 9 answers · asked by quicksand 2

For me it was I think 4th grade her name Was Brandi. She was Stacked. To this day I never kissed her or anything. In like 7th grade she would always flash me and stuff, I never knew what to do I was a shy idiot.

2006-07-28 04:03:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom thinks it is fine as long as he treats me right... but my stepdad doesn't like it at all what should i do???

2006-07-28 04:00:02 · 9 answers · asked by lilbabiboo74 1

flirt shamelessly with my Doctor (internist, NOT Gyn)???? He does so with me, and I've never really reciprocated. I think I'd like to give it right back to him. I'm scheduled for an annual physical in September. Flirting is harmless, right?

2006-07-28 03:59:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-28 03:58:27 · 26 answers · asked by Smily 2

The first thing that needs pointed out is that women love sex; if they didn't then there wouldn't be billions of people conceived through sex. Now that may sound obvious but there was a period in the 1990s when feminists ruled even more than they do now and back then they asserted that, 'all sex is rape'. Now, a, the feminists/male-haters are talking rubbish and, b, we all know they're talking rubbish, now; but in the 90s people believed what they had to say. It's unthinkable to us now, but it used to be believed.

Secondly, the whole issue of 'rape' needs put in context, it's an out dated notion; I mean, the concept that a woman's genitals are special is a joke--- huge numbers of women in the west are prostituting themselves to our governments. And let's just focus on the idea of something being put in our bodies without our consent, it means nothing. If a woman put her finger in our mouths then we wouldn't cry rape. And every one of us have had our wives stick her finger in our mouths, just to annoy us. To suggest that it's somehow different when it's a woman's body is discrimination and needs to be treated as such. Also the people who commit such discrimination need to be prosecuted. The days of discriminaton and male-hatred/misandry are over.
On the other hand if we want rape to be an issue because it's a Biblical concept then ok but many other things come with that. If we're going to have Biblical penalties for men then we would need Biblical penalties for women who falsely cry rape. Of whom there are vast numbers it has to be remembered. The penalty is to be equal to the penalty that the man would have got, had he been guilty*. For a list of what this would mean to her see below**.

And what about the so called 'rape' of innocents.
If a woman has sex with a minor, which is rape in law, then why don't women get punished as often?

This is all just discrimination and we need to call it such. Thankfully we're all aware of discrimination now and this let's us all see that women really have had a cosy deal. With virtually everything biased in their favour.

Now some may say that one isn't traumatized when one's wife sticks her finger in one's mouth. Well first I refute that and second the law doesn't say anything about the woman's need to be traumatized. It just says that you have to be having sex after she has decided that she doesn't want you in that location. One micro-second after she has decided.
The law says that you have to prove that she gave her consent. Now how are you going to do that?!! The law needs to be laughed at here and derided. So just think about it, you will have to hand your woman a form and get her signature each time that you sleep with her, and come to think of it then you would need to get her to sign it anew every second just to make sure that she's not changed her mind.
This is the way the government treats every man who tries to help his country. Next time that there's a war on they will want us to fight for them too. And they'll want to shoot us for being frightened too- just as they did in the first, 'world war'. Think about that--- being abused whilst women get to sit by nice warm fires- as allways, traditionally, happened.
I want to point out that I was crying as my wife stuck her finger in my mouth so if that's not trauma then what is? I felt emotionally unable to deal with all of the stuff that she was doing to me, and there was more you can be sure. So I just tried to switch off. If we take physical force out of the equation then my wife is stronger than me, and when she has destroyed my ability to think rationally then my body doesn't have a mind making it do anything, and so physical strength isn't in the equation. Rather it's a question of mental strength, and we already know that it's men who are Learned Helpless, and men who are paralysed by their wife's emotional abuse. Going on a tangent from that, if the point is that trauma makes a rape valid then what about the trauma that men feel as their wives are leaving or abusing them, this must also be 'rape'. We don't call it such because we're brainwashed to be sexist against men. Now brainwashing from mom is a wonderfull thing and it has kept us safe but here it's just gone way too far.
Now a fact is also that it's men who are emotionally disabled and who are not even able to get to the authorities and report what's happening to them, so we really don't need any more excuses for violent women. Rather we need a check put on these women so that men will become freed to report the abuse that they suffer.

