Can some one help me please! I have this thought that im boring. I have a "playa's voice", incase you dont knoe what a playa is, it is some one who "plays" girls, Aka cheats on them. So, my voice sounds deep and smooth, like im trying to get a girls number (im not like that anyways, im a one girl guy :-). The point is that this voice is not very enthuiastic, and adds to my boringness.
I have been doin agood job showing enthusiasm but i dont do anything fun, i dont hang out with any body, i dont do much of the things i see other kids doing. All i do is go to school, do my home work, then play video games. Im not active or nothin like that. Only this year, did i decide to go to recreation centers and do what i do
So my question is: how can i become intersting? Its really bad when u dump ur girlfriend and she says " i dont even know y i liked u anyways, ur real boring and whack."
Also, im not doing this for a girl, i just wanted to know how to become more lively and spirited
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