*Deut 19:18

**She is, to be locked up in a cell for years, to have her food spat in daily, to be banged up 23 hours a day, to have her family ripped apart, to have her livelihood taken from her, and if she has actually managed to withstand all of this treatment and come out of it in one piece, then, to be brutally beaten when seen outdoors and left brain-damaged, to be driven from her home and friends, to be spat on, to never have any prospects... One could spend forever talking about the things which happen to a man when he's a victim of false allegations. Well if you want the Biblical form of things then this, all, must be done to the woman.

Funnily enough the 'anti rape brigade' don't want the Biblical form of things. That's fine, then the only thing left to do is to treat men and women equal. This means 'rape' being no more of a 'crime' than a woman putting her finger in a man's mouth. We must stop supporting the old discrimination. Period. Those who commit it must be put in prison. Period.

2006-07-28 03:53:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a man that I have been friends for for 14 years and we lost contact maybe 8 years ago. We never dated but we were good friends and often flirted with each other. After high school we would hang out and eventually we would kiss, make out, and grind but never anything further. Now 3 months ago we ran into each other and we have been hanging out like the good ole days. We like each other, but we never talk about it. I have not been with a man in almost 4 years and everytime we are together I cannot bring myself to talk to him about it us. 2 weeks ago I spent the nite at his house and we ended up just kissing on each other. I didn't give it up. so yesterday I went to visit him and he had a fading hickey on his neck and I felt awkward and hurt. Later that nite I went to visit him at work and he was looking at me with these eyes that make me melt. We did not talk about it. Today is his birthday and he wants me to come over all day. But now what shall I do, now that he had the hickey

2006-07-28 03:52:35 · 6 answers · asked by djzlyric 4

And why does the victim have to pay his abuser 18 years of 'child support'?

There is going to be one who says that rape isn't a big issue; so just reverse it to see how rotten a thing that is to say.- So raping women doesn't matter and is *not* a crime? How's it sound now? Heck there will be someone who will says that it's the victims fault.

2006-07-28 03:51:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the chances that someone else would make a profile in his name an use his pics, and know stuff he should only know?

2006-07-28 03:46:51 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been in this relationship and I have recently found out that the person was unfaithful most of the time. I have had girls call my phone and tell me things I really didn't care to hear. I wasted 4 years of my college life dedicating myself to someone that claims they love me. We have been through all steps a relationship can got thorugh. Tough thing is we were best friends before anything. I have finally ended the relationship, but this is the only person I had sex with and loved. They are now claiming they will change, but still won't admit their wrong doings. How can I forgive someone that won't even admit their mistakes? How can I trust someone who has betrayed me for years? Is trying to make it work in the future a terrible idea?

2006-07-28 03:44:44 · 15 answers · asked by *prettynpink* 2

I am a married person aged 35 and while having sex with my wife, I often think of having sex with some other girl. I was wondering if my wife thinks of having sex with other guy while having sex with me. This thought disturbs me a lot.

2006-07-28 03:43:08 · 7 answers · asked by Richie R 1

where do i live?

2006-07-28 03:41:52 · 16 answers · asked by bakbiter 3

Providenciales, Turks & Caicos Island.

2006-07-28 03:41:19 · 2 answers · asked by enriquita c 1


2006-07-28 03:41:18 · 8 answers · asked by Emily R 2

2006-07-28 03:40:50 · 18 answers · asked by tina m 6

i am 18 and had a miscarriage may 18 i was 5 months. i still talk to my ex. bf sometimes but makes me more bitter we were not talking when it happened and dont really talk about what happened it makes me mad and unhappy i still am in love with him. i am dating a new guy and its not helping i just realized i am dating him because he reminds me of my ex. bf. i met my ex. new gf and creepy she a lot like me even in looks but most of all in personality this bothers me. and most recently i have the yearning to get pregnant again even though i will be starting college this september worse my ex.bf and i are attending same school and have at least one class together.i look at my ultra sound pics i have and cry and i cant babysit my 8 month old baby cousin anymore cause it hurts. the more i pretend i dont hurt the more i hurt inside. i try to pretend with my ex. bf that i dont care but i do! trying for as many opions as possible.

2006-07-28 03:38:58 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-28 03:35:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love a sir/teacher of our school, I love him very much ,many of them thinks it is an attraction but i know it is a true love,I may be leaving my school this year.My sir comes to my house,he is unmarried,and 13-14 years older than me,we are also good friend .he don't know my feelings,I can't forget him.It is just impossible to forget him .....What will i do? WillI propose him?" plz help i am very much confused!

2006-07-28 03:32:56 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love a sir/teacher of our school, I love him very much ,many of them thinks it is an attraction but i know it is a true love,I may be leaving my school this year.My sir comes to my house,he is unmarried,and 13-14 years older than me,we are also good friend .he don't know my feelings,I can't forget him.It is just impossible to forget him .....What will i do? WillI propose him?" plz help i am very much confused!

2006-07-28 03:30:31 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

so I stopped by last night when it was just the two of them there, I was having a hard night with the kids fighting and neede some peace. I have never stopped bye to say hello in the past, and since they were not there on the clock, I thought it would be okay.

Was i wrong to stop bye? Is it wrong to leave the house with children after 8:00 at night and do this?

I am asking because my husband told me I am a horrible mother to do this, but my kids enjoy a night drive every day before bed time, and so do I because I am in the house all day.

2006-07-28 03:30:21 · 16 answers · asked by proud mommy and wife 4

Some girls lose their virginaty because of their own pleasure & some bad guys cheat with girls & destroy their virginaty. Who care about virginaty they dont distroy girls virginaty & dont cheat with them. But some bad guys do it as a result when another guys look for virgin girl they become crazy stupid & post damn message because they want to make all girls naked just like their own dream to fulfil their nasty dream. Some girls do same they love to lose their virginaty & love play with guys & they are not satisfied with one guy just like cricket. Thats why when a man look for a virgin girl they become crazy damn & post damn message. They want to tell its 2006 & all girls will be like them non virgin. They call it rights but do you really think it that its right? Its just a bad lesson of damn guys like vladshouse1 & girls like cricket its not rights. They support it because they are nasty like what they say & thats why they post bad message to make guys & girls bad like them.

2006-07-28 03:29:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I really think I'm addicted to girls. Hey ladies, is it the same for you?

2006-07-28 03:14:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


would you expect a kiss on a date?

2006-07-28 02:51:51 · 22 answers · asked by alix 1


my gf is pregant & won't have sex with me so i am sleeping with my ex gf am i a pig?

2006-07-28 02:51:29 · 9 answers · asked by mrsunshine56987 5

my older sis she got married and have a baby girl the proplem is when she come back at my family home she started to say bad words about dad and about me 2 the proplem is so big that i dont know how to say it ... so can someone help me !!!!

2006-07-28 02:48:58 · 20 answers · asked by toleen s 1

I have no mum or dad,no brothers or sisters,no cousins,aunts or uncles.Just my partner and kids.What does it feel like?

2006-07-28 02:46:59 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was with my child's father for about 12 years, no proposal, no ring. I left him and he is now engaged to the girl he cheated on me with 7 years ago. I met a nice man this past january, we became official 4/26/06, and I broke up with him yesterday becuase he keeps accusing me of cheating and lying and flirting on myspace and with my child's father. When he constantly says hes still loves his ex (who is now married), he screams and yells at me and says that I am a constant f*ck up all the time. He says he will never get married and that is why nice guys don't get into relationships. I went from one extreme to the next. All I require is kindness and love, I am extremely loyal and faithful and just asked for a husband and a family. Now I am jaded and refuse to give my heart up anymore. What the hell??!!!

2006-07-28 02:45:45 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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